

The Study on Development and Performance of New Membrane Bioreactors

【作者】 张西旺

【导师】 金奇庭;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 环境工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 膜生物反应器(MBR)作为一种高效水处理设备,处理效果良好、运行稳定、应用范围广,在废水处理和污水回用中具有广泛的应用前景。因此,优化膜生物反应器设计和运行,开发低耗、多能、耐用的设备对MBR早日走向大规模应用具有重要意义。 本文通过对比国内外研究成果,寻求最佳膜生物反应器的设计和运行参数,并根据水解酸化和加压溶气原理开发了两类新型反应器—水解+好氧MBR及加压MBR。通过小试、中试及实际工程考察了气水比、水力停留时间、进水浓度、操作压力、温度等因素对处理效果的影响;研究了膜通量衰减规律,并尝试了空曝、反冲、化学清洗等不同的膜污染防治措施;在试验和理论分析的基础上,本文对膜污染阻力的构成进行了分析;另外,本文还对压力场下污泥特性进行了初步探索。试验表明: 1.水解+好氧MBR具有高效脱氮效果。对于高氨氮小区生活污水,当进水氨氮为85~115mg/L时,出水氨氮浓度低于5mg╱L,去除率高达95%以上。并且,出水其它指标完全达到《生活杂用水水质标准》GJ25.1—89中洗车和扫除标准。 2.水解+好氧MBR具有高效有机物去除效果。处理高浓度易降解有机废水(餐饮废水)时,当进水COD、NH4-N分别为2980mg/L和17.26mg/L时,出水COD、NH4-N分别为58.5mg/L和1.22mg/L,去除率分别达到98%和93%;处理难降解TNT废水时,通过外加碳源,TNT由70~80mg/L降至0.5mg/L以下,去除率达到92.9%以上。 3.加压MBR具有高效有机物去除效果。处理合成淀粉废水时,COD由1545mg/L降至20mg/L,去除率为98.7%;增加水解酸化预处理后,处理效果明显增强。当进水COD为13864mg/L时出水COD仅为57.14mg/L;当进水COD高达25680mg/L时,系统COD去除率依然能高达89.8%,容积负荷达到10.27kgCOD/m3·d。 4.膜污染污染阻力主要由凝胶极化阻力Rp和内部污染阻力Rif构成。无水解预处理时,加压MBR膜污染阻力中凝胶极化阻力Rp和内部污染阻力Rif分别占总污染阻力的50%和36.1%;有水解预处理时,Rp和Rif分别占总污染阻力的44.94%和32.13%。

【Abstract】 As a kind of high efficient equipment of water treatment, membrane bioreactor has many advantages, such as good effluent quality, steady operation, broad application scope, and it has a extensive application prospect in wastewater treatment and sewage reclamation. Therefore, it has important significance on prompt membrane bioreactor large-scale application to optimize membrane bioreactor design and operation and develop MBR equipment of low energy consumption, various function, and duration.By summarizing domestic and international research accomplishment on membrane bioreactor, optimum operation parameters and design parameters are found out in this paper. And two new kinds of MBR (biological hydrolysis MBR and pressurized MBR) are developed according to hydrolysis and pressurization dissolution principle. Through little examination, pilot study and actual project, influences on treatment effect of air-water rate, HRT, concentration of pollutant, operating pressure and temperature are researched; The law of membrane flux attenuation is studied, and corresponding measures reducing the fouling are tried, such as no- effluent aeration, air and water backflush, chemical cleaning; On the foundation of experiment and theoretical analysis, the composition of membrane fouling resistance is analyzed in this paper, Additionally the sludge properties of P-MBR is studied preliminarily. Experiment shows:1. Biological hydrolysis MBR has good effect in nitrogen removal When it is used to treat domestic wastewater of high ammonia-nitrogen in a housing estate, the NHj-N decrease from 85-115 mg/L of influent to less than 5 mg/L of effluent, and the removal rate of NHt-N is above 95%., and other effluent indexes meet the grey water standard of washing vehicle and cleaning (GJ25 .1-89).2. Biological h ydrolysis M BR h as good effect i n o rganism removal. W hen i t i s u sed t o t reat domestic wastewater of high concertration easy degradation organic wastewater (meal wastewater), COD and NHt-N of the influent are 2980 mg/L, and 17.26 mg/L, COD and NHrN of the effluent are 58.5 mg/L and 1.22 mg/L respectively, and the removal rates of COD and NHt-N reach 98% and 93%respectively; When it is used to treat refractory TNT water, by extra carbon source, concertration of TNT reduced from 70-80 mg/L to less than 0.5 mg/L, and the removal rate reach 92.9%.3. Pressurized MBR good efficiency in organism removal When it is used to treat the synthetic wastewater in which starch is the main pollutant, COD is reduced from 1545 mg/L to 20 mg/L, and the removal rate is 98.7%; The removal effect of organism is strengthened obviously after adding hydrolysis pretreatment. When COD of influent is 13,864 mg/L, COD of effluent only is 57.14 mg/L; When COD of influent is as high as 25,680 mg/L, volume load being 10.27 kgCOD/m3·d, the COD removal rate can be as high as 89.8%.4. The membrane of P-MBR fouling resistance was mainly completed of polarization layer resistance (Rp) and internal fouling resistance (/fy). Without hydrolysis pretrealment, polarization layer resistance (Rp) and internal fouling resistance (R$ take 36.1% and the 50% of total fouling resistance respectively, With hydrolysis pretreatment, polarization layer resistance (Rp) and internal fouling resistance (%) take 32.13% and the 44.94% of total fouling resistance respectively.

  • 【分类号】X703.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】498

