

【作者】 谢铮阳

【导师】 曾路;

【作者基本信息】 华侨大学 , 企业管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国高校以其肩负的培养人才、发展科学和服务社会的三大职能,成为推动社会全面发展的重要力量。当前,我国高校面临着社会需求变化和竞争环境日益激烈化的环境变化。如何有效地应对竞争,如何吸引各种办学资源来更好履行三大职能,如何在竞争环境下有效地满足社会需求,成为我国高校必须解决的问题。营销战略思路的引入为高校更好地应对竞争和满足社会需求提供了依据。社会需求的多样化为高校获取竞争优势提供了可能,而营销战略就是通过洞悉社会需求状况和竞争态势来有效应对竞争的战略,它有助于高校塑造自身独特又难于模仿的特色,有助于高校在社会中树立良好形象,有助于吸引各种办学资源从而获得有利的市场地位。此外,在高校领域中引入营销战略思路是教育学科和营销学科交叉的体现,这将为我国的高教改革提供新的思路和开拓新的视野。 全文共分七章,其主要内容和结论如下: 第一章指出我国高校引入营销战略思路是有其背景和现实意义的。社会的发展变化对高校的三大职能内涵提出新的要求,高校间愈加激烈的竞争迫使高校必须通过有效满足社会需求来获得社会的认可和支持,从而提高自身的竞争力。营销战略为高校在竞争中生存和发展提供了科学的指导方法。点明本文的写作意义之后,在第二章全面展开高校营销战略思路,即在营销战略基本原理和管理流程图的基础上,构建出我国高校营销战略管理流程图,这是营销战略的具体应用和特殊应用。高校营销战略的应用必须建立在特定的产品上,因此在第三章首创出我国高校产品图,它借鉴了产品三圈图的原理,从里层到外层分别为核心层、基础层和成品层。对我国高校产品实施的营销战略不是在真空中进行,它必然受到外部环境的影响,包括宏观环境和高校领域状况,第四章对这些环境因素作了详细的阐述。在外部环境影响下,针对特定的高校产品图,如何进行卓有成效的营销战略,最后三章对此进行了说明。第五章论述了我国高校营销战略中的目标市场和定位问题,他们是营销战略制定和展开的起点。本章从广义和狭义角度界定了高校的目标市场,从中划分出高校的各个目标公众,并且从内涵、依据、原则和方式四个方面对高校的定位进行解释,其中最具特色的创新体现在——在高校产品图的基础上提出包括主体定位和辅助定位在内的定位思路。第六章和第七章是我国高校营销战略的制定部分,包括前台战略整合和后台战略保障,它们体现了营销战略在高校领域的创新应用。其中前者重点论述了竞争战略、推广战略、关系营销战略和品牌战略,后者是前台战略实施的基本保障,主要来自于组织机构战略、学科建设战略和人力资源战略。

【Abstract】 It is considered that the Chinese college shoulders three main functions of educating talents, developing science and serving society, and has played an important role in impelling the society to develop overall. On the condition that nowadays the college has to be facing the transformations as social need transformation and more and more intensive competitive environment transformation, the chief problem, about how to effectively perform countermeasures to competition and how to absorb various educational resources, has to be solved in order to better execute the three main functions. Here the study of marketing strategies affords some references to help the college to face the competitions and meet the social need. The marketing strategy is the strategy of effectively facing the competition through penetrating the social need and the competition, which for the college conduces to mold its unique characteristic, to build up good images in the society, to absorb various educational resources, and to take the advantageous market positions in the end.The paper is divided into 7 chapters, and its plan is as follows:Chapter 1, "The Background and the Significance of Introducing the Marketing Strategies of Chinese college", analyses the environment transformation, including social need transformation and competitive situation to the college, and summarizes the significance of introducing marketing strategy to the college.Chapter 2, "The Construction of Marketing Strategies Process Chart of Chinese college", constructs the marketing strategies process chart based on the elementary theory and process chart of marketing strategies. This is the practical and particular appliance of marketing strategy.Chapter 3, "The Product Concept and Construction of Chinese College", creates the Chinese College Production Chart, which is divided into Core Layer, Base Layer and Production Layer, and where the Base Layer into Apparent Layer and Latent Layer. The college production chart is the marketing object of the college marketing strategy.Chapter 4, "The Analysis to the External Environment of Chinese College", analyses the external environment, consisting of macro environment and the Chinese college field. Section 1 indicates the influence on Chinese college by the macro environment factors as economy, system and law. Section 2 analyses in detail the Chinese college position, total scale, supply and demand construction, member construction and developing trends in the society.Chapter 5, "The Target Market and Positioning of Marketing Strategies of Chinese College", divides into 2 sections. Section 1 defines the college’s target market from the broad and narrow sense, as well as identifies the college’s target public. Section 2 explains the college position from 4 points of views as connotation, reference, principle and method, where the most characteristic innovation is to put up the positioning thought, including core positioning and secondary positioning, on the basis of the college production chart.Chapter 6, "The Integrated Marketing Strategies of Chinese College", materializes the marketing strategy’s creative appliance in the college field, in which emphasizes on discussing the Competition strategy. Promotion strategy. Relationship strategy. Brand strategy.Chapter 7, "The Operational Warranty Strategies of Chinese College", discusses the importance of the operational warranty strategies to performing the college marketing strategies.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华侨大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 03期
  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】486

