

The Influence of Different Dietary Vitamin E and Vitamin C Levels on the Production Performances in Gushi 4C Broilers

【作者】 郑桂红

【导师】 张伟力;

【作者基本信息】 安徽农业大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验选用1日龄固始鸡4C雏鸡540只,随机分成9组,每组60只。采用3×3因子设计,它们分别是组Ⅰ(VE0,VC0,对照组)、组Ⅱ(VE0,VC100mg/kg)、组Ⅲ(VE0,VC200 mg/kg)、组Ⅳ(VE100 mg/kg,VC0)、组Ⅴ(VE100 mg/kg,VC100 mg/kg、组Ⅵ(VE100,VC200 mg/kg)、组Ⅶ(VE200,VC0)、组Ⅷ(VE200 mg/kg,VC100 mg/kg)、组Ⅸ(VE200,VC200 mg/kg)。试验预试期为1周,正式期为6周。玉米-豆粕型基础饲粮中含VE23-27 mg/kg。通过测定固始鸡4C商品代肉鸡生长性能、胴体性能、肉质参数和免疫学指标,比较不同的VE和VC添加水平对固始鸡4C商品代肉鸡生产性能的影响。 结果表明,饲粮中添加200 mg/kg VC(组Ⅲ)可以显著提高4周龄末的体重(P<0.05)。100 mg/kg VC和100/200 mg/kg VE添加组(组Ⅴ和组Ⅷ)以及100 mg/kg VE和100/200 mg/kg VC添加组(组Ⅴ和组Ⅵ)对4周龄末鸡的平均体重表现出显著的互作效应(P<0.05)。100/200 mg/kg VE和100/200mg/kg VC添加组(组Ⅴ、组Ⅵ、组Ⅶ、组Ⅷ)对平均日增重和饲料转化率的互作效应优于饲料中单独添加100/200mg/kg VE(组Ⅳ、组Ⅶ)和单独添加100/200mg/kg VC(组Ⅱ、组Ⅲ)对平均日增重和饲料转化率作用。饲粮中添加不同水平组合的VE和VC对6周末、7周末鸡的平均体重、平均日增重和饲料转化效率的影响和4周末的结果相似。 与其它试验组和对照组相比,饲粮中添加200mg/kg VC(组Ⅲ)可以显著提高鸡的屠宰率(P<0.05)。200mg/kg VE与100mg/kg VC(组Ⅷ)的互作对改进屠宰率的效应显著(P<0.05)。饲粮中添加不同水平组合的VE和VC对其它屠宰性能也表现出一定的改善作用。 与饲粮中添加0/100 mg/kg VC/200 mg/kg VC(组Ⅰ、组Ⅱ、组Ⅲ)相比,饲粮中同时添加200 mg/kg VE和200 mg/kg VC(组Ⅸ)对14日龄测定的ND滴度表现出显著的互作效应(P<0.05);组Ⅶ(200mg/kg VE)显著高于组Ⅲ(200mg/kg VC)及对照组的28日龄血清球/清(P<0.05)。在各测定期,其它VE添加组或同时添加VE和VC组对机体的免疫学指标虽然有一定的改善趋势,但和对照组的差异不显著(P>0.05)。 100/200mg/kg VE和100/200mg/kg VC添加组(组Ⅴ、组Ⅵ、组Ⅶ、组Ⅷ)对改善胸肌的滴水损失有显著的协同效应(P<0.05)。其它各处理对胸肌的滴水损失的改善作用和对照组差异不显著(P>0.05)。与对照组以及组Ⅲ相比,饲粮中添加200mg/kg VE和100mg/kg VC/200 mg/kg VC(组Ⅷ、组Ⅸ)组的协同作用可以显著提高胸肌的拿破率(P<0.05)。饲粮中添加0/100/200 mg/kg VE和100/200 mg/kg VC组的各种处理可以显著提高屠宰后24小时、48小时的<’值,降低屠宰后24小时、帐小时的才值和L‘值O叼.05卜各试验组和对照组相 土,可以显著降低 贮存 14 天腿肌的 TBARS 值。200mg/kgV卜和200mg八gV。、(组 k)对贮存]4 天肝脏中的 TBARS 有显著的协同作用(P<0*5)。100/200mg/kgV。和 100/200 mg/kgVC(组 V、组 VI、组 Vlll、组 JX)的互作效应可以显著降低贮存胸肉中可溶性蛋白的水平什<0.05卜 上面的结果表明饲粮中分别添加Vf;、VC或者同时添加V。和VC在不同程度上可以降低肌肉的滴水损失,稳定肉色和防止贮存肉的脂质过氧化程度,延长货架期。 组V、组VI、组Vlll、组IX与对照组相比,可以显著提高42日龄鸡血清中以* 的活性仆<0.0别。组V、组w、组W、组皿和组K可以显著提高同期测定的血清(; S [卜 P X活性(I。<0.0 5)。本试验结果提示饲粮中添加 V。和 V;在一定程度上具有清除自由基、加强抗氧化的正面效应。 在标准化NRC饲粮营养水平下,对8日龄至49日龄的固始鸡dC商品代肉鸡添加适量的VE、VC,在一定程度上有改善生长、胭体、免疫、肉质四个方面的技术参数指标的正面作用,并在一定的组合条件下显示出相当的互作效应。

