

Studies on Nutrient Regulation and Its Influence Factors of Substrate Pot New Guinea Impatiens

【作者】 陈段芬

【导师】 方正;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 植物营养与肥料, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用温室盆栽试验、气候室模拟试验和室内分析测定相结合的方法,确定了新几内亚凤仙生长的基本条件;研究了不同施肥水平对其形态及生理指标的影响,在一定程度上明确了施肥水平对花色素苷合成的有关生理机制;筛选出了无土栽培时氮磷钾的合理配比,同时对不同施肥水平下新几内亚凤仙盆花的观赏性状及商品性状进行了初步评价。结果表明:①泥炭:蛭石:珍珠岩=2:1:1的基质配比适宜新几内亚凤仙的生长;蛭石:珍珠岩=1:1的基质可作为氮磷钾选优试验基质;②无淋溶灌溉施肥时,新几内亚凤仙可在N:0.031~0.266 g/L;P:0.003~0.126g/L;K:0.028~0.315g/L的浓度范围内生长,但生长势表现不同。在营养液盐分含量为1.87~2.4g/L的范围内存在着盐分危害的临界值,高于该值会引起根系活力、叶片中SOD、POD活性下降,植株生长势衰弱,开花数量减少,花品质下降;③当基质EC值控制在1.054ms·cm-1时植株可旺盛生长;当基质EC值大于1.608ms·cm-1时,植株生长受到抑制;④光照强度应控制在150001x左右,过强或过弱的光照会导致叶片反卷或薄大,花径变小,花色变淡;⑤在幼苗定植后60天,随着氮磷钾肥施用浓度的提高,植株生长势增强;此后高浓度处理开始抑制植株生长发育;⑥无土基质栽培时,新几内亚凤仙植株长势不仅仅决定于施肥水平,同时也决定于基质中盐分的累积。⑦不同施肥水平下,氮磷钾对花色素苷的影响是通过影响植株体内可溶性糖、蛋白质含量而实现的;施肥可影响植株花瓣中PAL活性,但该酶活性与花色素苷含量之间无明显的相关性;⑧在以蛭石:珍珠岩=1:1的无土基质中,幼苗期施用N:P:K=2:1:1.3(处理5)可使新几内亚凤仙叶片肥大,冠幅增加,迅速形成优良株型;成苗期施用N:P:K=2:1:2(处理6)的氮磷钾配比可使新几内亚凤仙促进花芽分化,提高成花数,并使叶色鲜绿、花色鲜艳,观赏价值明显提高。

【Abstract】 Through the methods of potting in greenhouse, climate simulating and plant tissue analysis and measuring, the basal growth conditions for substrate pot New Guinea Impatiens were confirmed,the effects of different nutrients levels on the New guinea Impatiens and its influence factors were studied,and the nutrient composition suitable for young plant and fully-grown plant were selected out in this study.The results indicated. (1)The proper substrate composition with peat: vermiculitel :perlitel=2:1: Iwas suitable for the growth of New Guinea Impatiens plants,while the substrate composition with vermiculite:perlitel=l: 1 could be used to the soilless culture of potted New Guinea Impatiens. (2)Although New Guinea Impatiens could grow and develop in nutrition composed 0.031-0.266 gN/L,0.003-0.126gP/L and 0.028~0.315 gK/L, the eflects were different obviously.The critical value inducing salt injury to the plant was among 1.87-2.4g/L.(3)New Guinea Impatiens could grow rapidly when the substrate EC value was 1.054ms . cm-1 ,when the value was above 1.608 ms.cm-1 ,the growth was restrained seriously.(4) 15 000lx was a feasible light intensity for New Guinea Impatien ,surpass or less than it will caused abnormal phenomenon,such as lessening of flower diameter,thinning of flower colour and so on.(5)The growth vigar of plant enhanced with the increasing of nutrient concentrations within 60 days after planting, after then higher nutrient concentrations began to restrain the growth and development.(6)The growth of New Guinea Impatien not only was effected by the fertilizer concentration,but also the EC value of soilless medium which was resulted in the cumulation of salt.7Z)Under different fertilizer level,nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium,had obvious influences on the content of anthocyanin,which was conducted through controlling the synthesis ofsoluble sugar and protein in plant;The PAL activity was affected by the fertilizer,but it hadn’ t direct relation with the content of anthocyanin.(8)For New Guinea Impatiens planted in soilless medium composed vermiculitel-perlitel,nutrition containing N2-P1-K1.3 was suitable for the growth of young plants,which could improve the shape of plants, while the composition of N2-P1-K2 was suitable to the fully-grown plants,which could accelerate the bud formation,increase the number of flower and improve the colour of leaf and flower,so the ornamental and commercial qualities were enhanced.

  • 【分类号】S682
  • 【被引频次】8
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