

Studies on the Fruit Growth and Changes of Some Substances Content in Fruit of ’Red Fuji’ Apple on Different Dwarfing Interstocks

【作者】 刘国荣

【导师】 徐继忠; 陈海江;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 果树学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以目前苹果生产上主栽品种‘红富士’为试材,研究了不同矮化中间砧(SH38、SH5、M26、B9)红富士苹果果实生长发育及成熟过程中果实内糖、酸、淀粉、维生素C、果胶物质、可溶性蛋白质、游离氨基酸以及矿质元素、相关酶等物质的变化规律,探讨了不同矮化中间砧对‘红富士’苹果果实发育及成熟的影响及其内在机理。主要研究结果如下: 1.不同矮化中间砧红富士苹果果实的生长曲线基本符合单S型生长曲线。以B9为中间砧的果实在盛花后88天达一生长高峰,盛花后117~161天生长速率明显高于其它中间砧的,直到采前果实还在持续增大;以M26、SH38为中间砧的分别在盛花后102、161天有两次生长高峰,而以SH5为中间砧的果实在盛花后102天达高峰,之后生长缓慢。 2.不同矮化中间砧对红富士苹果果实外观质量有明显的影响。果实大小的顺序为(由大到小)B9、M26、SH38、SH5;果实着色级数、色调级数及果面光洁度级数顺序均为(由高到低)SH5、SH38、M26、B9。 3.不同矮化中间砧红富士苹果果实内总糖、果糖、葡萄糖及蔗糖的变化趋势基本相同。至果实采收时,果实内总糖含量不同:以SH38、SH5为中间砧的均高于以M26、B9为中间砧的。 4.不同矮化中间砧红富士苹果果实发育期间淀粉含量变化呈典型的单峰曲线,以M26、SH5、SH38为中间砧的果实淀粉含量在盛花后117天达到高峰,而以B9为中间砧的在盛花后57天达到高峰;至采收时以M26、SH5、SH38和B9为中间砧的果实内淀粉含量分别为0.09%、0.39%、0.17%和0.10%。 5.不同矮化中间砧影响红富士苹果果实内蔗糖酸性转化酶(SAI)、淀粉酶的活性及高峰出现时间,因而影响了果实内蔗糖、淀粉含量。α-淀粉酶活性,以B9、SH38为中间砧的在果实发育过程中变化不大,而以SH5、M26为中间砧的果实内α-淀粉酶活性在果实发育过程中均出现两次高峰,分别在盛花后29天和148天。 6.不同矮化中间砧红富士苹果果实内可滴定酸含量变化趋势相同,但采收时含量不同,以M26为中间砧的最高。计算其相应的糖酸比值,以SH5的为最高,比值为41.5,以M26的为最低,比值为29.6,其余的居中。 7.不同矮化中间砧红富士苹果果实内果胶物质含量及果肉硬度的变化趋势基本相同;至采收时,以B9、SH5、M26、SH38为中间砧的红富士苹果果实内可溶性果胶含量分别为0.679%、0.638%、0.635%、0.610%,果肉硬度分别为 9.18 Kg·cm”2、8.66 Kg·cm“2、8.08 Kg·cmZ、8.55 Kg·cm”2。 8.不同矮化中间砧红富士苹果果实内维生素C含量、可溶性蛋白质和游离氨基酸含量变化趋势基本相同。至采收时,维生素C含量以M26、Bg、SH38。S比为中间砧的分别为1.10mg门009,1二8 mg门009,1.56 m旮]009,卜66 mg门009。可溶性蛋白质含量以SH;为中间砧的果实内最高,以M。。的最低,SH。s、B。的居中;而游离氨基酸含量以B。、M。。为中间砧的高于以SH;、SH;s的。 9.不同矮化中间砧红富士苹果果实内矿质元素K、Ca、Fe、Mn、Zn含量变化趋势均基本相似。至采收时,以SH38、SHS为中间砧的果实内CS含量高于以M26、Bg为中间砧的,K含量贝IJ相反:以SH38为中间砧的果实hJ Fe含量最高;Zfl含量以M26的最高,Mfl含量以SHS的最低。