【Abstract】 A total of 540 one-day-old Gushi 4C broiler chickens were randomly allocated to nine treatments with 60 broilers for each treatment. A 3X3 factorial design was used.They were treatment I (VE0. VC0.control), treatment II (VE0. VC100mg/kg), treatmentIII(VE0. VC200mg/kg), treatmentVI(VE100 mg/kg. VC0), treatment V (VE100 mg/kg. VC100 mg/kg), treatmentVI (VE100. VC200 mg/kg), treatment VII (VE200, Vc0) treatmentVIII(VE200 mg/kg. VC100 mg/kg), treatmentIX(VE200, VC200 mg/kg) seperately. The prefeeding phase of the experiment was one week, the trial feeding phase was six weeks. The vitamin E concentration in the corn-soybean basic diet was 23-27mg/kg. The experiment was conducted to evaluate the influence of vitamin E and vitamin C different dietary levels on Gushi 4C broilers’ performances by investigating the influence of vitamin E and vitamin C on growth performances, slaughter parameters, immunity parameters and meat quality parameters.The results showed that, the body weights at four weeks were improved significantly by 200mg/kg vitamin C addition (treatmentIII) (P<0.05). The statistically significant interactions between 100mg/kg vitamin C and 100/200mg/kg vitamin E(treatment V ,VIII), and between 100mg/kg vitamin E and 100/200mg/kg vitamin C (treatment V ,VI) for the body weight at four weeks were obtained (P<0.05).The interactions between 100/200mg/kg vitamin E and 100/200mg/kg vitamin C(treatment V , VI , VII, VIII) for daily gain and feed conversion rate were superior to those of 1 00/200mg/kg vitamin E(treatment IV, VII ) and to those 100/200mg/kg vitamin C(treatment II ,III). The influence of combination of vitamin E and vitamin C at supplemental levels on body weight, daily gain and feed conversion rate at six or seven weeks w:as similar to that at 4 weeks.The dressing percentages of the broilers fed 200mg/kg vitamin C(treatmentIII)were better than those of other treated groups and those of the control(P<0.05). The significant interaction between 200mg/kg supplemental vitamin E and 100mg/kg supplemental vitamin C (treatment III ) for improving dressing percentage was observed (P<0.05). Carcass parameters were improved to some extent for vitamin E and vitamin C different concentrations.Because of interaction ,better ND liters at 14 days for both supplemental 200mg/kg vitamin E and 200mg/kg vitamin C (treatmentlX) was observed than those of 0,100mg/kg,200mg/kg supplemental vitamin C separately ( treatment I . II .III) (P<0.05). The serum GIobulin/Albulin of the treatmentVII ( 200mg/kgVi:) was higher than that of the treatmentHK 200 mg/kgVc)at 28 days of age(P<0.05). There was a tendency that immunity parameters were improved by supplemental vitamin E or combined supplemental vitamin E and vitamin C in every measurements, howere the improvement was not significant(P>0.05).Significant differences were obtained for improving the drip loss of the breast muscle by the interaction between 100/200mg/kg supplemental vitamin E and 100/200mg/kg supplemental vitamin C (P<0.05). No significant improvements for the breast muscle drip loss (P>0.05) were detected between other treated groups and the control. The interaction between 200mg/kg supplemental vitamin E and 100/200mg/kg supplemental vitamin C(treatmentVi, IX )for improving the Napole yield of breast muscle was better than that of the control and that of the treatment III(P<0.05).The a* value of the breast muscle at 24 and 48 hours post moterm was significantly improved, and b value and L value of the breast muscle at 24 and 48 hours post moterm were significantly minimized in every treated groups of 0/100/200 mg/kg supplemental vitamin E and 100/200mg/kg supplemental vitamin C. The TEARS values of the thigh muscle stored for 14 days in treated groups were lower than the control(P<0.05), but the significant interaction for decreasing the TEARS value of the liver stored for 14 days was observed between 200mg/kg vitamin E and 200 mg/kg vitamin C only (treatment IX ) (P<0.05). The transmission value of the breast muscle stored

【关键词】 固始鸡4CV_EV_C生产性能
【Key words】 Gushi 4CbroilersVitamin EVitamin CProductionPerformances
  • 【分类号】S831.5
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】212

