

On the Interpreting Process of Translator

【作者】 宋旭

【导师】 杨自俭;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 传统翻译理论努力的方向是对翻译原则、翻译标准、翻译方法的厘定,倾向于主观性、规定性、经验性的描述,这种研究方法已经在某种程度上阻碍了翻译理论的发展。随着相关学科研究成果的出现和翻译理论自身发展的需要,翻译研究必将走上一条从多学科、多视角对翻译现象、翻译本质,尤其是对翻译过程中译者的大脑机制进行客观、综合研究和描述的新路子。 本论文顺应翻译研究的这一新趋势做了大胆尝试,即以关联理论为依据,对翻译理解过程中译者的大脑机制进行研究,建立了一种译者理解推理模式,试图对翻译理解过程中译者的大脑运作过程做力所能及的描述。 本论文共分四部分,不包括前言和结束语。 第一部分主要涉及译者原文理解过程模式研究的历史回顾。其中简要介绍和评价了Diller/Kornelius、Nida、Kade、Stein和Bell的原文理解过程模式。Diller/Kornelius、Nida、Kade和Stein创建的模式,虽然分别从语义理论、语言学、交际学和语篇理论的角度对翻译过程进行研究和描述,但共同存在的问题是它们只对翻译过程的表面现象和步骤作了探索,而对译者在这一过程中的大脑运作机制问题却没做任何解释。Bell的模式虽然运用了系统功能语言学、语篇语言学、认知科学、心理学、信息论等多学科知识,但实质上并没有脱离系统功能语言学的范畴,其对译者在翻译理解过程中的大脑内部机制所做的解释并不比上面提到的四个模式多。针对翻译理解过程研究存在的这一问题,本文提出了一条新的研究思路,即以关联理论为依据,对翻译理解过程中译者的大脑运行机制进行探讨,建立了一种译者理解推理模式。该模式与Bell模式的不同在于:其一,用“明示”代替Bell模式中的翻译理解单位“句子”;其二,用“语境”补充Bell模式中纯语言知识操作的过程;其三,用理解过程的“推理性”代替Bell模式的“线性”特点;其四,对译者翻译理解过程中的大脑运作机制进行研究和描述,这是不同于Bell模式的最重要的一点,也是本论文的目标和努力方向。 第二部分主要阐释关联理论视角下的翻译理解过程。作者一方面阐释了和本研究相关的关联理论的基本术语,如交际的明示一推理、认知语境、语义表征、实际假设、交际的认知关联原则等;另一方面对一些术语进行了重新阐释和界定,说明它们在翻译理解过程中的含义和具体所指,形成了一种关联理论视角下的翻译理解过程观,为下面的研究奠定了基础。这种翻译理解过程观是:翻译理解过程是一种明示一推理过程,作者会以明示的手段向读者/译者展示自己的写作意图;读者/译者又可以在认知关联原则的监控下,运用自己的推理能力,激活相关认知语境对作者的明示进行非论证性的演绎推理,从而推导出作者的写作意图。 第三部分主要介绍作者创建的译者理解推理模式,这是本文的重点和难点。首先,作者阐明了该模式中译者推理的性质是一种非论证性的演绎推理;其次,对推理模式进行了详细阐释:1提供了推理模式图表;2简要说明了推理过程中涉及的两种系统;3阐明了认知关联原则在整个推理过程中的监控作用;4划分了推理过程的七个步骤,即(l)原文文本进入译者大脑语言处理机制;(2)译者运用双语信息对其进行语言解码;(3)形成不完整的语义表征;(4)在语境作用下,语义表征经过语用推理充实为实际假设;(5)进入初始语境,在关联监控下,译者搜寻、选择文本记忆状态和/或百科知识状态中的语境假设来扩充初始语境,进行非论证性演绎推理;(6)推导出真正的交际意图:(7)解读出作者思想;5运用具体的翻译实例对推理模式进行了演示。最后,指出翻译理解推理模式的价值和不足。 第四部分主要是分析该推理模式在翻译实例中的具体运用。作者选取了小说、诗歌、科技、新闻等不同文体的翻译实例来检验该模式在翻译理解过程中的应用价值,同时指出:不同文体文章推理过程的差异仅仅是推理复杂程度的差异,而不是推理机制的差异。

【Abstract】 The traditional way of translation study, which tends to prescribe translation principles, criteria and methods subjectively and empirically, has by far thrown obstacles in the way of the development of translation theory. With the progress of other relevant disciplines and the increasing need of the self-improvement of translation theory, a brand-new way of translation study, which draws on the research of other disciplines to study and describe the mental faculties of translators in the process of translation in a more objective and general way, is urgently needed.Following the very tendency, this article, based on relevance theory, audaciously embarks on investigating the mental faculties of a translator when he interprets the original text, and establishes an inferential model of interpretation, trying to give an explicit account of how the information-processing faculties of the translator’s mind enable him to interpret the original text.This article consists of four parts, excluding the Introduction and Conclusion.Part One is a brief historical retrospect of models of interpreting process, in which models of Diller&Kornelms,Nida,Kade, Stein and Bell are briefly introduced and commented. The first four models study and describe translation process from different approaches of meaning theory, linguistics, communication theory and text theory respectively, but saying little about the mental faculties of translators, they only superficially touch on the operational process of translation. Bell’s model, though drawing on the resources of systemic linguistics, cognitive science, psychology, artificial intelligence and information processing theory, has in fact not broken away from systemic linguistics, and has probed into the translator’s brain nomore than the other four models. To solve the problems existing in the above models, this article presents a new approach of studying interpretation process of a translator, i.e. a relevance-theoretical approach, which probes into the mental faculties of a translator on the basis of the relevance theory. And at the same time, an inferential model is established, which is different from the Bell’s in the following aspects: firstly, ’ostension’ is used instead of ’clause’ as the unit of interpretation; secondly, the term ’context’, an important factor in the process of interpretation, is introduced to supplement the ’pure linguistic’ operation in Bell’s model; thirdly, the ’serial’ feature of Bell’s model is replaced by the ’inferential’ feature of the inferential model; finally, the mental faculties of a translator in the process of interpretation is described, which, as the goal of this paper, is substantially different from Bell’s model.The second part of this paper mainly deals with the nature of interpreting process under a relevance-theoretical approach. Several relevance-theoretical terms concerned with my study, such as ostensive-inference, context, semantic representation, prepositional assumption, the principle of relevance, are introduced and explained. Meanwhile, the relevance theory is introduced into the translation interpretation with some terms re-explained and re-defined, and a relevance-theoretical approach is set up to lay a solid foundation for the following discussions. The relevance-theoretical approach of translation interpretation is as follows: the interpretation process of translation is a kind of ostensive-inferential communication, during which the author, with an attentive communicative intention, will use a specific way of ostension to insure the reader/translator’s obtainment of his intention; on the other hand, the reader/translator, guided by the principle of relevance, will use his capacity of inference, activating his cognitive context if necessary, to infer the author’s intention in a non-demonstrative way.The third part, which is the most important and difficult part of this paper,focuses on the introduction and explanation of the inferential model established by the writer. First of all, the deductive and non-d

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