

Study on Tenderization of Beef by Sodium Chloride and Polyphosphates

【作者】 赵立艳

【导师】 彭增起; 何俊萍;

【作者基本信息】 河北农业大学 , 农产品加工及贮藏工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究以两岁龄西门塔尔杂种牛半腱肌为材料,分别用2%、4%、6%的NaCl、1%、3%、5%的焦磷酸二氢二钠(DSPP)、三聚磷酸钠(STPP)、焦磷酸钠(TSPP)和六偏磷酸钠(HMP)溶液在4℃下浸渍1、2、3天,研究这些盐对牛肉的嫩化作用。主要研究结果如下: 1.氯化钠和多聚磷酸盐均能降低牛肉半腱肌的剪切力,而且剪切力随浓度的提高和浸渍时间的延长而降低。各自适宜的嫩化条件为:4%NaCl浸渍2天、5%DSPP、3%STPP、3%TSPP、3%HMP在4℃下浸渍3天。 2.不同浓度的NaCl、STPP、TSPP、HMP浸渍不同时间后都比对照肉重净增百分率高,DSPP处理只有浓度为5%处理3天的样品比对照肉重略有增加,而1%、3%的DSPP不同时间处理后,肉重净增百分率与对照相比则均有所下降。 3.与对照相比,DSPP只有在浓度为5%时蒸煮损失稍有下降,在其它浓度对蒸煮损失没有降低作用,而另外几种盐则不同程度地降低了蒸煮损失。 4.NaCl处理肉样的pH值与对照差异不显著(P>0.05),DSPP处理的肉样pH值比对照低,STPP、TSPP、HMP三种磷酸盐提高了肉的pH值(P<0.05)。 5.经NaCl、STPP、TSPP和HMP处理后,肉样的剪切力均与净增百分率成负相关,与蒸煮损失成正相关,与pH值成负相关,且相关性显著(P<0.01)。而DSPP与净增百分率成负相关,与蒸煮损失成正相关,与pH值成正相关,相关性显著(P<0.01)。 6.经4%NaCl、5%DSPP、3%STPP、3%TSPP、3%HMP处理的肉样,显著提高了胶原蛋白的热溶解度(P<0.01),其中DSPP的效果最明显。NaCl与STPP处理间以及STPP与HMP处理间差异不显著(P>0.05)。 7.在不同温度下测定了剪切力的变化,各种处理的趋势大致相同,都是60℃和80℃各出现一个高峰,90℃时略有下降。 8.对照和DSPP处理样品的肌原纤维结构完好,肌节轮廓完整、清晰可见。NaCl处理的肉样肌节基本上保持原有轮廓,只是稍微模糊,且在Z盘处出现轻微弱化。STPP和TSPP处理的肉样肌节结构受到了破坏,Z盘处发生弱化,甚至出现断裂。肉样经HMP处理后,肌节基本上保持原有结构,只是Z盘处稍有弱化发生。 9.对照样品中肌束膜中胶原纤维结构没有被破坏,呈致密的缆状。NaCl和TSPP处理的样品,胶原纤维分散成更细的原胶原纤维,好像散乱的丝线,且彼此很分散。DSPP处理对胶原纤维的影响不大,结构基本上与对照接近,只是稍稍发生松动。STPP和HMP处理的样品,胶原纤维也分散为原胶原纤维,但原胶原纤维仍彼此很接近。

【Abstract】 Semitendinosus muscle obtained from 2-year-old beef carcasses was treated with sodium chloride solutions of 2%,4%,6%,and desodium pyrophosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate, tetrasodium pyrophosphate and hexametaphosphate solutions of 1%,3%,5% respectively, the marinating periods was 1d,2d,3 d. The tenderization of these salts on beef semitendinosus muscle was studied. The main results were given as followed.l.NaCl and polyphosphates decreased the shear force of semitendinosus muscle, the shear force decreased with increse of concentration of salts and prolongation of marinating time.The moderate conditions of each salt was that 4% NaCl,5%DSPP,3%STPP,3%TSPP,3%HMP marinade 3days at 4 .respectively.2. Compared with control, NaCI, STPP, TSPP, HMP increased the percentage net weight increase at different concentration and different marinating time, DSPP solution of 5% increased the meat weight slightly after marinating 3 days, the samples treated with the DSPP solutions of 1% and 3% had lower meat weight than the control, irrespective of marinating time.3. DSPP solution decreased the cooking loss at the concentration of 5% and had no impact on cooking loss at other concentration, but other salts decreased the cooking loss at different concentration.4. Compared with control, the pH of meat samples treated with NaCI solution had no distinct difference (P>0.05). The meat samples treated with DSPP had lower pH than the control. The solution of STPP, TSPP, HMP increased the pH of beef (P<0.05).5. After the semitendinosus muscle treated with NaCI,STPP,TSPP and HMP respectively, the shear force had negative correlation with the percentage net weight increase and pH value, had positive correlation with cooking loss (P<0.01). the shear force of the samples treated with DSPP had negative correlation with percentage net weight increase, had positive correlation with cooking loss and pH value (P<0.01).6. The samples treated with NaCl solution of 4%, DSPP solution of 5%, STPP,TSPP.HMP solution of 3% respectively, the collagen solubility of these samples was markedly raised (P<0.01). No significant difference between NaCl treatment and STPP treatment as well as between STPP treatment and HMP treatment (P>0.05).7. The changes of shear force at various temperature was determined, the curves trend ofall treatments was similar. There were two peaks at 60 and 80 in every curve, and the curves slightly declined at 90 .8. The myofibrils of control and DSPP treatments remained integrity, the structure of sarcomere was intact and clear. The sarcomere of NaCl treatment remained original structure basically except that it seemed less pronounced and had slightly weakening at Z disk. The structure of STPP treatmenet and TSPP tueatment was disrupted and the weakening occurred at Z disk ,even the rupture was found. The sarcomere struture of HMP also remained basic structure except the weakening at Z disk.9. The structure of collagen fibrils in the perimysium of control had no obvious alteration, it seemed like as compact rope. The collagen fibrils of NaCl and STPP treatments disassociated more thinner tropocollagen fibrils which liked disordered silk thread and separated from each other. Except that the fibrils occurred loose, the structure of DSPP treatment had no distinct alteration and was similar with control. The collagen fibrils of STPP treatment and HMP treatmen disassociated tropocollagen fibrils, but they closed with each other.

  • 【分类号】TS251
  • 【被引频次】6
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