

Research on the Properties of Mortar in the Crack-Harness of Aerated Concrete Block Walling

【作者】 闫国胜

【导师】 袁海庆;

【作者基本信息】 武汉理工大学 , 结构工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 随着环境保护与可持续发展越来越成为当今建筑业的热点问题,加气混凝土砌块作为一种新型墙体材料应运而生,它特有的集高强、保温隔热、质量轻、可加工性强等一系列优点为一体的特点使得建筑过程更为有效、省时、省力,从而倍受建筑业的欢迎,被广泛用作多层、高层和加层建筑的墙体材料。然而,由于加气混凝土本身特有的多孔结构和吸水特性,采用普通砂浆砌筑与抹灰,即使按现行加气混凝土砌块施工规定的方法施工,由于实际操作工艺复杂,各工序质量难以保证,依然有墙体开裂,抹灰层大面积龟裂和局部起鼓、空壳、脱落等现象。工程技术人员急需找到一种能满足设计要求的防裂缝专用砂浆。本文就是在这个大背景下,通过研究一种蒸压粉煤灰加气混凝土砌块专用配套材料(砌筑与抹灰砂浆)的性能,分析其与蒸压加气混凝土砌块墙材特性的相匹配性,从而找到治理加气混凝土砌块墙体开裂、空鼓的现实有效的方法。 本文概述了加气混凝土砌块墙体开裂情况和开裂原因,并从力学,加气混凝土砌块材料特性,普通砂浆特性,施工工艺等方面分析了加气混凝土砌块墙体的裂缝开裂机理,分析了加气混凝土砌块专用砂浆研究的可行性。并根据专用砂浆中复合外加剂的各个组分(保水剂、聚合物、无机矿物等)对砂浆主要性能(保水性、强度、收缩性、抗弯性等)的影响来确定每个组分的掺量范围,再通过正交实验确定最佳配合比,然后就普通砂浆与专用砂浆的保水性、抗压强度和粘结强度、收缩值、抗弯曲性能以及其它性能进行了对比,对比结果表明专用砂浆的保水性、抗压强度和粘结强度、收缩值、抗弯曲性能以及其它性能较普通砂浆都有了很大的提高,说明加气混凝土砌块专用砂浆在一定程度上可以改善加气混凝土砌块墙体的开裂情况。并且对加气混凝土砌块墙体防裂配套材料应用技术进行了研究,就专用砂浆在试点工程中的使用情况进行了调查分析。结果表明采用专用砂浆的技术方案是能够达到设计要求的,不失为加气混凝土砌块墙体裂缝治理中一条现实可行的方法。

【Abstract】 With environmental compatibility and sustainability becoming increasingly important issues in the construction industry, AAC has emerged as the ultimate building material. Its unique combination of superior strength, lightweight, heat-insulating and workability makes the construction process much more efficient, saving both time and labor costs. Due to AAC’s unique cell structure and absorbing water propriety, However, There are still many problems, when we adopt ordinary mortar to construct and plasterer ash, such as wall crack, big area of layer of plasterer ash crack and partially hollow drum, even according to present AAC technical specifications, for the actual operation craft is so complicated that It is very to guarantee each preface quality. Engineering and technical personnel need to find out urgently an AAC exclusive mortar that can meet the design need. Under this big background, the text come up with the conceive-to study the behavior of an AAC exclusive affiliate material (building and plaster ring ash mortar), and analyze how it match with AAC brick’s characteristics. Consequentially, we can find a practical efficient way for the AAC brick walling to defend crack and hollow drum.The text summarized the situations and factors of AAC brick walling’s crack, and in the terms of mechanics, AAC material characteristics, ordinary mortar characteristics, constructing craft, we analyze the principle of AAC brick walling crack and feasibility of AAC brick exclusive mortar research. According to each ingredients (water retaining admixture, polymer, inorganic mineral)’ effect to mortar’s behaviors (water relentivity, strength, contractility) in exclusive mortar ’s composite addition, the text defines each ingredient’s quantity scope, then define the mix through cross experiment. We compared the AAC exclusive mortar’s behaviors such as water relentivity, compressive strength, binding strength, shrinkage, flexural strength and others to ordinary mortar’s ones, It turn out to be that there is much improve in former’s behaviors such as water relentivity, compressive strength, binding strength, shrinkage, flexural strength etc, It also shows that the AAC exclusive mortar can improve the crack in AAC brick walling to a certain degree. At last, we study the application technical for AAC exclusive affiliate material and investigate exclusive mortar’s application condition in the pilot project, the survey shows that to adopt exclusive mortar’s technical scheme is enough to meet design’s need. We confine surely that It is a practicable efficient way in harnessing AAC brick walling’s crack.

  • 【分类号】TU578.1
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】344

