

Study on Technical System of Tissue Culture in Ardisia Mamillata Hance

【作者】 康美玲

【导师】 王永清; 庄平;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 森林培育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究力求探索虎舌红(Ardisia Mamillata Hance)组织培养快速繁殖的有效途径。以虎舌红的叶片、叶柄、茎尖、带芽茎段为外植体,着重研究其培养的最佳培养基配方及培养程序,建立虎舌红快繁技术体系。结果表明: 1)虎舌红组培条件为温度25±2℃,每天光照14h,光强1500~2000lux左右。 2)虎舌红组织培养快速繁殖的外植体以嫩叶(具有主叶脉)或顶芽或侧芽为好,最佳取材时间为3月中旬。 3)外植体消毒灭菌的有效方法是:先用肥皂水浸洗后,再用自来水冲洗1~2小时,冲洗干净后,晾干,切取其茎段、芽、嫩叶和叶柄分别放入装有75%酒精的烧杯中浸30s后取出,放入0.1%的升汞中消毒8min,在无菌条件下取出,用无菌水冲洗4~6次,为了冲洗掉残留的(Hg2+),每次无菌水冲洗时间不少于2分钟,并不停地振荡,以便无菌水与材料充分接触。接种时,用干净滤纸吸干外植体表面水分,可以明显减少污染率和褐变率。 4)初代培养:芽萌发的最佳培养基为:2/3MS+BA2mg/L+IBA0.2mg/L+蔗糖3%,萌发率为91.0%;愈伤组织诱导的最佳培养基为MS+BA1.0mg/L+2,4-D1.0mg/L+蔗糖3%或MS+BA0.2mg/L+NAA0.2mg/L+2,4-D0.5mg/L+蔗糖3%,诱导效果较好,愈伤组织诱导率分别为75.19%,67.72%。 5)继代培养:芽苗增殖最佳培养基为MS+BA1.5mg/L+NAA0.1mg/L+蔗糖3%,增殖系数可达6.6,且芽苗生长良好。 6)生根培养:生根培养基以1/2MS+IBA0.5mg/L+NAA0.5mg/L+蔗糖2%为好,生根率达93.6%。在此培养基上添加不同浓度的活性炭,以0.2%AC效果更好。 7)炼苗:在基质选择上,珍珠岩与蛭石1:1混和炼苗成活率最高(64.4%),腐殖质土次之(53.3%),而纯砂最差(35%)。 8)试验结果按最佳处理计算,繁殖系数以30~40天左右为一个增殖周期,增殖系数为6~7,年理论增殖倍数可达2.8×108,能够在短期内达到大量增殖的目的。

【Abstract】 Studies were carried out to find out the best composition of medium and propagation procedure by using the explants of terminal buds, axillary’s buds, leaves of Ardisia Mamillata Hance. The results were as follows:1)Culture conditions: temperature 25 2 , 14 hours illumination every day, and about 1500 Lux illumination intensity.2)The optimal explants were young leaves (with partial main vein), shoot tips of terminal buds or lateral buds in middle March.3)Effective surface sterilization of the primary explants was to soak them in 0.1% mercuric chloride for 8 minutes after washed in tap water for 1 ~2 hours and sterilized in 75% alcohol for 30 secends. Bloting the cultured material could prevent browning effectively when inoculating it on callus-inducing culture medium.4)Primary cultivation: The best medium for bud’s sprouting in initiation culture was 2/3MS+BA2mg/L+IBA0.2 mg/L in which sprouting rate could reach 91%. The best Callus-inducing culture medium was MS+BAlmg/L+2,4-D1.0mg/L or MS+ BA0.2mg/L +NAA0.2 mg/L +2, 4-D 0.5mg/L. Callus-inducing rate were 75.19% and 67.72% respectively.5)The best subculture medium was MS+BA1.5mg/L+NAA0.1 mg/L+sucrose3%.Where the multiplication rate was 6.6 or 2.8 108 per year.6)The best rooting medium was l/2MS+IBA0.5mg/L+NAA0.5 mg/L +sugar2% +0.2%AC. Where the rooting rate could reach 93.6%.7)Training seedling: The survial rate could reach 64.4% when the hardened rooted test tube plants were transplanted into the medium with 1/2 vermiculite and 1/2 ruby mica.

  • 【分类号】S687
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】149

