

Study on the Environmental Monitor and Control System of Animal Building Based on Virtual Instrumentation

【作者】 刘金华

【导师】 杨世凤;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 畜禽舍是动物活动的场所,保证舍内适宜的环境状态对于动物充分发挥生产潜力,降低饲料消耗非常重要。与国外发达国家相比,我国的畜禽业生产水平还比较落后,畜禽舍环境问题是导致这一现状的重要因素。为了解决环境多变对畜禽生产造成的负面影响,近年来,我国的畜禽舍在采用密闭方式进行饲养的同时,采用了像纵向通风、夏季湿帘降温等一系列先进环境控制技术,为畜禽舍的环境调控提供了物质保障。但从管理的角度看,在畜禽舍的环境调控中,环境因素之间缺乏必要的联系,且多数控制系统必须由饲养管理人员手动操作或机电式操作,自动化水平低,难以适应现代化管理的要求。 本文采用虚拟仪器技术,将传感器技术、仪器技术和计算机技术结合起来,进行了畜禽舍环境监测控制系统的硬件及软件设计。硬件上采用温度传感器、湿度传感器和气体传感器检测各环境参数,实现了环境参数的自动采集;利用智能控制技术控制风机、水泵的启停,实现了畜禽舍环境的智能调节。软件上基于LabWindows/CVI虚拟仪器开发平台,采用模块化设计方法,实现了采集信号的实时显示、数据的正确处理、控制信号的准确输出,同时应用最小二乘法对环境参数进行拟合从而实现了环境参数曲线的自动绘制。 本系统采用模糊控制算法。模糊控制不要求被控对象的精确的数学模型,是一种非线性控制,系统的鲁棒性好,对系统的参数变化不敏感。该算法易于实现,实验量小,并可达到良好的控制效果。 整个系统具有界面友好、操作方便、功能齐全等优点,试验调试结果表明研制基于虚拟仪器的畜禽舍环境监测控制系统,可增加环境监测控制的稳定性,大大改善畜禽舍中的环境状况,降低了管理人员与饲养人员的劳动强度。可广泛应用于大型现代化畜禽养殖场,具有较高的推广应用价值。

【Abstract】 The animal building is a place of the animal activity. Only in suitable environment, can animal be more productive and reduce the consumption of feed. Compared with developed country, animal industry is uncultured in our country. And the environmental problem of animal building is one of major factors to cause this present condition .To reduce the negative influence of environment on animal production, in recent years, some environmental control technology concerning confined animal building is adopted. The advanced technology includes using lengthways ventilation and applying wet curtain lower temperature in summer. But in the light of present situation of environmental management in animal building, environmental parameters lack necessary relation each other in course of control, and most of facility must be operated by hand or by mechanical and electrical mode. The level of automation is low and not meet the need of modern management.Applying virtual instrumentation technology, sensor technology, instrument technology and computer technology, the author designs and develops the environmental monitor and control system of Animal Building. On the one hand, testing data is acquired automatically by temperature sensor, relative humidity sensor and gas sensor; the operation of exhaust fan and water pump is adjusted automatically by intelligentized control, consequently, the environment of the animal building is regulated automatically. On the other hand, The acquired data is showed real-timely and controlled messages are output precisely based on the developing platform-Labwindows/CVI, the parameter curve is completely gained.The paper adopts the fuzzy control. The fuzzy control does not need the accurate mathematics model of the controlled objects, and it is a nonlinear control system. The robust stability of fuzzy control is good and its delicacy is poor to the change of system parameter. This control is realized easily, and can attain good control result.The whole system has friendly interface, convenient operation and comprehensive function, which can be used widely in modern confined animal building. The environmental monitor and control system Based on Virtual Instrumentation enhance the stability of testing process, improves the condition of environment in animal building, reduce the workload of feeder and controller; simultaneity, the precision and efficiency ofsystem is largely improved.

  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】355

