

The Methods and Concepts Analysis of Shoujinliao’s Adaptation for Regional Climate in Quanzhou

【作者】 薛佳薇

【导师】 刘塨; 冉茂宇;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑适应气候是个恒久的话题。人类文明不断提高,但片面的依赖技术制造人工气候已经且必然对我们赖以生存的地球环境产生破坏,在建筑设计之初与当地的气候环境良好结合的生态意识是需要贯彻始终的。建筑作为人类文明的载体,同人类的发展一样呈现螺旋上升的趋势,回顾吸收传统乡土建筑中对地域气候因势利导的精华,并适当结合现有技术进行当代建筑设计,是地域建筑可持续发展的生命力所在,也是当代建筑的发展趋势。本课题基于以上出发点选取泉州传统民居手巾寮为研究对象,针对有代表性的实例进行现场的气候参数测量分析,结合泉州热湿的地域气候特点,详细讨论了手巾寮民居中自然通风、遮阳、隔热,绿化、水体等结合气候环境布局建造的经验,并将经验模式同目前使用进行适当整合,落实于笔者的一项泉州民宅设计中,最后结合建筑实例具体探讨了手巾寮适应气候的创作方法及理念在当代建筑设计中的延续与发展。 本文做了以下两项基础性研究: 1.整理泉州气候资料,明确手巾寮生长环境特有的热湿、多风雨气候特征。 2.测试手巾寮及相近普通民居内部气候指标并比较,量化地体现手巾寮结合气候的优越性,归纳相应的调研结论,提供下文引用。 本文的主体研究部分,主要从以下三方面入手: 1.着重分析手巾寮结合气候的模式,首先谈及手巾寮建筑通风经验,深入分析各种空间高低组合情况下手巾寮的通风情况,借助调研资料和实景照片对通风系统中通风口和风道的合理安排进行介绍;其次是手巾寮其他气候经验,如遮阳方式主要体现在连房密集遮阳、小天井遮阳、檐下灰空间遮阳、阳台遮阳等,又如隔热途径有墙体隔热、灰泥苫背瓦屋面隔热及规整形隔热,再如绿化水体的降温措施,上升到环境高度看待建筑,探讨手巾寮组织天井绿化、利用街巷绿化、配合周边水域的建造经验。 2.理论结合实践是建筑的特点,本文针对泉州民宅加建工程进行具体的方案探讨和场景的分析,在实践中探讨前文的经验与部分易行的适宜技术的结合。 3.总结手巾寮适应气候的空间组合、建筑形态及营建理念,针对时代提出相应变化概念,使之能与当代建筑设计结合并有所发展,实现地域特色可持续发展。 本文创新处体现于三方面:①明确关注学习传统建筑法自然的态度和方法;②理性实验介入提升研究的客观性;③研究传统民居的同时结合时代,借鉴中外,探讨延续发展传统精神方法。

【Abstract】 It is a perpetual discussion that architecture designs with climate. Though mankind’s civilization heightened continuously, to live in a manmade climate by technology must destroy the environment of our global village, it is necessary for the architect to be conscious the importance of climatic design. Architecture record the civilization of mankind and appear a spiral develop tendency at the same, thus review to learn the methods and concepts how traditional native buildings get on well with regional climate, try to integrate today’s suitable technology, this is the sustainable vitality of traditional ones, and also the tendency of contemporary architecture. So the thesis focuses the traditional dwelling named ’shoujinliao1 in Quanzhou, choose living examples to determine the climatic parameter, detailed analysis the circumstances and experience of ventilation, sunshade and heat insulation in ’shoujinliao’ dwelling, aim at the hot-damp climate of Quanzhou, then describe a dwelling designed by writer, which fuse experiences above and practice together. At last, it discusses sustainable and development of the climatic design concepts found in shoujinliao dwelling. The paper has two basis investigations:1. Study the basic climatic data, make definite that’ hot, damp, abundant wind and rain’ is the characteristic climate of Quanzhou.2. Determine the living examples on the spot and then compare the parameter with common dwelling’s nearby, show the advantage of shoujinliao, draw a conclusion to be quote.The main part of the paper follow behind the two basic analyze above:1. The pattern of shoujinliao’s climatic design: first, it talks about shoujinliao’s ventilation, analyses every stale belong to each compose of space appeared in shoujinliao. Sum up that ventilation system is made up by draught and wind route, by showing data and photograph, then, it talks about shoujinliao’s methods of sunshade and heat insulation, that is, sunshade of concentrated, sunshade of small yard, sunshade of eaves, sunshade of balcony. Heat insulation of outward wall, clay tiled roof and composition neatly. Third, it discusses the cool measure by arranging afforest and hydrospace, such as potted flowers in small yard , trees among street and lane, brook behind shoujinliao.2. theory link with practice is the peculiarity of architecture. So the paper come to talk about a dwelling designed by writer, in which writer pours the climatic concept of shoujinliao.3. Summaries the space’s cooperation form and concepts of shoujinliao, which designed with climate, so as to make the ecologic ideology of shoujinliao stick together with contemporary architecture, to show regional characteristic and follow the sustainable tendency.The paper concern the attitude that traditional dwelling follow example of nature, and sums up regularity of regional architecture, inquire into the relationship with contemporary architecture of Quanzhou.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 01期
  • 【分类号】TU119
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】346

