

【作者】 滕园

【导师】 魏晓琴;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 金融学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 在中国,讨论国有商业银行的前途是一个尤其重要的问题,经过二十几年的改革,在绝大多数部门,公有产权的比例在下降,但是国有商业银行的产权改革的步伐明显滞后。国有商业银行所表现出来的低效率和竞争能力低下使它在中国加入WTO后面临严峻的考验。 通过研究,我们认为国有商业银行的产权制度安排是国有商业银行问题的症结所在,公有产权的性质直接导致了所有者缺位的问题。政府的介入使商业银行不得不面对社会目标和经济目标的冲突,再加上公司治理结构的缺失,最终导致国有商业银行经营低效率。 以制度变迁的路径依赖理论为基础,通过比较近年来理论界针对国有商业银行问题而提出的各项改革方案及其实践情况,我们发现,避开产权问题只谈国有银行商业化改革显然不能从根本上解决问题,反而造成政府、国有商业银行和国有企业之间风险转嫁-积累机制的形成,收益与风险的不对称更增加他们对这种转嫁安排的路径依赖,形成制度性风险。 所以当务之急是进行国有商业银行的产权改革,而产权改革的重心应是政府职能的重新定位问题。为此,本文围绕这一重心提出了涉及政府职能转变、不良资产处置、金融国有资产管理体系、股份制和公司治理结构等多方面的产权改革的主体方案。

【Abstract】 It’s such a particularly important matter as to discuss the future of the state-owned commercial banks in China. With a reform over twenty years, the proportion of the public property is falling while the reform on the property of the state-owned commercial banks is obviously stagnant. The state-owned commercial banks are to face a stem test after China’s entering WTO due to the low efficiency and low competent capacity they have. By the study, we find that the nature of the public property directly lead to the problem of empty ownership, then we think the property system of the state-owned commercial banks is the crux of the problem. Moreover, because of the government getting involved in the banks’ operation and due to the lack of corporate governance, the state-owned commercial banks have to face the confiiction of the social targets and the economic targets and at last they fall into low efficient operation.Based on the study on the path rely-on theory of the institution change and the contrast on the all kinds of reform plans to the state-owned commercial banks, we find that it is impossible to essentially solve the problem without solving the property problem of the state-owned commercial banks. In fact, a risk’s transferring-accumulating mechanism has been built up among the government, the state-owned commercial banks and the state-owned enterprises. The unsymetry between the income and the risk strengthens the route rely-on of the risk’s transferring arrangement, thus finally forming a systematic risk. So, the task of top priority is to carry on the property of the state-owned commercial banks, whose core lies in the reorientation of the government’s function. Centered on this core, we offer a series of plan about the property reform, consisting of the change of the government’s function, the disposal of the bad-performed assets, the management of the financial state-owned assets, the implement of the joint stock and the perfection of the corporate governance, etc.

  • 【分类号】F832.3
  • 【下载频次】137

