

Theoretical Study and Its Application in China’s Enterprises on Relationship Marketing

【作者】 李季芳

【导师】 权锡鉴;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪80年代以来,由于全球经济一体化和企业竞争的激烈化,关系营销越来越受到西方学者和企业界的普遍关注。关系营销强调企业要建立良好稳定的伙伴关系,追求其相关者利益最大化,为企业带来长期财务绩效,成为21世纪企业市场营销的指导思想。但从目前看,我国专家学者对关系营销理论的研究还很少,企业在进行一些关系营销活动时,也只是凭着对关系营销理论的粗浅理解和认识,自发地、无序地进行。针对这一现状,本文从关系营销理论产生的背景入手,在阐述关系营销理论的演变与发展的基础上,重点研究和探讨了关系营销的本质内涵,丰富和发展了关系营销理论,并结合实际,明确指出我国企业在关系营销的认识上存在着不足和误区,在具体运作上存在着不少的难点与问题,客观地分析了企业实施关系营销适用的范围和条件,科学地提出了我国企业运用关系营销的四大策略,即员工关系策略、顾客关系策略、合作者关系策略和影响者关系策略。

【Abstract】 Since 1980s,there has been an increasing concern among western scholars and business circles in the field of relationship marketing due to globalization and sharp competition in world economy .Relationship marketing concept which has become firm’s guiding philosophy of 21 century emphasizes that companies aiming at achieving long-term financial performance should establish sound and stable relations with their partners as well as pursue profit maximization of their relevant parties. However scholarsand experts in our country has studied little on this topic till now. Besides, firm’s activities related to relationship marketing are often spontaneous and without order since the relevant knowledge being relied on is very rough. In accordance with such a situation, the article analyse the origination, and evolvement development of relationship marketing and theory hi detail. Then more attention is paid on the exploration of the essence of relationship marketing and its enrichment. In addition both misunderstandings on perceiving relationship marketing from China’s enterprises and problems .reflected in its specific application are pointed out clearly. Based on the analysis of the scope and conditions for companies to implement then: relationship marketing strategy, four tactics (namely, employee relation strategy , customer relation strategy, cooperator relation strategy and influencer relation strategy) on how to practise relationship marketing are also proposed.

  • 【分类号】F274
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1227

