

Study of Fuzzy-Neutral Network in Improving the See-saw Beam Sway Dampening System

【作者】 付鹏程

【导师】 刘金华; 李勇智;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 岸边集装箱起重机(简称岸桥)作为集装箱船与集装箱港口前沿之间装卸集装箱的主要设备,其装卸能力直接决定集装箱港口作业生产率。为提高岸边桥式起重机作业效率,人们采取了一系列的改进岸桥的技术和措施,如:研发完全集装箱装卸的自动操作技术;改进装卸设备采用了双箱吊具作业,平均能使装卸效率平均提高25%以上;改进装卸方式采用了双小车接力作业等。在装卸设备和装卸方式上的技术改进已经日趋完善,人们渴望新的控摇技术出现的同时,也在不断改善老式的防摇方式。 跷板梁式减摇装置结构简单,不需要额外的辅助钢丝绳或装置,防摇效果也较好。其应用劣势主要体现在:防摇效果不够理想,动载适应能力不强,自动化程度不高,液压故障较多等。 本文主要针对跷板梁式减摇装置动载适应能力不强,自动化程度不高,改进液压回路,并引入基于神经网络的模糊控制和PLC控制技术。在液压技术方面,采用节能措施,减小液压发热量,从而在一定程度上减小液压故障的发生率。 在控制方式方面,本文采用智能控制方式,它不同于经典控制理论和现代控制理论的处理方法,它的主要目标仍是被控对象,而重点放在控制器本身。智能控制的实现有机地融合了模糊神经网络理论。引入模糊控制主要是为了克服由于过程本身的不确定性、不精确性及噪音带来的困难,弥补了神经网络信息初始权值难以确定的不足。但是,纯粹的模糊控制不具备完善的控制规则,而且自学习能力差,因此,引入神经网络生成隶属函数修改模糊控制规则来弥补模糊控制的不足,和模糊控制一起构成模糊神经网络控制器,它组成了本文智能控制的核心内容。此外,在智能自动控制方面还引入了PLC控制,实现自动调节阻尼和自动报警等功能,以提高减摇系统自动化程度。 理论研究结果表明:改进后的跷板式减摇系统具有减摇效果较好,能够提高自动化,智能化控制程度,也是一个值得去进一步研究和发展的课题。

【Abstract】 Quaryside Portainers (QP for abbreviation) are mainly mechinery for loading and unloading containers between container-ships and harbors,whose loading or unloading capacity decide containers harbor operation production-rate.High production-rate is primely destination of QP production-rate.lt impels QP to develop in the way of huge-type high-speed trolley ,automation, intelligent and environment -prevention.To increase the production-rate of QP,people adopt a series of techniques and measures to improving abilities of QP:(1)Reseach and develop totally automation technology, such as automation laocation, identification and evasion the obstacle in the way of container’s motion, industrial manipulator wristlock etc.(2)Application of Two-box spreader to improve loading mechanism which can averagely promote 25 percent of production-rate.(3)Application of two trolleys to improve the method of loading.As the technology of loading equipment and method of loading gradually becomes perfect,developing and researching new sway-prevention or how to improve traditional sway-prevention is the key problem we must be faced with.Seesaw-beam sway-prevention mechanism don’t need auxiliary steel wire and has a simple construct. This paper improve the dampen hydraulic circuit to adopt variable Load and enhance the degree of automation, meanwhile apply in the economizing tech -nology to low the hydraulic failure.This paper adopts intelligent control ,different from the model in way of classic and modern control theory, whose mainly aims at controller it self ,but at object being controlled.classic and modern control theory look feeble in disposing the problem such as sway-prevention.This paper disserts intelligent control as following two facets: Fuzzy control concludes from people’s control experiments of real production into fuzzy control rules set,as a method of language control ,it need not know the exact mathematical model Introducing fuzzy control’ mainly overcome the difficult brought byinexactitude and voice in the process of control to compensate the deficiency in hard-established original weights of neutral network..But pure fuzzy control has not perfect control rules and feeble self -study ,so introducing neutral network creates subjection function and edits fuzzy control rules. Neutral network and fuzzy control together build fuzzy- neutral network controller ,which is the core content of this paper.Besides,introducing the PLC control enhance the degree of the intelligence and automation to realize adjustment damper and automatically warning. An expectd result of dumping,intelligent and automatical control of improved sway-prevention seesaw-beam mechanism and hydraulic system with less obstacles is proved in theory.

【关键词】 跷板梁变阻尼智能控制模糊神经网络PLC
【Key words】 Seesaw-beamAlterable damperIntelligent controlFNNPLC
  • 【分类号】U653
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】123

