

A Feasibility Study on Wastewater Reuse Engineering of Xining City NO.1 Waste Treatment Plant

【作者】 宋维营

【导师】 黄廷林;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 西宁市是青海省经济实力最强、基础设施条件最好、规模最大的城市;作为省会城市,又是全省政治、经济、文化、科技信息的中心和最大的工业基地和商品市场,具有相对雄厚的工业基础和综合性加工工业基础。西部大开发为西宁市在新世纪的快速发展提供了良机,然而,作为制约西部大开发的一个重要因素——水资源短缺,同样会成为西宁市今后发展必须面临和解决的问题。 城市污水再生回用作为污水资源化的重要体现形式是解决水资源短缺、实现水资源可持续开发利用的重要途径。合理开发和利用再生水资源,一方面体现了水的“优质优用,低质低用”原则;另一方面也有利于提高城市水资源利用的综合效益。 《青海省西宁市水资源调查评价与规划》指出:要坚持水资源开发与保护、节流并重,保护与节流优先的原则,合理配置西宁市水资源,做到水资源的高效利用,从而达到社会、经济和生态效益的统一。除了实施水资源保护和节流具体措施外,一项非常重要的开源工程就是《西宁市第一污水处理厂污水再生回用工程》,该工程除可改善河流水环境外,还可为污水厂周边的经济开发区提供工业、城市绿化用水及紧邻开发区的塔尔山生态建设的灌溉用水。 西宁市第一污水处理厂座落于团结桥以南,紧邻湟水河的经济开发区,是西宁市建成的首座现代化污水处理厂,近期设计规模8.5万m~3/d,采用改进的二级传统生物曝气处理工艺,这为污水深度处理及污水再生回用创造了条件。塔尔山生态建设区灌溉面积为2.3325万亩,计划在近年全面实现园林化,将该区域建设成为西宁园林化旅游基地和花卉、中藏药材、苗木培育基地,充足的灌溉用水是实现该工程的前提;同时,在新规划的经济开发区内绿地和生态林面积相当大,灌溉需水量也很大;另外,规划区内的众多企业也将是这个区内的用水大户;随着城市的发展和人民生活水平的提高,城市道路浇洒用水及其它低质市政用水也会稳步上升,而这些又为再生水的回用提供了充分条件。 《西宁市第一污水处理厂污水再生回用工程可行性研究》主要的工作内容包括:资料收集、分析和现场调查,确定第一污水厂污水回用的领域与范围;确定再生水回用于不同领域的水量、水质及工程方案;确定第一污水厂污水再生处理系统的工艺方案;进行再生水回用管道系统的方案设计;完成工程投资估算等。

【Abstract】 Xining City is the biggest city in scale, the most strong economic power of Qinghai province, it’s foundation facilities is the best As the provincial capital city, the center of the whole province politics, economy, culture, technology information, the biggest industry base and the commodity market, Xining City have the opposite stronger industry base. Western region the big development provided the good opportunity for it’s fast development in new century, however, as an important factor, water resources missing is restricting the development of the western region, the same is becoming the problem we have to face and must be resolved in future development,City wastewater recycling is an important way to solve the water resources missing, and make the resources of water can keep on development Reasonable development and use of the regeneration water resources, on the one hand reflect the principal of" superior quality excellent use, the low quality is low to use", on the other hand it can also exalt the benefit of the using of the city water resource.《 Xining city of Qinghai water resources investigates the evaluation and programming 》 points out: to insists water resources development and protection, reduce expenses to lay equal stress on, protect with reduce expenses the preferred principle, the reasonable distribute the water resources of Xining city, attain the resources of water to make use of efficiently, make society, the economy unifies with ecosystem performance. In addition to put water resources protection into practice with reducing expenses concretely measure, an other important engineering is 《Xining NO.1 waste water reuse engineering》 , that engineering in addition to ameliorable river water environment, can also provide industry water, city green water for circumjacent economy development area in the factory ,and the irrigation water for the development of the area.

【关键词】 城市污水再生利用水资源可行性
【Key words】 wastewaterreuseingwater resourcesfeasibility
  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】565

