

Study on NC Programming System of Magnetic Abrasive Finishing on Three-Dimensional Surface

【作者】 李卫京

【导师】 李文斌;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 数控是使用数字化的信息实现对机床控制的一种技术,是现代制造技术中最关键的环节之一。而磁性研磨光整加工技术,以其磨料磁刷柔性好、自适应性强、自锐性好等突出的加工特点,使自由曲面的磁性研磨数控加工成为可能,是最具潜力实现抛光自动化的光整加工方法。为了解决复杂曲面光整加工自动化这一难题,本文通过理论分析、编程和实验,对三维曲面磁性研磨的数控加工编程系统进行了深入研究和分析。 首先,进行了基础理论探讨。包括数控插补方法、曲面的三维造型以及数控加工的关键技术,从而为本课题的研究奠定了理论基础,由此确立了三维曲面磁性研磨的数控加工编程系统。 该系统由粗加工工艺、精加工工艺及数控编程软件等三部分组成。粗、精加工工艺探讨了在曲面加工过程中有关工艺参数的计算及确定,为编程软件参数化、交互式运行提供了理论依据。 系统应用C++及VBA语言开发了曲面数控加工编程软件,达到了磁性研磨数字化控制进行加工的效果。该软件运行可靠,使用方便,具有一定的实际应用价值,为复杂曲面光整加工最终摆脱手工方式实现自动化迈出了关键性的一步。

【Abstract】 NC is a technology using digital information to realize the control of machine tool, is one of the most crucial I ink in modern product technology. It is magnetic abrasive finishing technique,so as its we I I fI exibiIity , seIf-adaptabiIity and the characteristic of shapeness by itself etc. ,makes free curved surface magnetic abrasive processing of numerical control become possible, is the processing method that has the most potent i a I to rea I i ze f i n i sh i ng automat i on. To so I ve the baf f I i ng problem on the curved surface finishing processing automat ion,the paper studies and analyses deeply the NC programming system of magnetic abrasive on three-dimensional .through theoretical ana Iysis, programming and experiment.First, the basic theories have been probed into.These i nc I ude NC i nterpol at ion methods, three-d imens iona I mode I i ng of curved surface as well as the key technology about NC processing. Which offer theory bases for the subject to study. According to that, the NC programming system of magnetic abrasive on three-dimensinal is set up.The system consists of three parts which are rough machiningtechnique, finishing technique and NG programming software etc..The techn i que of rough and f i n i sh mach i n i ng d i scusses the calculation and determination concerning technique parameters in the curved surface processing and offeres theory reference for the operation of programming soft which is realized in parameter and interactive mode.On the foundation above , using C++ and VBA(Visual Basic for Application), the system has developed the NC programming software about three-dimensinal curved surface machining.The software has reached the effect of using digitlization to control the process of magnetic abrasive finishing and can be credible running , easy usage and has certain practical value. The system walks out a key step for the finishing process on complex curved surface gett i ng r id of handwork way and real i zing automatic machining method eventually.

  • 【分类号】TG596
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】116

