

Studies on Blooming Date Regulation of Anthurium Scheranum

【作者】 王占朝

【导师】 方正;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 植物营养, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 火鹤(Anthurium scheranum)又称花烛、安祖花,为天南星科(Araceae)佛焰芋属(Anthurium)多年生常绿草本,原产于中南美洲的哥伦比亚,是最近几年刚引进的名贵花卉新品种。然而由于火鹤生长缓慢,一般品种定植后栽培9个月~12个月才能开花,以致成花周期长、成本高,限制了其更快的发展,因此对火鹤的花期调控进行研究就显得十分迫切。 光周期和激素是影响植物开花的主要因素,光照强度能够影响植物的光合作用,从而对植物的发育进程产生影响。本文通过不同的遮荫处理:分别设单层遮光和双层遮光两种处理,研究了遮荫对火鹤花期的影响;通过不同的光周期诱导:5小时和8小时的短日诱导15天;以及8小时短日诱导5天、10天和15天研究了短日诱导对火鹤花期的影响;通过叶面喷施50mg/L、100mg/L、150mg/L、300mg/L、和600mg/L的赤霉素、激动素以及二者的混合液研究了激素对火鹤的花期的影响,并且对在不同时期喷施激素对火鹤的花期的影响进行了比较。研究结果表明:火鹤作为一种起源于南美洲的林下植物,喜欢弱光,在中国北方温室栽培需要进行遮荫,遮光率至少要达到75%左右;遮荫有利于火鹤提早开花,并且能够提高火鹤的观赏品质。短日诱导对火鹤的开花没有明显的作用,火鹤是一种对光周期不敏感的作物,即短日照不能作为调控火鹤开花的有效手段。不同浓度的激素处理对火鹤开花有不同程度作用,在一定范围内能够提早火鹤的花期,浓度过大则对火鹤的开花产生不利影响。不同激素使火鹤提前开花的最佳浓度范围有所不同:赤霉素以100mg/L效果最好;激动素以50mg/L效果最好;混合激素以100mg/L效果最好。不同时期对火鹤进行激素处理有不同效果,以在火鹤花芽分化前进行处理的效果最佳,品种艾罗尼则是在具4片成熟叶时使用激素效果最佳。

【Abstract】 Anthuriwn Scherzerianum is an evergreen perennial herb originated from South American. It is a very valuable ornamental plant introduced to China in recent years. Due to its long period of growth, most varieties usually need 9-12 months to bloom, the rapid production is seriously limited. Searching for effective method to regulate the blooming date ofAnthurium Scherzerianumm becomes more and more important in its production. Photoperiod and hormone are major factor in regulating the blooming date of plant. Light intensity can affect the photosynthesis and regulates the development of plant. Different shade densities were used to evaluate the effect of light density on Anthuriwn Scherzerianum. The results showed that shad treatment is necessary when cultivated in North China. Shade treatment can promot the flowering. Short-day inducement was also adopted to regulate the flowering ofAnthurium Scherzerianum, but in this experiment different short-day inducements showed little effect on flowering of Anthurium Scherzerianum, so probably it is not a photoperiod sensitivity plant. Hormones can regulate the flowering of Anthurium Scherzerianum when used in proper concentration. The best concentration range of hormones is different: Gibberellin in 100 mg/L; Kinetin in 50 mg/L, but has no practical value because it can make the Anthurium Scherzerianum bloom only one week earlier; mixture hormones is lOOmg/L.When sprayed in different growing time each hormone showed different effect on Anthurium Scherzerianum flowering. Spraying before differentiation of flower bud has the better effect. For the variety Arony, the best Spraying time is in the stage of four mature leaves.

【关键词】 火鹤花期调控遮光光周期激素
【Key words】 Anthurium scheranumblooming date regulationphotoperiodhormones
  • 【分类号】S682
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】413

