

A Research on Rural Power Distribution Network Management System Based on Component GIS

【作者】 李素

【导师】 李亚敏; 邝朴生;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 组件式软件技术是继面向对象技术后发展起来的一种新的软件工程技术,是面向对象技术的延伸。它的兴起为软件开发方法提出了一个全新的概念,已成为当今软件技术的潮流之一。组件式GIS的推出,也为各种GIS应用系统的革新和完善提供了契机。它是面向对象技术和组件式软件技术在GIS软件开发中的应用。它把GIS的功能适当抽象,以组件形式供开发者使用,具有许多传统GIS工具无法比拟的优点,为传统GIS面临的多种问题提供了全新的解决思路。 组件式GIS已应用于诸多领域,但目前在国内很少见到其应用在农村配电网管理中。本文在回顾了地理信息系统的发展和目前的研究热点基础上,详细阐述了组件技术的原理、特点和组件技术的演变,以及组件式GIS的构成、特点、二次开发等,分析了传统GIS开发农村配电网管理系统的缺点及组件式GIS开发的优势。并深入探讨了利用组件式GIS开发农村配电网管理系统的系统分析、设计与实施。 在以上理论研究的基础上,本文以保定市涞水县农村配电网管理系统的建设为例,利用美国组件式GIS软件—MapX 4.5,结合高级可视化程序设计语言VB6.0,完成了系统在空间数据采集、管理、处理、分析、输出等方面的GIS功能。

【Abstract】 Component software technology is a new kind of software engineering technology that developed after and as an entension of the object oriented technology. A new concept has been put forward since the rising of component software technology which has already become one of the trends in current software technology. The use of compoent GIS has provided opportunities for the innovation and improvement of various GIS application systems . Component GIS is a kind of application of object oriented technology and component software in GIS software development. It properly abstracts GIS functions and provides them to users as components, which makes it take on many advantages that the traditional GIS lacks. Therefore, it provides completely new idea to solve the problems that traditional GIS faces.Though component GIS has been widely used in many fields, its application in the area of rural power distribution network management in China is currently seldom. In this paper, the development of geographic information system and the current research hot topics were reviewed, the principles of component technology and its feature, the structure of component GIS and the method of its redevelopment were discussed in detail. This paper alse compared the systems based on traditional GIS and component GIS seperately. And the system analysis, system design and system implement of rural power distribution network management developed by component GIS were studied particularly.Based on the above theoretical research, this paper applied component GIS method to develop the rural power distribution network management system of Baoding city.Laishui county as a case of practical application. In the advanced visual programming language-Visual Basic 6.0 development environment, we took advantage of America GIS component-MapX4.5 to have implemented GIS functions of the system in space data gathering,management,disposition,analysis, output,etc.

  • 【分类号】TM769
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】134

