

The Research on the Dynamics of Insect Community in Free-pollutant Apple Orchard

【作者】 秦立者

【导师】 李保国;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 森林培育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 苹果是世界上栽培面积广、消费量大、经济效益较好的水果之一。由于利用大量化学农药进行防病治虫,致使所生产的果品农药残留量大,内在品质下降,严重威胁着人类的身心健康。无公害栽培已成为必然方向。苹果园昆虫群落变化规律是对苹果害虫进行无公害生态控制和管理的基础。于1999~2002年连续对太行山南段的内丘县侯家庄乡富岗山庄无公害栽培苹果园的昆虫群落变化状况进行了调查分析,结果如下: 1 无公害栽培苹果园树体上可观察到的昆虫有7个目,12个科共20种。地上部种类有山楂红蜘蛛、绣线菊蚜、金纹细蛾、草履蚧、黄色卷蛾,其中山楂红蜘蛛、绣线菊蚜、金纹细蛾为优势种。其他种类如枣尺蠖、草履蚧等均零星发生。山楂红蜘蛛种群数量在3月中旬~4月中旬占绝对优势,金纹细蛾种群数量在7月中旬~8初占绝对优势,绣线菊蚜种群数量在4月下旬~6月初占绝对优势。天敌有大草蛉和各种瓢虫。地下部种类有蛴螬、黑绒鳃金龟、东方蝼蛄,优势种为蛴螬。 2 越冬态山楂红蜘蛛的空间分布型都是聚集分布。越冬态山楂红蜘蛛在苹果树体上集中分布在主干及第1层主枝上,这两个部位的山楂红蜘蛛数量占树上山楂红蜘蛛总量的67.85%,而中心干及第2层主枝上则分布很少。主干上的山楂红蜘蛛主要集中在老翘皮下及环剥裂缝内,分布于第1、2层主枝上的红蜘蛛主要集中在主枝与主干、主枝与中心干交界处、环剥裂缝、剪锯口、气生根等处,且主要分布在枝条的背阴面(下部)。果园立地类型对越冬态山楂红蜘蛛的分布有着显著的影响,越冬态山楂红蜘蛛种群数量平地园>阳坡园>阴坡园,三者之间差异达极显著水平。栽培条件也影响其分布,无公害栽培园显著少于同等立地条件的常规园。 3 苹果生长前期山楂红蜘蛛有两次发生高峰,第1次发生高峰是在3月底~4月初,主要是越冬代繁殖结果;第2次高峰发生在6月底~7月初。阳坡园山楂红蜘蛛总量显著高于阴坡园与平地园,而与常规园无显著差异。第2次发生高峰过后,逐渐变为越冬态而转移到骨干枝裂隙处。金纹细蛾有3次发生高峰,分别发生在7月中旬、7月~下旬及8月下旬。在发生高峰期,平地园及阴坡园金纹细蛾发生量高于阳坡园及常规园金纹细蛾发生量。而5月下旬及8月下旬是蚜虫高发期。 4无公害栽培苹果园趋光性昆虫成虫共诱集到166种,分属9个目,44个科。其中鳞翅目昆虫119种,约占总数的71.7%,鞘翅目33种,占19.9%,诱集到的其他各国昆虫共14种,占8.4%。在诱集到的种类中危害苹果的有5个目ZI科50种,天敌昆虫3个目4科7种,其他林果草及农作物害虫6个目32科109种。其中在危害苹果的害虫中,铜绿丽金龟、斑呼丽金龟及棉铃实夜蛾为优势种。铜绿丽金龟发生高峰期单灯日均诱虫量大于30头。斑像丽金龟日均诱虫量有3次高峰期,单灯日均诱虫量大干20头以上,7月上旬单灯日均诱虫量达到40头,占单灯日均诱虫总量的39.44%。黑光灯所诱集到的无敌种类有螳螂科、蚁岭科以及草岭科和飘虫科的昆虫。窄大刀螂、中华东蚁岭只是零星出现,出现较多的是瓢虫和草岭。瓢虫发生有两个明显高峰:分别为8月初和9月初,高峰期瓢虫个体数量占诱虫总量的 44.32%。 5早春彻底刮除老翘皮可显著降低越冬态山植红蜘蛛虫口基数,刮皮彻底的果园越冬态山植红蜘蛛数量显著少于未刮老翘皮果园越冬态山植红蜘蛛数量,彻底刮皮果园的越冬态山植红蜘蛛数量同样少于刮皮不彻底的果园,但二者间未存在显著差异。萌芽前喷5波美度石硫合剂山植红蜘蛛种群数量显著下降,喷药刊后山植红蜘蛛种群数量降至喷药前的 10 %以下。生长期喷施不同浓度的绿维虫螨及阿维菌素后,随着喷药后时间的延长,山植红蜘蛛种群数量显著下降。至喷药后第sd,喷施2000倍绿维虫螨、2000倍和 3000倍阿维菌素三个处理的山植红蜘蛛存活率均低于 3%,极显著低于 3000倍绿维虫螨处理的山植红蜘蛛的存活率。 6黑光灯用于无公害栽培苹果园害虫防治中,诱虫广谱,成本低,操作方便,效果好,不污染环境,有利于提高果实品质。虽然也可诱集到大量的瓢虫等天敌或益虫,但发生高峰期通过禁用各种农药、关闭黑光灯等措施,它们完全可以得到很好的保护,充分发挥其作用。

