

The Research on the Distributing Law of Ore-forming Element and the Tectono-metallogenic Characteristics of Dongxiang Copper Deposit

【作者】 付守会

【导师】 陈广浩;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(广州地球化学研究所) , 构造地质学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 东乡铜矿位于江南地体与华夏地体的交接部位,在大地构造位置上属于东南地洼区的赣桂地洼系,是赣东北有色金属成矿带的一部分。本文针对东乡铜矿成矿特点,结合前人工作成果,在对区域地质背景分析的基础上,从铜矿地质特征着手,对铜元素分布规律、铜矿构造成矿特征及富矿预测进行深入剖析。通过对矿区基础地质资料和矿山开采实践资料的二次开发,完成了矿区不同矿体、不同勘探线、不同断面铜矿的三维数字品位模型的设计。在此基础上,结合矿山实际情况,在整个矿区进行了伽玛能谱的测量,并着重在Ⅶ号矿体63勘探线以西开展浅层地震勘探的应用研究。通过5条地震勘探剖面和12条伽玛能谱剖面的野外施工和室内地质解译,对矿区找矿前景进行预测分析。研究认为: 1.东乡铜矿成矿机制的复杂性与其所处的大地构造背景密切相关。东乡铜矿位于萍乡—广丰EW向深大断裂与赣东北深断裂的切交接部位,又恰好处于江南地体与华夏地体的衔接地带。深部的幔源物质与浅部的成矿物质混合,南北两大构造单元各自的成矿特征又在此集中体现,使东乡铜矿成为一个以铜为主,伴生铁、钨、硫、银、金、铋、铯、碲等元素的多金属矿床; 2.铜矿成矿与矿区构造关系密不可分。矿区基本构造为一个被几组断裂破坏的单斜构造,其上发育的次一级的开阔型横向和纵向褶皱对矿床的形成和空间定位起着十分重要的作用。矿区广泛发育的断裂构造为成矿物质的活化富集提供了良好的通道和赋矿空间。NE—NEE组断裂是矿区最主要的控矿构造,特别是F1断裂,横贯整个矿区,是最大的控矿构造; 3.应用数字品位模型(DTM)可以形象直观地反映矿区铜元素分布规律及不同矿体的产状、规模;展示矿区构造与铜元素矿化的关系;可以为矿山开采和巷道开拓提供重要的参考资料;还可以由已知推未知,为矿区外围找矿提供辅助性信息。 4.浅层地震勘探(SSE)分析技术和伽玛能谱(GS)方法,揭示了富铜矿体深部的构造成矿特征及赋矿部位。研究结果表明,矿体的形成过程中,向斜构造的凹部和背斜构造的轴部虚托部位都是成矿的有利位置,但仅此还不够,还应该有较好的通道条件和丰富的含矿流体来源。

【Abstract】 Dongxiang copper deposit is located at the transition zone between Cathaysia and Jiangnan terrains, which is Geotectonically included in Jiangxi-Guangxi Diwa System, Southeast Diwa Region. Dongxiang copper deposit is a part of northeast Jiangxi colored-metal zone. In this paper, based on former researching works and regional geologic background analysis, we studied the distribution law of copper and geotectonic metallogenic characteristics of the ore deposit, and forecasted copper enrichment trend from copper deposit geologic characteristics’ view, aiming at full understanding the metallogenic characteristics of Dongxiang copper deposit. We propose the concept of Digital Tenor Model(DTM) for the first time, and applied it in practice to solve some problems of deposit. On the base of basic geologic reference of the deposit, we designed many Digital Tenor Models of different ore-bodies, prospecting lines and profiles. We could use those models to study the shape, the distribution and the scale of ore-bodies, and learn the location and distribution of copper deposit. We could also use the model to reveal some information about effects of regional stratum, faults and magmatic rocks on ore-rich body, and to help solve some practical problems during mining and laneway digging. After considering practical conditions of deposit, we applied Gamma Spectrometry(GS) methods to the whole deposit area and Shallow Seismic Exploration(SSE) methods to the west of No.63 prospecting line of VII ore-body. Based on field and theoretical studies of five Shallow Seismic Exploration profiles and twelve Gamma Spectrometry profiles, we designed five experimental drills, and forecasted the future of exploration. From above analysis and research, we can draw some conclusions as follows:1. The complexity of metallogenic mechanisms of Dongxiang copper deposit have close relationship with it’s geotectonic background. Dongxiang copper deposit located in the transition zone between Pingxiang-Guangfeng deep faults and northeast Jiangxi deep faults, and in the transition zone between Cathaysia and Jiangnan terrains. As results of mix of deep mantle-source materials and shallow metallogenic materials, and tectonic movement of south unit and north unit, Dongxiang copper deposit become a multi-metal deposit especially enriching Cu, together with Fe, W, S, Ag, Au, Bi, Cs and Te etc..2. Ore-forming of copper deposit has much to do with the geotectonic of deposit area. The studied deposit area is located on a monocline geotectonic unit divided by several groups of faults. Therefore, the secondary widen transverse and lognitudinal drapes may have great influence on ore forming and location. Faults distributed extensively in the deposit offer essential channels and space for activation and enrichment of metallogenic materials. NE-NEE orientation faults are the most important ore-controlling tectonic, as is especially the case for Fl fault, which traversing the whole deposit area.3. We can apply these Digital Tenor Models to solve problems confronted during deposit exploration. Those models can help study shape, scale and distribution of different ore bodies in the deposit area, reveal the relationship between tectonics ofthe deposit area and copper deposit realization, they can also offer some information for deposit exploration and laneway digging.4. The Shallow Seismic Exploration technology and the Gamma Spectrometry technique reveal the tectono-metallogenic characteristic of the ore body, so as the storing place of mine. Through the study we know the valley of syncline and the peak of anticline are all good storing places of ore-forming element. To form large industrial ore deposit, the condition of magma channels and the metallogenic fluid must be up to the mustard synchronously.

  • 【分类号】P618.42
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】539

