

The Influence of Different Selenium Sources at Different Levels and Selenium-Iodine Interaction on Nutritional Effects and Meat Quality of Gushi4C Broilers

【作者】 迟淑艳

【导师】 张伟力;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 试验一:不同硒源对固始鸡4C应用效果的比较试验 试验一选用420羽1日龄健康固始鸡4C随机分成7个处理组。赛乐硒和亚硒酸钠分别以商品中的含硒量按0.15mg/kg、0.30mg/kg、0.45mg/kg各一组以及对照组。饲喂玉米-豆粕型基础日粮,预饲一周淘汰弱雏,每组随机分为50只,正式试验期42天,分三阶段饲养。通过测定鸡群的生长性能、屠体性状、生理生化指标和肉质参数来比较赛乐硒和亚硒酸钠在固始鸡4C上的应用效果。 结果表明,固始鸡在不同的生长期内,对硒的需要量不同。整个生长期内,0.30mg/kg亚硒酸钠组的日均增重高于其它各组。0.30mg/kg赛乐硒组的饲料转化率高于其它各组。在生长前期,0.45mg/kg赛乐硒组均重极显著的高于相同硒源的另外两组、同水平的亚硒酸钠组以及对照组(p<0.01)。0.45mg/kg赛乐硒组4周龄时的羽毛评分值极显著的高于其它各组(p<0.01)。 0.30mg/kg赛乐硒添加组的屠体重显著低于同水平的亚硒酸钠添加组(p<0.05),屠宰率极显著的低于0.45mg/kg亚硒酸钠添加组(p<0.01)。 血清谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、三碘甲腺原氨酸(T3)的活性有随硒添加水平的升高而升高的趋势(赛乐硒和亚硒酸钠试验组),血清甲状腺素(T4)的含量基本上随硒添加水平的增加而降低。赛乐硒添加组GSH-Px的活性均高于对照组(p<0.01),比相应的三个亚硒酸钠添加组分别高出11.02%、5.15%、5.83%。0.45mg/kg赛乐硒组(p<0.01)和亚硒酸钠三个添加组(p<0.05)的SOD活性均高于对照组。赛乐硒组血清酶活性与硒添加量的相关系数高于亚硒酸钠组相应的相关系数,并且赛乐硒添加组血清T4向T3的转化率均高于相应水平的亚硒酸钠组。 对照组的滴水损失值比0.15mg/kg赛乐硒添加组的高出2.57%,显著高于其它各组(p<0.05)。0.45mg/kg赛乐硒添加组的水浴损失值低于0.15mg/kg亚硒酸钠添加组(p<0.05)。硒的添加量越高,腿肌中丙二醛(MDA)的含量越低,0.45mg/kg的试验组腿肌MDA的含量显著低于对照组(p<0.05)。 添加赛乐硒有稳定肉色的趋势。宰后24h时(即0h),0.45mg/kg赛乐硒添加组的L*值显著低于0.15mg/kg亚硒酸钠添加组(p<0.05)的L*值;0.15mg/kg、0.45mg/kg赛乐硒组和0.45mg/kg亚硒酸钠组的a*值低于对照组和0.30mg/kg硒添加组(p<0.01)的相应值;对照组48h的b*值高于赛乐硒组和0.15mg/kg亚硒酸钠组(p<0.01)的相应值。随着观察时间的延长,L*、a*、b*值的变化幅度随硒添加量的增加而变小。 硒的沉积量随日粮中硒添加浓度的增加而增加。添加相同水平的硒源时,肝脏中硒沉积量高于腿肌中的沉积量。添加水平不同时,0.45mg/kg赛乐硒组肝脏硒沉积量显著高于0.15mg/kg赛乐硒组和0.45mg/kg亚硒酸钠组(p<0.05),极显著的高于0.15mg/kg、0.30mg/kg亚硒酸钠组和对照组(P<0*1)的硒沉积量。0.45mg爪g赛乐硒组腿肌硒沉积量极显著的高于对照组和亚硒酸钠的三个添加组…刃刀1X 本试验提示,固始鸡4C对各生长期内硒的需要量不同。添加 0.30mg儿g的赛乐硒可以改善全期的饲料转化率。赛乐硒有助于改善固始鸡4C在4周龄时的羽毛生长状况。血清GSHPX、SOD、T3的活性有随硒水平的升高而升高的趋势。此外,赛乐硒对血清酶活性的提高有一定的促进作用。赛乐硒有助于稳定肉品色度,提高肉品的保水性和组织中硒的沉积量。试验二:硒碘互作对固始鸡4C生产性能和血清酶活性的影响 选用540羽1日龄健康固始鸡4C随机分成9个处理组,分别设为-Se--、+Se。J。+8印二、一S 卜、+8eA+IC、+8卜、一Se十ID、+SeA+ID和+SeB+ID(“+”表示o,“一”表示不添加;Se表示硒,I表示碘;脚标A、B、C、D分别代表饲粮中添加了赛乐硒、亚硒酸钠、碘化酪蛋白、碘化钾,例如:+Soy+k为饲粮中椰0赛乐硒和碘化酪蛋白)。饲喂玉米-豆粕型基础日粮,预饲一周淘汰弱雏,使每组为50只(初重85{),正式试验期42天,分三阶段饲养。 试验结果表明,整个生长阶段,添加赛乐硒和碘化酪蛋白试验组的饲料转化率最高,并且该组在饲养中期和后期的均重也是最好。本试验饲粮中,用碘化酪蛋白代替碘化钾不会影响产肉性能。 +SeA+k组血清中甲状腺激素的转化率最高;+SeA+k组GSH-Px的活性极显著的高于对照组中<0刀1人 硒碘添加形式和添加量对SOD的活性无显著影响中叩刀5人 本试验提示,添加赛乐硒和碘化酪蛋白可以改善固始鸡的生长性能,提高血清酶活性。赛乐硒和碘化酪蛋白的互作效应优于硒和碘化钾的互作。

