

Research on the Connection of the Cost of Delivery and Storage and Making a Price in the Logistics Centre

【作者】 杨旸

【导师】 方芳;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 由于物流活动贯穿于企业活动的全过程,包括原材料物流、生产物流、从工厂到配送中心再到用户的物流,包装、装卸搬运、储存、流通加工等各个活动中的费用都计作物流成本。但是,企业财务数据计算的物流费用只能反映物流成本的部分,有相当数量的物流费用是不可见的。日本早稻田大学西泽修教授对这一现象提出了物流冰山的学说,向外支付的物流费用只是冰山的一角,而大量的物流费用是在企业内部消耗的。因此物流成本结构复杂,成本与服务价格间的关系不易清晰表达,且国内相关的研究文献较少,不利于我国物流中心的服务价格制定。本论文希望通过对客户的商品结构及其市场特征与第三方物流公司作业的关系进行研究,找出一套合理的方式来描述成本、服务价格间的关系。 本论文的分析除了对于物流中心的主要功能及作用、物流业的成本结构、物流业的一般定价模式的相关文献进行探讨之外,研究资料是以D公司2002年1月至12月所服务的主要客户的合约价格、进出货资料为基础,对影响物流中心制订服务价格的因素进行分析,进而对物流成本中的主要部分—配送及仓储成本与服务价格间的关系作一详细研究。 本论文的研究方法主要是以分析配送与仓储部分的成本与客户需求特征间的关联性,结合D公司的资料,D公司的各客户对照表,汇总客户资料的曲线分布型态,以统计相关分析和定性分析的方式,说明各客户间服务价格与配送及仓储作业成本间的关联性。 通过分析研究,本论文得出的结论是:配送商品类别的不同是造成配送及仓储价格差异的主要原因,且在本研究中发现A客户最能反映商品特性与服务价格间的关系。另外,物流商所提供给客户的服务品质、客户与物流商之间的关系都会直接影响到配送及仓储价格的制订。将来可把定性分析转化为定量研究,以建立一套完整的物流业定价模式,从而为第三方物流中心服务价格的制定提供依据。

【Abstract】 Due to logistics activities impenetrate to all process of the corporation, including raw material logistics, produce logistics, and the logistics of factory to delivery center, and to custom, all expenses number logistics cost that include packing, loading and unloading, stocking, circulating etc. But the logistics cost that is calculated throng corporation finance data only can reflect the part of logistics cost. Quit logistics cost is invisible. Japan 早稻田 university professor 西泽修 bring forward logistics cost iced theory aiming at this phenomenon. Namely the logistics cost paying is only the small part, and that plentiful logistics cost is costumed in the corporation. So logistics cost is very complex, and the connection of the cost and the price isn’t in focus. And the inland correlative literature is very lack. So this goes against framing price of the third logistics center in our country. Through studying the connection of commodity kinds and market character of the client and the third logistics center, we find out rational manner to depict the connection of cost and price.This study, expect the analysis of logistics center key function and effect, logistics cost and the mode making a price, the study data is based on agreement price, passing in and out goods of 2002 year. And present factor that infect to make a price of logistics center. And traverse the connection of the cost of delivery and storage and price.The research method of this study mostly analyze the connection of the cost of delivery and storage and price, and combine D company data, D company clients’ comparison list, and take statistics correlation analysis and qualitative analysis to explain the connection the cost of delivery and storage and price.The conclusion of the paper is that the key reason of the price difference in delivery and storage is the different kinds of commodities by analysis and research, and find that A client can reflect the connection of commodities character and price. It also can touch to make a price that serve quality and the footing with client. Inthe future, it is significative that make qualitative analysis to translate into fix quantify study, so that establish a suit of intact logistics fix a price mode. And make it become the gist of the third part logistics center making a price.

【关键词】 物流中心配送仓储服务价格
【Key words】 logistics centerdeliverystorageprice
  • 【分类号】F253
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1106

