

Experimental Research of Treatment Techniques in Disposing High Concentration Organic Chelae Compound Nickel Plating Waste Liquid and Rinse Water

【作者】 孙丽

【导师】 金奇庭;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 环境工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题以咸阳彩虹集团电镀镍钨生产线所产生的高浓度有机络合剂镀镍废液及清洗废水为研究对象,对废水的处理及回用进行实验研究。针对高浓度有机络合镀镍废液提出了减压蒸发浓缩—结晶处理工艺流程。实验数据表明:负压下废液的沸腾温度降低,压力为0.035MPa(绝对压力)时,沸腾温度为73℃,使加热蒸汽与沸腾液体间的温度差增大,可减小蒸发器的面积,同时减少对外界的热损失。减压蒸发浓缩3倍时,二次蒸汽吸收液中镍含量最高为0.15mg/L,COD为9.4mg/L,既可作为清洗水回用又可达标排放。浓缩后的废镀液再进行蒸发结晶处理,蒸发结晶产生的干渣量少(254.3kg/m~3),干渣中镍的含量高达5.3%,可送冶炼厂回收金属镍。电镀清洗废水采用超滤—反渗透膜分离工艺进行浓缩处理,透过液作为清洗水回用,浓缩液与废镀液一起进入减压蒸发浓缩—结晶工艺过程进行处理。实验表明,超滤作为反渗透的预处理工艺,超滤膜选用截留分子量为10000的聚醚砜膜(PES)比较合适;反渗透膜分离工艺(RO)对镍及COD具有很高的去除率,运行初期分别为99.4%和99.4%,在运行结束,透过液回收率为50.75%时,RO工艺对镍及COD的去除率分别为93.49%和93.4%。若透过液作为清洗水(镍浓度应小于20mg/L)回用,则浓缩倍数不应超过1.8倍。本论文所提出的减压蒸发浓缩—结晶处理高浓度络合镍废水及超滤—反渗透膜分离工艺对清洗水进行浓缩处理的工艺流程,实现了对废水的综合治理,即:重金属回收、清洗水回用。该工艺运行操作简单,不需要外加化学药剂,仅需耗用蒸汽,不会对环境造成二次污染,具有广泛的实用价值。

【Abstract】 The research is about the treatment of high concentrated organic chelate nickel plating liquid and the rinse water generated in the manufacturing line of XiariYang Rainbow Grop. We concertrated the experiment on the disposed and recircling of the waste water. The waste liquid is processed by decompression-evaporation and concentration crystallizing. Experimental data illustrate that boiling temperature lowed by decompressing the pressure of the waste liquid to negative pressure, for example, when the absolute pressure is 0.035Mpa, the boiling temperature is 73℃.This process increases the temperature head between heating water and boiling waste liquid, meanwhile decreases the surface of evaporator and heat loss. When the waste liquid is concentrated to a concentration that three times higher than the original liquid by the process of decompressing-evaporation, nickel content in the secondary vapor absorbent is 0.15mg/L at most; COD is 9.4 mg/L, which reach the recycling and discharging standard. The condensed waste liquid is disposed by evaporation-crystallizing process, which generates remains contained 5.3% nickel that can be recycled by the smeltery. Nickel plating rinse water is disposed by the process of ultrafiltation-reverse osmosis membrane separation technique. Filtered water is recycled. Concentrated rinse water disposed by decompression-evaporation and concentrating-crystallizing process together with the waste water. Experiment illustrates that used as pre-disposal technique in the process of RO, selecting membrane PES-10000 as ultrafiltation membrane is suitable; RO technique is efficient in nickel and COD removal The removal ration is 99.4% separately, in the incipient operation and 93.45%, 93.4% separately, when recovery coefficience of ultrafiltration is 55.75%.The coneertration of rinse water is below 1.8 times than the original rinse water when the filtered water is used as cleaning water(nickel coneertration is lower than 20 mg/L). Thetechnique of decompression-evaporation and concertration-crystallization in disposing high concentrated organic chelate nickel plating waste liquid and ultrafiltration- RO membrane separation in disposing rinse water which are put forward in this paper make it possible for comprehensive ultilization of waste water, i.e. recycling of heavy metal and rinse water. The technique is of great applied value. It is easy for operation. Except for vaper heat source, no additional chemical agent is needed, which will keep away from the secondary pollution.

  • 【分类号】X703.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】558