【Abstract】 Apple is one of the fruits that cultivated widely, consumed in high quantity and has high economic effect in the world. Using a great quantity of chemical pesticides to control diseases and pests resulted in high pesticide residue, low internal quality of the products. This threatened the security of mankind. Free-pollutant culture has become the inexorable trend. The research of the dynamics of insect community in apple orchard was the basement of ecological control and management of apple pest. In this article the dynamics of insect community in free-pollutant culture apple orchard were investigated from 1999 to 2002. The orchard was in Fugangshanzhuang of Houjiazhuang country, Neiqiu County which located in the southern of Taihang Mountain. The results were as followed:1 Twenty species of insects that belonged to 7 orders and 12 families were found in free-pollutant culture apple orchard. The varieties of above-ground were Tetranychus viennensis Zacher, Lithocolletis ringoniella Mats. , Aphis citricola van der Goot, Drosicha corpulenta (Kuwana) and Choristoneura longicellana Walsingham. Among these species Tetranychus viennensis Zacher, Lithocolletis ringoniella Mats, and Aphis citricola van der Goot were the superiority species. Other species such as Chihuo zao Yang Drosicha corpulenta (Kuwana) et al. appeared sporadically. The population quantity of Tetranychus viennensis Zacher made up the absolute predominance from the middle ten days of March to the middle ten days of April. The population quantity of Lithocolletis ringoniella Mats, made up the absolute predominance from the middle ten days of July to the beginning of August and the population quantity of Aphis citricola van der Goot made up the absolute predominance from the last ten days of April to the beginning of June. Chrysopa septempunctata Wesmel and ladybug were pest enemies. The varieties of underground insect were Grub, Maladera orientalis Motschulsky, Gryllotalpa africana Pallisot et Beauvois, and Grub was the predominant species.2 The spatial pattern of the over-wintering form of Tetranychus viennensis Zacherwas aggregation distribution. They concentrated in trunk and first layer limbs. The quantity in these two parts made up 67.85 percent of the total quantity of Tetranychus viennensis Zacher in apple tree, but there were little amount of Tetranychus viennensis Zacher in center trunk and the second layer limbs. Tetranychus viennensis Zacher in trunk were concentrated in old crack barks and girdling cracks. Tetranychus viennensis Zacher in first and second limbs were concentrated in the boundary of axial shoot and stem, axial shoot and center trunk, girdling cracks, pruning wound and aerial roots et al. These Tetranychus viennensis Zacher were distributed mainly in the shady side of the branch. Culture condition of orchard affected the distribution of over-wintering form of Tetranychus viennensis Zacher significantly. The over-wintering form population of Hawthorn spider mite in free-pollutant culture apple orchard was ground orchard>southern exposure orchard>northern exposure orchard. There had significant level at 0.01 among these three orchards. Culture condition affected the distribution of Tetranychus viennensis Zacher also. The quantity of Tetranychus viennensis Zacher in free-pollutant culture apple orchard was less than that of ordinary orchard on the same culture condition significantly.3 Tetranychus viennensis Zacher had two occurrence peaks in early growth period of apple: the first was from the end of March to the beginning of April and this was the result of the breeding of the over-wintering form of Tetranychus viennensis Zacher. The second was from the end of June to the beginning of July. The quantity of Tetranychus viennensis Zacher in the southern exposure orchard was more than that of the northern exposure orchard and the ground orchard significantly, and it had no difference with the ordinary orchard. After the second occurrence peak, Tetranychus viennensis Zacher changed into over-wintering form

【关键词】 无公害苹果昆虫群落黑光灯优势种
【Key words】 Free-pollutantAppleInsect communityLight trapsDominant species
  • 【分类号】S186
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】267

