

The Design and Research of Information System of Inventory Managing

【作者】 魏淑艳

【导师】 张建华; 刘淑霞;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过分析国内外关于库存管理软件的发展情况,提出在线统计货物出库情况的基础上利用模拟方法确定最优存储方案,其目的是为制定合理的货物安全库存量和订货量提供可靠的依据,提高企业管理人员的决策质量,从而减小资金的占用和缺货损失,提高企业的经济效益。通过研制库存管理信息系统使库存信息管理自动化,也就是实现货物入出库管理计算机管理、自动查询货物入出库情况并在缺货时给予提示、使用计算机货物余额定期结算、货物余额实时查询并显示是否需要订货、装配出库管理使得只要输入需要装配产品代号和数量,组成它的所有零件就会自动检库和出库。然后对安全库存量和订货量进行模拟,模拟方法是首先自动统计货物在过去某一段时间内的需求量,计算出概率,用随机数的范围表示其概率数值的大小,利用随机函数产生随机数、从而间接的产生随机需求量,给定模拟天数和其他模拟条件模拟各种方案,从众多的存储方案中找出最优存储方案。采用结合实际的方法测试此模拟方法,将其运用到企业的库存管理中来验证模拟方法确定存储方案的可靠性。

【Abstract】 The research paper is based on the the latest softwares of the managing inventory, Its research subject is about simulating the most appropriate inventory quantity and ordering quantity by statisticing the probability of the random require quantity .Its purpose is to provide the relied basement for determining the most appropriate inventory quantity and ordering quantity, the deterring policy quality will be raised, so the damage caused by unfit inventory quantity and the benefit of the entrerpreneur will be raised .The research method is by building the inventory management information system ,the system includes automated management of parts entering and going out the datasbase .requesting the records of parts entering and going out the datasbase and displaying the sygonal when the inventory quantity is short out .computer calculating the fix period remaining, requesting remaining at any time and displaying if goods need ordering, all the partsof certain a product going out of basement and at the same time checking if the storaging quantity is enough .Then simulating the most appropriate inventory quantity and ordering quantity simulating method is as follows : statisticing the random required quantity .calculating the probability ,standing for the values with data range producing random data by function accordingly calculating the random required quantity .thenext step is simulating all the projects after pressing in the simulating conditions .finally selecting the best. The research result is tested by being used in real inventory management of factory .By testing the research result has been made, that is determining the most appropriate inventory quantity and ordering quantity based on simulating result can raised economic benefit, consequently the conclusion of the research is determining the inventory project by simulating should be applied widely.

  • 【分类号】TP311.5
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】1349

