

Study on Land Readjustment in Rural Residential Area

【作者】 宫攀

【导师】 赵世强;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 水利水电工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 我国农村居民点在土地利用上存在着土地利用率、容积率低的问题。迫切需要对农居点进行土地整理,以缓解农村地区日益尖锐的人地矛盾,实现“耕地总量动态平衡”的目标。本文从分析我国农村居民点土地利用上存在的问题入手,说明了农村居民点整理的必要性。根据不同地区的实际情况总结出四种不同的整理模式:农村城镇化土地整理模式、自然村合并型土地整理模式、中心村内部调整型土地整理模式、异地迁移型土地整理模式。由于资金缺乏是制约农居点土地整理实施的首要问题,根据我国农村地区的经济发展现状,应采用多元化的资金筹集方式,以保障农居点整理的顺利进行。目前我国不少地方已经开展了农居点土地整理,但其程序还很不规范,仍存在着很多问题。为了改善今后的工作,作者提出了一些建议,指出整理前要编制整理规划,做好项目的可行性分析,避免盲目整理造成浪费。项目的可行性分析包括对经济效益、社会效益、生态环境效益、综合效益四方面的评价,作者介绍了各效益的评价指标及评价方法,通过评价最终评定项目的可行性。最后,本文结合农居点整理实例,验证了农居点整理的价值和意义。

【Abstract】 Rural residential area of our country has many problems on land using, such as the low land utilization ratio and the low volume rate. It is urgent to carry out land readjustment to relieve the crucial contradictions between land and human in country area and gain the goal of " dynamic balance of general cultivated land ". Based on analyzing the problems that exist on land utilization in rural residential area, this paper shows the necessity of land readjustment on it. According to the real situation of different regions, there are four kinds of operation modes: urbanization in country area, natural village combination, and interior readjustment of center village and moving to another area model. Owing to the scarcity of fund is the first important problem to restrict the land readjustment in rural residential area, we should raise money from various sources according to the economic development level of our country to ensure this work goes with a swing. Many districts in our country at present have already developed this work, but its procedure is still not very standard, and still has a lot of problems. In order to improve the work, the author put forward some suggestions, such as making land readjustment planning and doing the feasibility analysis of item to avoid wasting. The feasibility analysis of item includes the evaluation of the economic performance, society benefit, and ecology benefit, synthetically benefit. The paper introduces the evaluation index and the appraising method to decide the final feasibility of the item. In the end, the paper takes the practical land readjustment in rural residential area for example, and verified the meaning and value of the work.

  • 【分类号】F321.1
  • 【被引频次】78
  • 【下载频次】1258

