

The Explore of Anto-control for Drain Water Enginearing

【作者】 李学翔

【导师】 杨云龙;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 市政工程, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 该文在总结近年来国内外排水工程理论实践的基础上,着重从工艺水平与自动控制结合角度,分析了水处理自动化技术这一国际上一个热点问题在中国水处理过程中存在的进展与不足。文章介绍了水行业自动化技术的应用发展状况,涉及PLC在污水处理过程自动化中的应用,PLC在工业控制中的地位和作用;工控组态软件应用及功能特征;讨论CIMS战略和关键技术。提出在排水工程中不仅要重视传统物化工艺的优化,新型物化处理工艺、设备的开发,而且要积极采用先进自动控制技术,加强污水治理的综合监控管理能力;建立和完善给排水系统的“管控一体化”系统,是提高污水厂管理水平和服务质量,降低成本,最终使水工业与国际接轨的根本途径;计算机仿真技术是今后实验发展的一个方向。对促进自动化技术的发展,培育良好的给排水自动化市场,指导给排水自动化设计提供思路。

【Abstract】 The paper discussed an international hot problem about water industry. It summarized recently developed theories and practices in home and abroad. Based on the auto-control system and water disposal process, it presented the status of water treatment automation application and development direction .It also analysised the shortcomings of the SCADA technology in China and talked about the application of PLC in water treatment. Based on the feature and application of industry configuration software , it talked about the C1MS stratage and key technology. It concluded that wo must Tiot only study the tranditional physical and chemical water-treatment method, but also develop new processes method and devices, and at the same time we must use advanced auto-control technology for the produce process, intensify the imprehensive supervise and control ability , construct sterilization waste water disposal management system . That was basic stone of improve the water plant management level, service quality and deduce the costs. And the last purpose was to catch up the pace of international technology level and inspire the development of SCAUA for water, cul ti vate a heal th water device market, help the designer to better plan water engineering.

  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】476

