

【作者】 王宇

【导师】 丁宝坤;

【作者基本信息】 中国医科大学 , 心理学, 2002, 硕士

【摘要】 前言 我国有关报告提供的资料显示:上个世纪80年代中期,我国大学生中有23.25%的人存在心理障碍;90年代上升到25%;近年来已达到30%。有心理障碍的学生人数正以10%的速度递增。医学院校的学生,走向社会后,将成为心理活动复杂的人民大众身心健康的保护者,他们的心理健康状况,不仅对自身是重要的,而且将直接影响在未来的工作中对人民身心健康的关爱程度。 实验对象 本校一至五年级的本科生656人,其中男生421人,女生235人。年龄18~24岁,平均年龄20.6岁。 实验方法 1.采用心理症状自评量表SCL—90,焦虑自评量表SAS,抑郁自评量表SDS,被试者在相同的时间、地点,自填量表,实施统一指导语,问卷当场全部收回,均为有效答卷。全部数据经IBM微机SPSS软件分析系统处理。 2.分别从SCL-90量表因子分平均值≥3,百分比>2和SAS、SDS焦虑抑郁自评量表标准分≥50,百分比>2的学生中,随机抽取20名学生,其中有8名学生重叠,共计对32名学生进行了访谈,并实施一定干预措施。实验结果 1.SCL一90的9项因子分平均值均高于全国青年常模。在阳性项目检出数上及强迫、人际关系、偏执和精神病性因子得分明显高于全国常模因子分平均值。 2.SCL一90各因子分〕3的阳性检出总人数为174人,占参加测量学生总数的26.52%,主要以强迫、人际关系、抑郁、敌对性、偏执5项因子分明显偏高,其中男生明显高于女生。 3 .SAs、sDS标准分平均值均明显高于全国青年常模。 4.5肠、SDS标准分)50(存在焦虑、抑郁情绪)和)60(焦虑抑郁情绪较为严重)的高分人数分别占参加测量学生总数的7.47%和2 .29%。 5.男生与女生SAS标准分平均值无明显差异,但SDS标准分平均值差异显著(p<0.05),男生不仅高于女生而且比全国常模明显偏高。 6.SAS、SDS男生与女生高分人数均无明显差异。实验讨论 1.综合SCL一90、SAS、SDS心理测量结果以及高危人群访谈干预获取的心理资料,通过进一步分析显示,我校五年制本科生目前尚存在相当程度的非健康心理,主要表现为逆反心理、自卑心理、极端自私心理、孤独从众心理、封闭心理、不平衡嫉妒心理等。 2.分析本校医学生产生上述非健康心理的原因,其中社会因素是产生非健康心理的间接客观原因;家庭因素是产生非健康心理的直接客观原因;而个体心理因素是产生非健康心理的主观原因,同时也是最重要最根本的原因。 3.选择有针对性的心理健康教育策略具有十分重要的意义,主要包括: 3 .1客观上建立健全心理健康咨询指导机构,加强改进思想政治教育与管理工作,以细致人微的经常性帮助化解问题; 3.2主观上积极引导有不健康心理问题的学生进行自我调适、释放压力、排遣不良情绪; 3 .3树立心理健康教育和德育教育相结合的观念,以社会规范为出发点,结合个体成长发展的需要,帮助学生解决自我统一性的问题; 3.4努力营造关注心理素质、重视心理健康的校园氛围,着力富有个性和特色的校园精神的培养,以多种方法、多种途径唤起师生对优化心理素质的自觉性; 3 .5针对不同年级不同特点的学生侧重不同的教育策略。实验结论 本校医学本科生目前尚存在相当程度的非健康心理,心理健康教育面临着严峻的挑战,重视心理健康教育,选择行之有效的心理健康教育策略是当前进行素质教育、培养合格医学人才的重要内容。正如有关专家曾经预言的那样:21世纪将是心理科学的世纪。

【Abstract】 PrefaceThe related information shows that 26.52 percent undergraduates of our country have non-healthy psychology in the middle period of last century the eighties; This figure rises to 25 percent by the ninties and achieves 30 percent in recent years. The undergraduates of medicine will head for the society in future and work for the physical and mental health of people whose psychological activities are very complicated. So their psychology not only is very important for themselves , but also affects directly the sound in body and mind of people.Object656 undergraduates of our university coming from one to five grade . 421 men students and 235 women students among of them. 18 -24 years old and their average age is 20. 6.Methods1. To measure with SCL - 90, SAS and SDS. All measured students, being at the same time and place, under the same directions, finish the scales by themselves. All scales are taken back on the spot and then are approved effective. The data are processed by IBM computer and SPSS software.2. To choose resourcefully 32 students ( the average marks ofSCL-90>3 and the standard marks of SAS , SDS>50) but interview and treat.Results1. The nine average marks of SCL-90 are remarkably higher than the young common model of our country.2. There are 174 students whose average marks >3 (26. 52 percent of all mensured students). The marks of men students, especially standing for the factor of forcing, interpersonal relationships, resisting and extremes, are remarkably higher than those of women students.3. The standard marks of SAS and SDS are remarkably higher than the young common model of our country.4. There are 7. 47 percent and 2. 29 percent students whose standard marks of SAS,SD>50 .5. To the average mark of SAS, there is no remarkable difference between men and women students. But to the average mark of SDS, the difference is remarkable( p <0.05 ). The mark of men students is much obvieously higher than that of women students.6. To the amount of high marks students of SAS and SDS, there isno remarkable difference between men and women student.Discussion1. On the base of measurement, by interviewing and treating, we know that 26.52 percent undergraduates of our university have contrary psychology,inferiority psychology,extremity selfish psychology,soli-tary following psychology and so on , which are all non - healthy psychology ;2. There are some reasons for these non-healthy psychology. The result shows that the chief causes leading to the non-healthy psychology for the students of medicine come from socity, family and individual. By making an in-depth analysis, we know that among of them the individual reason is mostly important.3. To choose effective tactics of education, being in accordance with these reasons is very significant.3. 1 To build up the psychology advisory body; 3. 2 To guide stndbnts self-mediating and releasing pressure; 3. 3 To combine psychology health education with moral education;3. 4 To creat the atmosphere for such work;3. 5 To apply the different tactics for different students.ConclusionsNow the undergraduates of our university have non-healthy psychology in some degree. The psychology health education for the undergraduates is facing a severe test. To develop the psychology health education, speaking or acting with something definite in view, is the very important content for medical university to cany on the quality education and nurture the up to standard and talented persons. As it has been predicted by a specialist; 21st century will be the century of psychology:

【关键词】 SCL-90SASSDS非健康心理心理健康教育
【Key words】 SCL-90SASSDSnon-healthy psychologypsychology health education.
  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】403

