

The Application and Study of Intelligent Agent in E-Business

【作者】 吴胜

【导师】 吕峰;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们生活质量的不断提高,人们已经不再满足于传统的、基于互联网的电子商务模式,而是需要能代替人并且具有一定逻辑推理能力、自学习能力、交流能力的智能化的电子交易模式。因为智能代理具有自主性、交互性、智能性等特点,所有必要将智能代理和电子商务结合起来。 将智能代理应用于电子商务是一个新的课题,国内外在此领域的理论研究还处于起步阶段,还没有成熟的实际系统。在分析、研究和总结了智能代理和电子商务的理论的基础上,本论文主要在以下三方面作了一些研究:1提出了能够应用于电子商务的智能代理框架结构,2为智能决策提出了多阶加权智能算法,3利用JSP开发了一个原型系统。 本文的内容结构如下: 1.本文在总结、分析了诸多对智能代理的描述的基础上,提出了智能代理的框架结构。 2.由于智能代理是要代替顾客去完成任务,因此要分析顾客对商品的喜好,这就需要对顾客过去的购物数据进行分析,然后再对顾客今后的购物行为进行预测,本文对数据的分类、预测等作了介绍。 3.安全认证是电子商务中非常重要的部分,本文也介绍了有关安全认证的理论。 4.在对购物行为的特点进行了仔细的研究后,提出了用于智能决策的多阶加权算法,此算法的特点是:算法简单、计算速度快、实现方便。 5.在多阶加权智能算法的基层上,利用JSP开发一个原型系统。系统采用JSP是因为A.JSP比CGI具有更好的性能和扩展性;B.JSP不需用指定的客户端设置;C.JSP对HTTP会话提供嵌入式支持,使编写更容易。 美国的研究人员已经成功的开发了一套基于智能代理的网上拍卖的原型系统;我国在这方面的研究还处于起步阶段,还有很多工作要做。

【Abstract】 With the consecutive improvement of the quality of people’s life, People are not satisfied with the traditional e-business, and they need an intelligent e-business, which has the abilities of logical reasoning, self-study and communication. So it is necessary to combine intelligent agent and e-business, for intelligent agent has the traits of self-decision, communication and intelligence.Applying intelligent agent into e-business is a relatively new subject; the research work of this subject in home and abroad is still in initial stage. There are no mature systems in practice. In this thesis, I put forward three innovative points: 1.putting an intelligent arithmetic; 2.putting forward a framework of intelligent agent; 3.utilizing JSP to develop an original system.First, I put forward a framework of intelligent agent on the basis of analyzing and summarizing some definitions of intelligent agent. Second, because intelligent agent is to accomplish task in place of clients, it is necessary to classify and relate clients’ past shopping date in order to know clients’ attitude towards certain commodities. Then we can use the date to predict what kinds of commodities clients will buy. Third, Security authentication is a very important part of e-business, so theory about security authentication is discussed in the thesis. Forth, An intelligent arithmetic is put forward. The arithmetic is simple, easy to be realized, and has a fast computation speed. Finally, I developed an original system with the intelligent arithmetic put forward by me. The development tool is JSP for: A. JSP has better capability and extension than CGI; B.Client Setting is not needed by JSP; CJSP provides embedded support for HTTP dialogue, which makes programming easier.Some U.S researchers have successfully developed an original system of on-web auction based on intelligent agent. There is, however, still a lot of research work to do.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】200