【Abstract】 Expt l.AppIicational effects of different selenium source on Gushi4C broilersA total of 420 one-day Gushi4C broilers were allotted to seven groups randomly, which were divided into the group of control, the groups of supplementing 0.15mg/kg, 0.30mg/kg and 0.45mg/kg with Sel-plex and the groups of supplementing 0.15mg/kg, 0.30mg/kg and 0.45mg/kg with sodium selenite respectively. Weak broilers were culled after one week prefeeding. 50 broilers (start weight 85-88g) were assigned to each group and fed with basic corn-soybean diets. The feeding duration of experiment was 42 days of 3 phrases. The effects of supplemental selenium of different sources at different levels on growing performance, carcass characteristics, serum enzyme parameters and meat quality parameters of Gushi4C broilers were measured.The results showed: The selenium requirements varied with growing stages of Gushi4C broilers. For whole periode, the higher average daily gain (ADG) was for the group of 0.30mg/kg sodium selenite and the better feed conversion rate (FCR or F/G) for the group of 0.30mg/kg Sel-plex. In early growing phrase, average body weight for the group of 0.45mg/kg Sel-plex was significantly increased (p<0.01) compared with the groups 0.15mg/kg, 0.30mg/kg Sel-plex, the group of 0.45mg/kg sodium selenite and the control. Feather scores were significantly increased by supplemental 0.45mg/kg selenium from Sel-plex (p<0.01).The lower carcass weight was for the group of 0.30mg/kg Sel-plrx than that group of sodium selenite at the same level (p<0.05), and the lower carcass yield was for the group of 0.30mg/kg Sel-plex than that of the group of 0.45mg/kg sodium selenite (p<0.01).Serum GSH-Px, SOD, Ta increased as selenium concentration increased in diets, T4 decreased as selenium concentration increased basically. GSH-Px activities of Sel-plex groups were higher significantly than those of the control (p<0.01). GSH-Px activities ofSel-plex groups were 11.02%, 5.15% and 5.83% higher respectively than those of sodium selenite groups at the same levels. The higher significantly SOD activities were for the groups of 0.45mg/kg selenium from Sel-plex and sodium selenite than those of the control (p<0.05). Serum enzyme activities of Sel-plex groups had higher correlations with selenium concentration in diets than those of sodium selenite groups did. In addition, transformation ration from T4 to TI for the groups of Sel-plex were higher than those groups of sodium selenite at the same levels.Supplemental Sel-plex helped improving the water holding capacity. Driploss of the control group was 2.57% higher than that of 0.15mg/kg Sel-plex and was significantly higher than those of the other groups (p<0.05). The higher cooking less was for the group of 0.15mg/kg sodium selenite than that of 0.45mg/kg Sel-plex (p<0.05). There was a tendency of declining MDA in thigh muscle as the supplemental selenium increased. The lower MDA in thigh muscle was for the two groups of 0.45mg/kg than that of the control group (p<0.05).Supplementing Sel-plex in diets could stabilize the meat color. The lower L* value (lightness) was for the group of 0.45mg/kg Sel-plex than that of 0.15mg/kg sodium selenite at 24h (Oh) (p<0.05). The lower a* value (redness) was for the groups of 0.15mg/kg, 0.45mg/kg Sel-plex and 0.45mg/kg sodium selenite than that of the two groups of 0.30mg/kg from Sel-plex and sodium selenite and the control group at 24h (Oh) (p<0.01). The higher b* value was for the group of the control at 48h than that of Sel-plex groups and 0.15mg/kg sodium selenite (p<0.01). During the observing period, there was a tendency that the variation of L*, a*, b* value were minimazed as selenium contents increased in diets.Selenium deposition increased as selenium concentration increased in diets. Selenium deposition in liver was higher than that of in thigh at the same level of selenium. Selenium deposition in liver for the group with supplementation of 0.45mg/kg Sel-plex was higher than that of the groups with supplementation of 0.15mg/kg Sel-plex

  • 【分类号】S831
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】187

