

Study on the Development and Strategy of the Industrialization of Green Food

【作者】 张平

【导师】 栾敬东;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 农林经济管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 1990年,我国拉开了中国绿色食品事业发展的序幕,目的是通过开发无污染的安全、优质、营养类食品,保护和改善生态环境,提高农产品及其加工品的质量,增进城乡人民身体健康,促进国民经济和社会可持续发展。 绿色食品是遵循可持续发展原则,按照特定生产方式生产,经专门机构认定,许可使用绿色食品标志商标的无污染的安全、优质、营养类食品。 绿色食品产生发展是人类在提出可持续发展思想的基础上,对现代农业发展模式的一种反思;是在“国际有机农业运动(简称IFOAM)”基础上选择的适合本国国情的自己的发展道路。在这点上它无疑具有强大的生命力。绿色食品的产业发展特点决定了它必须走产业化道路。 通过十多年的实践,绿色食品作为一项产业已经形成了一套比较完善的产业管理标准和质量控制标准,但也存在着很多问题,主要表现在:(1)组织化程度不高;(2)管理服务网络不健全;(3)缺乏政策项目扶持;(4)产业化优势不够明显;(5)农业生态环境不容乐观; 绿色食品产业化运行机制的主要内容包括:(1)四种组织模式,即“公司+农产”、“公司+基地+农产”、“公司+合作社+农产”、“公司+中介组织+农产”;(2)组织机制:松散联结方式、较紧密联结方式、紧密联结方式;(3)决策机制:对应于不同的联结方式有相关的决策机制,一般来说有分散决策、协调决策和集中决策三种类型;(3)利益机制是绿色食品产业化的动力机制,也是最重要的运行机制。总体来讲,绿色食品产业化通过利益的创造和利益的分配,能够节约交易成本,发挥协同效应和整合效应,产生经济增量,从而为绿色食品一体化组织存在与发展奠定经济基础。(4)风险机制,风险机制实质上是利益机制的延伸。风险基金的提取和使用,要视农民的承受能力和企业赢余状况情况不同而有所侧重,进而达到规避产业市场风险的总目标。通过对绿色食品产业化运行机制的分析,并着重通过对运行机制中几个关键控制点的分析,例如强化绿色食品龙头企业作用、整体提升绿色食品产业农民组织化程度、以及合理配置绿色食品产业资源等方面,系统地阐述绿色食品产业运行机制牛最主要的利益连结机制、资源配置、制度保障等问题。 构建绿色食品现代市场营销体系是绿色食品产业面对国际、国内两个市场必须认真面对的问题。通过对市场的分析,对绿色食品现代营销体系的构建等,进一步确立绿色食品产业化项目所遵循的一条重要原则就是市场需求的导向原则。市场的需求是产业发展的直接动力,而市场的培育则是产业扩张的重要前提。 在上述分析的基础上,本文提出绿色食品产业化经营发展对策:(1)增加绿色食品产业化经营的利益总量,为平均利润率的形成和提高创造条件;(2)多手段并用,绿色食品龙头企业还利于农、服务于民;(3)强化农民的自我保护意识。提高农民的组织化程度;(4)促进农业社会化服务体系与绿色食品产业化的对接,强化纤色食品龙头企业与农户的联结纽带;(5)促进市场经济体制的建立,为绿色食品产业化运行机制的发育创造良好的制度环境:(利加强政府宏观调控,加大对产业化组织的利益调节力度;()加强立法监督,切实保护农民和绿色食品龙头企业的合法权益:u)不断进行制度创新,引导和推动产业化组织逐步由低级形式向高级形式发展。

【Abstract】 It was not until 1990 that our country embarked on developing the Chinese green food by developing safe, nutritional and pollution-free food of quality, protecting and improving ecological environment, enhancing the quality of the agricultural produce and processed product so as to reinforce the health of both the urban and the rural residents and promote the sustained development of national economy and our society.Green food is a safe, nutritional, pollution-free food of high quality. It is produced according to the principles of sustainable development and certain ways of production and accredited by the special institution to use the brand of green food. The production and development of the green food is the reflection of the modern agriculture production pattern based on the concept of sustainable development; it is to choose the way for development with national characteristics based on " International FO Agricultural Movement"(IFOAM). In this sense, it is undoubtedly boasting of vigor and vitality. The developing features of green food industry take it into industrialization.With ten years of practice and experience, green food industry has developed a rather comprehensive industry management standards and quality control standards. However, it is far from perfect. The problems are mainly as follows:(1) poor organization(2) incomplete management of the service network(3) lacking in the support of the policy(4) unobvious advantage in industrialization(5) poor agricultural production environmentThe main content of the operation system of green food industrialization is the following:(1) Four types of organization pattern, namely, " company + farmer", " company + base + farmer", "company + cooperative agent + farmer", " company + intermediate agent + farmer".(2) Organization system: loose connection pattern, close connection pattern and intense connection pattern.(3) Policy system: different connection pattern has its own corresponding policy system. Generally, there are distribution policy, coordination policy and concentration policy.(4) Interest and profit system is the engine system of the green food industrialization and the most important operation system. Roughly speaking, green food industrialization is able to reduce transaction cost, take the coordination effect and concentration effect into full potential and produce accumulative volume of economy by creation and distribution of the interests and profits so as to lay the foundation for the integration of the green food industrialization.(5) Risk system is actually the extension of the interest and profit system. The appropriation and use of the venture capital have to depend on the economic condition and the company’s financial situation so that the risks in the market can be avoided.By analyzing the operation system of green food industrialization, especially some of the key points in the operation system such as reinforcing the pioneering role of green food, improving the organization of green food farmers in an all-round way and collocating reasonably the resources of green food industry, etc. the most important problems in the operation system of green food industrialization, for example, interests and profits connection system, resources collocation and policy support, etc are systematically elucidated.The building of the green food marketing system is the problem that the green food industry have to face both in the international and the domestic market. By analyzing the market and building the green food marketing system, market-orientation principle, one of the most important principles in green food industrialization, is affirmed and built. The demand of the market if the locomotive of the development of the industry while the cultivation of the market is the prerequisite for the expansion of the industry.Based on the above mentioned, this thesis put forward the policies for the development of the green food industry:(1) To increase the total profit volume of

【关键词】 绿色食品产业化发展政策研究
【Key words】 green foodindustrializationdevelopmentpolicy study
  • 【分类号】F426.82
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】846

