

Effect of Soil Temperature on Physiological and Biochemical Indexes of Zaolupan Flat Peach during Dormancy and Raising Temperature Period in Greenhouse

【作者】 王连荣

【导师】 徐继忠; 陈海江;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 果树学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以2-3年生早露蟠桃为试材,研究了土壤温度对温室早露蟠桃花芽休眠至开花前生理生化及形态发育的影响,并对温室内、外早露蟠桃休眠期主要生理指标进行了对比研究。主要结果如下: 1.土壤温度影响桃芽休眠解除的进程,15℃土壤温度处理与对照(CK)桃花芽和叶芽的萌芽指数均随着低温累积量的增加而升高。15℃处理在12月19日花芽萌芽指数达到30.61%,叶芽萌芽指数达到34.09%,花芽、叶芽均解除自然休眠;而CK在12月26日叶芽萌芽指数达30.72%,叶芽解除自然休眠,花芽在12月30日解除自然休眠。表明15℃土壤温度处理促进了桃芽休眠的解除。 2.土壤温度影响升温期桃花芽的发育,15℃与20℃土壤温度处理促进了花芽膨大,加速花药的发育,提前开花5-6天,提高花粉活力和萌芽率,但降低了花粉粒数。15℃处理与20℃处理相比,15℃处理的效果较好。 3.15℃、20℃土壤温度处理桃花芽可溶性糖含量的高峰比CK出现早,这与15℃、20℃土壤温度处理花芽提早解除休眠有关,休眠期桃花芽可溶性糖峰值的出现可作为休眠解除的标志。20℃处理桃花芽可溶性糖、淀粉、蛋白质和氨基酸含量在整个休眠期均低于15℃处理和CK。 4.15℃、20℃土壤温度处理与CK桃花芽SOD活性均有下降趋势;POD活性均呈上升趋势;IOD活性先下降,后迅速上升。12月10日,15℃与20℃处理桃花芽IOD活性均降至最低,这与桃花芽休眠解除的时间相一致,表明IOD活性最低时期的出现是桃花芽休眠解除的标志。 5.随着低温累积量的增加,15℃土壤温度处理和CK桃花芽总含水量缓慢升高;束缚水含量迅速升高,达到较高水平,以后开始缓慢下降;自由水含量先下降,且在花芽休眠解除前,迅速升高。15℃处理与CK处理相比,花芽束缚水含量开始下降,自由水含量开始升高的时期均提早,表明花芽束缚水与自由水含量变化可作为解除自然休眠的参考指标。 6.在休眠期15℃土壤温度处理根系内IOD活性保持较低水平;15℃处理根系内SOD活性变化幅度大而CK处理变化平稳;12月30日前,15℃处理和CK根系内POD活性变化趋势相似,12月30日后,15’C处理POD活性迅速降低,而CK保持较高的POD活性。表明在桃树芽休眠期,IS’C土壤温度处理比CK有利于根系的生长,促进了根系的生理代谢,并使根系内的代谢物质趋于平衡。 7.温室内早露铺桃休眠花芽中可溶性糖、氨基酸含量的最高峰与淀粉、蛋白质含量的最低值均比温室外出现的早,表明温室内早露幡桃花芽与温室外相比有提早解除休眠的趋势。

【Abstract】 The effect of soil temperature on physiological indexes and morphological development of flower buds was studied with 2-3 years old trees(Prunus persica var. compressa cv.Zaolu.) from onset of dormancy to bud break. The main physiological indexes of flower buds in greenhouse were compared to those of flower buds in field. The main results were as follows:1. Soil temperature influenced dormancy completion of flower buds. The indexes of bud break with CK and 15 treatments kept rising with the accumulation of chilling requirement. Withl5 treatment, on December 19, the indexes of bud break of flower and leaf buds were 30.61% and 34.09% respectively, and thus the dormancy was broken. With CK, on December 26, the index of bud break of leaf bud was 30.72%, and dormancy was broken. However the dormancy of flower bud was broken on December 30. The result showed that 15 treatment accelerated dormancy completion.2. Soil temperature influenced development of floral organs. Both 15 and 20 treatments accelerated flower buds expanding and development of the anthers, flowered earlier with 5-6 days, and improved pollen vitality and pollen germination rates and decrease numbers of pollen. However the effect of 15 treatment was better.3 In flower buds, the maximal value of soluble sugar contents with 20’C and 15 treatments appeared earlier than that with CK, which caused that 20 and 15 treatments could break dormancy of flower bud earlier. The result showed that the appearance of maximality of soluble sugar content was the sign of dormancy breaking. During dormant period, contents of soluble sugar, starch, protein and amino acid with 20 treatment were lowest among the three treatments.4 Similar trends were found: that with the three treatments SOD activities kept descending; POD activities rising; IOD activities descended firstly and then increased rapidly. On December 10 , IOD activities achieved to the lowest, which was coincidedwith the time when flower bud dormancy was broken.5 With the accumulation of chilling requirement, the total water content kept rising gradually, the bound water content increased rapidly and kept higher level for a period, and then descended gradually, the free water content descended firstly, however rose rapidly before flower bud dormancy was broken with both CK and 15 treatments.. The initial time of bound water content descending and free water content increasing was earlier with 15 treatment. The results showed that the changes of bound water and free water contents could be used as a reference sign of dormancy breaking.6 During dormant period, IOD activities with 15 treatment kept at a lower level in root system, .and SOD activities with 15 treatment changed extent, yet those with CK changed steadily. No difference were POD changes between CK and 15 treatments before December 30, however after December 30, those descended rapidly withl5 treatment, those kept higher with CK. The results showed that 15 treatment was effect of development of root systems.7 In flower buds, the maximality of contents of soluble sugar and amino acid, and the lowest value of contents of starch and protein in greenhouse appeared earlier than those under field. The results showed that dormancy was broken in greenhouse earlier than field.

  • 【分类号】S662.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】185

