

Studies on Medicinal Value of Aconitum Gymnanodrum Maxim in the Northwestern Plateau, Sichuan

【作者】 符华林

【导师】 李英伦; 干友民;

【作者基本信息】 四川农业大学 , 基础兽医学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国药用植物资源丰富,乌头属植物是被子植物中较大的一个药用属,约有36种可供药用。露蕊乌头是乌头属露蕊乌头亚属的仅有种,其叶、花、根皆可入药,味辛,性温,可治疗关节疼痛、风湿等症。全草有毒,也是危害草地生态的毒杂草之一。为了合理开发利用露蕊乌头植物资源,我们采用经典的动物病理模型研究了其药用价值,并用改进寇氏法研究了其茎叶提取物的急性毒性,研究表明:①50%露蕊乌头茎叶水煎液按2g/kg剂量ip对二甲苯所致小鼠耳廓肿胀有显著抑制作用(p<0.05),其肿胀抑制率为26.49%。按5g/kg剂量ig能显著减少醋酸所致小鼠腹腔透过的染料量(p<0.05),其抑制率为38.67%;②按2g/kg剂量ip在60min时能显著提高小鼠热板致痛的痛阈值p<0.05),其痛阈提高百分率为55.62%。按10g/kg剂量ig能显著降低醋酸所致小鼠扭体反应次数(p<0.01),扭体抑制率为47.33%;③50%露蕊乌头水煎液滴加1滴(约25mg生药)即有明显强心作用,当用药量达100mg生药时心脏就被抑制;④露蕊乌头茎叶水煎醇沉液给小鼠腹腔注射的LD50为10.18g/kg,LD50的95%可信限为8.78~11.80g/kg。结果说明,露蕊乌头茎叶具有较好的抗炎镇痛作用和强心作用,但其安全范围窄,毒性较大。本实验研究结果为露蕊乌头的综合开发利用和防除提供了科学根据,对保护草地生态、促进草原畜牧业发展有重要作用。

【Abstract】 There are abundant medicinal plant resources in China.Aconitum L.plant is the considerable genus for medicine of the angiosperm,in which 36 species can be used as drugs. Aconitum gymnanodrum Maxim(AgM) is the only specie of Sub gen. gymnanodrum in Aconitum Z,.,the leave,flowers and roots of which can all be used as drugs.Its waste is pungent and its property is mild.It can treat the pains in the joints,rheumatism etc.Its all grass is poisonous and it is one of poisonous weeds which may imperil the ecological environment of the grasslands.To develop and utilize AgM rationally,we have studied its medicinal value by typical pathological animal models and acute toxicity of its stalk and leave in mice by modified Kaber method.The studies indicate:(l)50 percent water decoctions of stalk and leave of AgM(2g/kg,ip) can markedly inhibit the swelling of the ear caused by dimethylbenzene in mice (p<0.05),whose rate of inhibition is 26.49 percent.They (Sg/kg,ig) can also strikingly decrease the quantity of dyestuff in the abdominal cavity of mice caused by acetic acid(p<0.05),whose rate of decrease is 38.67 percent.(2)50 percent water decoctions of stalk and leave of AgM(2g/kg,ip) can obviously improve the threshold of pain in pain model mice induced by hot plate (55 ) at 60th minute (p<0.05),whose rate of the raise is 55.62 percent.They (10g/kg,ig) can markedly decrease frequencies of twisting reaction induced by aceti acid in mice (p<0.01),whose rate of the decrease is 47.33 percent.(3)A drop of 50 percent water decoctions of stalk and leave of AgM(appropriate 25mg crude drug) has evident cardiotonic effects.Appropriate lOOmg crude drug can make the independent heart inhibitted entirely.(4)Median lethal dose (LD5o) of 50percent water extracts precipitated with alcohol of stalk and leave of AgM is 10.18g/kg,whose 95 percent confidence limits are 8.78~11.80g/kg.The results show that the stalk and leave of AgM has fairly good anti-inflammatory,analgesic and cardiotonic effects,but its safe range is very narraw and it has considerable toxicity.The studies provide scientific basis for synthetical development and utilization and control of AgM,moreover they have important effects on protecting the ecological environment of the grassland and promoting the development of the livestock husbandry in grasslands.

  • 【分类号】R285
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】165

