

The Stock Option in Real Estate under WTO Situation

【作者】 李红民

【导师】 王红兵;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 现代企业的目标是追求利润最大化。而实现这一目标的最基本因素是员工。如何管理和激励员工,使其发挥其最大效能,为企业创造财富,是每个企业老总所关心的问题。 有效的激励对企业的重要性无需多言,没有有效的激励,企业轻则失去员工士气,重则导致人才流失。而优秀人才是企业建立核心竞争力的关键和保持竞争优势的基本资源,人才的流失是企业不可估量的损失。本文将结合当前中国加入WTO的形式,以及我国房地产业现状,就人力资源管理的人员激励方面做一点讨论。 房地产业具有专业性强、风险大、投资额大、投资回收期长、工作关系复杂、人员流动性大等特点。这些特点决定了房地产从业人员必须要具有扎实的专业知识、良好的心理素质、长远的眼光及很强的综合能力。房地产企业对人员素质和管理水平有较高的要求。许多房地产企业近几年发展困难,原因固然很多,但房地产从业人员专业素质较差,企业领导对人力资源管理工作重视不够是其中最直接的原因之一。因此人力资源管理对房地产企业来说是一项十分重要的工作。我国目前从事在房地产业的人员不少,但高级管理人员和技术骨干不多,从业人员的素质普遍偏低。而房地产业劳动力要注重质量而不是数量。而由于缺乏有效的激励机制,导致人才流失,企业核心队伍不稳定,企业难以发展。为了保证企业核心队伍的稳定和企业的持续发展,房地产企业应设计长期而有效的激励机制。而期权激励则是目前一种有效的长期激励体制。 本文将结合我国房地产业现状,阐述期权激励在房地产业实施的必要性、可行性,对其具体实施和实施中可能出现的问题做一个有益的探讨。

【Abstract】 The purpose of enterprises is to gain the maximal profits. To realize the purpose, one of the essential element is the employees. How to manage and inspirit the staff, make them to do their best for the company, is the question in front of every chief manager.How to gain effective inspiritment to the company employees is a fundamental problem. Without effective inspiritment, the company employees will lose their morale or they will leave the company. However, employees of abilities compose the core competence of the corporation and they are the fundamental resource of the company. This thesis will discuss the problem of how to inspirit the employees in real estate field. It is a part of human resource management.The characteristic of real estate is high speciality, high adventure, high investment long time feedback, high complexity of work relationship and so on. It is required that the employees in real estate corporations should have good specialities, well endurances, long eyesight and strong ability to analysis. But nowadays, it is lack of such qualified persons in the real estate field. So, human resource management is a very important task. And it is needed that the company should make a plan of long term inspiritment system, and stock option is such a kind of inspiritment system.According to the situation of our national real estate, this thesis will expatiate the essentiality and feasibility of putting Stock Option in practice. And this thesis will bring forward an instructive discussion on the question.

  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【下载频次】111

