

Feasibility Study Transport Compressed Maize Stalk from South to Bashang for the Development of Livestock Shed Feeding

【作者】 王丽宏

【导师】 张立峰; 李志宏;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 作物栽培与耕作学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 河北坝上地区由于草原的超载过牧,加上经常出现自然灾害,传统的放牧方式发展畜牧业已没有多大的潜力,利用秸秆饲料搭配精饲料的舍饲养殖是我国畜牧业发展的总体方向。本文通过对坝上畜牧业生产系统的分析,提出了“南秸北饲”发展开放性畜牧业生产的新型模式。研究结果表明:坝上地区传统的放牧方式已经走到了尽头。从天然草地、人工草地、农作物秸秆等饲料的数量、营养上分析,本文提出了发展本区饲草生产方向:即强化人工草地的培育,采用豆科牧草苜蓿、草木樨等营养价值高,适合坝上生产的草种,实现草业栽培化,。 考虑家畜正常生长发育的营养需要,以消化能(DE)和可消化粗蛋白质(DCP)为指标,计算了坝上地区饲料资源在目前载畜量下实行全年舍饲的营养满足率和载畜量。研究表明:消化能的满足率为41.2%,可消化粗蛋白质的满足率为39.4%,畜群超载153.8%,坝上畜牧业发展草-畜供求矛盾尖锐。 对华北农区玉米秸秆资源的两种利用方式:秸秆机械化粉碎还田和秸秆做压块饲料成本和经济效益分析,结果表明,秸秆机械化粉碎直接还田投入成本平均525元/hm~2,边际收益为-159元/hm~2;秸秆配肥还田成本平均1098.7元/hm~2,边际收益为383.3元/hm~2。秸秆做压块饲料的原料售出,农民可以得到直接的经济收入607.5元/hm~2。 分析了华北农区玉米秸秆北运作为坝上饲料资源的可行性。结果表明,从上坝秸秆饲料的成本上,移动式压块机生产的压块饲料最低为0.35元/kg,从坝上不同畜种的经济效益分析,提出了奶牛、绒山羊、小尾寒羊作为坝上舍饲的优选畜种。 分析了坝上发展奶牛生产的技术—经济可行性。从土地的动态的机会成本—收益分析表明,青饲玉米种植的收益是粮食种植的7.8倍;坝上的生态环境适合奶牛的发展。舍饲与半牧半饲经济效益分析表明,舍饲条件下产投比1.7:1、奶料比3.0:1分别高于半牧半饲条件下产投比1.4:1和奶料比2.4:1。平均每头奶牛的年净产值舍饲为4163.9元,半牧半饲为2250.8元,舍饲是半牧半饲的1.8倍。“南秸北饲”为坝上奶牛发展的规模化提供了重要的物质基础

【Abstract】 The development of animal husbandry in Hebei Bashang region had not any potential as grassland overloading and natural disater. It is the main way of animal husbandry development that the enclosure pattern that stalk fodder arranged in extract fodder. This paper analyzed animal husbandry production system of Bashang and brought forward the new animal husbandry production pattern through Transport Compressed Maize Stalk from South toBashang for the Development of Livestock Shed Feeding. The results showed , the traditional development of animal husbandry had been end in Bashang region. This paper analyzed the quantity and quality of naively grassland -manual forage and cropping stalk and brought forward the way of development of Bashang ’s fodder istrengthen manual forage plant ,in particular legume forage .enlarge legume forage planting areas , at the same time ,the system of farmland introduced forage plant.Considering the need of nutrition of livestock growth , using digestible energy (DE) and digetible crude protein (DCP) as standard .carrying capacity of domestic animals is calculated ,The result indicate that the supply of digestible energy 41.2% and digestible crude protein 39.4% can not meet the requirement of domestic animals As the result, the conflict of forage-livestock is appeared.This paper analyzed the cost and economic profit about the two utilizing pattern agri-region maize straw : returning straw into soil and straw fodder producing technique .The result showed ,the cost of directly returning straw into soil is 525yuan/hm The marginal profit is minus and the cost of returning straw with fertilizer into soil is1098.7yuan/hm2,the marginal profit is 383.3yuan/hm2 But straw utilizing fodder material,farmers may gain reward 607.5yuan/hmThis paper analyzed the feasibility of maize straw in Huabei agri-region transported Bashang using fodder .The result showsed,considering the cost of transport to Bashang . the moving fodder press block machine produced fodder is the best project, its cost is 0.35yuan/hm2 .Furthermore, from the every livestock economic profit, the paper brought forward the best livestock as Bashang Shed Feeding animal husbandy which are cow ,cashmere goat and xiaowei sheep.The feasibility of technique and economic is put forward about the development of Bashang cow. The analysis of land opportunity cost-profit show ,the profit ensile maize planting is cropping plant 7.8 times ,and there is adapted cow development entironment. Through enclosure and half herd half Shed .economic profit showed: under shed ratio between output and input is 1.7:1,ratio between milk and fodder is 3.0:1 The same as respectively half shed and half herd 1.4:1 and 2.4:1. through Transport Compressed Maize Stalk from South toBashang for the Development of Livestock Shed Feeding.provide the important substance in the time that the development Bashang animal husbandry is sweeping.

  • 【分类号】S54
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】155