【Abstract】 In this experiment, the materials were ’Red Fuji’ apple trees on four dwarfing interstocks M.26, B.9, SH.5, and SH.38. The changes of some substances during fruit development and maturation of ’Red Fuji’ apple, were studied, including soluble sugar, titratable acid, starch, vitamin C, pectic substances, soluble protein, amino acid, minerals, related enzymes and so on. The effect and inherent mechanism of dwarfing interstocks upon the fruit development and maturation of ’Red Fuji’ apple were discussed. The results were as follows:1. The results showed that fruit growth curve of ’Red Fuji’ apple on different interstock types basically accorded with the single S-growth curve. The fruit growth of ’Red Fuji’ apple on interstocks M.26 and SH.38 had two distinct peaks on the 102 and 161 day after full bloom, respectively. That on SH.5 had one peak on the 102 day after full bloom, then the fruit growth slowly decreased. While that on interstock B.9 grew quickly on the 88 day and the fruit growth rate was significantly higher than that of others from the 117 to 161 day after full bloom, and increased continuously even till harvest.2. Different dwarfing interstocks markedly affected fruit apparent quality. The order of fruit size from the biggest to the smallest was for B.9, M.26, SH.38, SH.5, while the grade order of fruit color and peel smooth from the highest to the lowest was for SH.5, SH.38, M.26, B.9.3. Changes of total sugar, fructose, glucose, sucrose in fruit of’Red Fuji’ apple on four interstock types had a similar trend. At harvest, but varied in amount, the total sugar content of ’Red Fuji’ apple on interstocks SH.5, SH.38 was higher than that of M.26 and B.9.4. Change of fruit starch content of ’Red Fuji’ apple on different interstock types showed a typical single peak curve. The starch contents of’Red Fuji’ apples on interstocks M.26, SH.5 and SH.38 increased continuously to a peak on the 117 day after full bloom, while that on interstock B.9 got to its peak at the 57 day after full bloom. At harvest, the starch content were remained 0.09%, 0.39%, 0.17%, 0.10% by M.26, SH.5, SH.38 and B.9, respectively.5. The results of this research revealed that the SAI activity and amylase activity in fruit greatly affected sucrose and starch content, interstocks influenced SAI and amylase activity and the time of its pinnacle. There were little change in the a -amylase activity in fruit of ’Red Fuji’ on interstocks B.9 and SH.38, while appeared two pinnacles on interstocks M.26 and SH.5 during fruit development of ’Red Fuji’ apple.6. The change of the titratable acid content in fruit on different interstocks was similar. The titratable content in fruit of ’Red Fuji’ on interstocks M.26 was the highest. The ratios of total sugar to titration acid in fruit of ’Red Fuji’ apple on different interstock types were different, that on SH.5 was the highest (41.5), while that on M.26 was the lowest (29.6).7. The change of the pectic substances content and firmness in fruit on different interstocks were similar. At harvest, the pectic substances content were remained 0.679%, 0.638%, 0.635%, 0.610% and fruit firmness 9.18 Kg ?cm-2, 8.66 Kg?cm-2, 8.08 Kg?cm-2, 8.55 Kg?cm-2 by B.9, SH.5, M.26 and SH.38, respectively.8. The change of the vitamin C content, the soluble protein content and amino acid content in fruit on different interstocks were similar. At harvest, the vitamin C content in fruit of ’Red Fuji’ apples was remained l.l0mg/l00g (M26), 1.28 mg/100g(B9), 1.56 mg/l00g (SH38), 1.66mg /l00g (SH5). The soluble protein content in fruit of ’Red Fuji’ apples on different interstocks were distinctly different, of which the highest for SH.5, the lowest for M.26, and mid for SH.38 and B9, respectively. But the amino acid content in fruit of ’Red Fuji’ apple on interstocks M.26, B.9 was higher than that of SH.5, SH.38.9. The change of the mineral element K, Ca, Fe, Mn, Zn in fruit on different interstocks were similar. At harvest, the content of calcium in fruit of ’R

  • 【分类号】S661.1
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】387

