

The Research and Implementation of Analyse-type CRM in Insurance Industry

【作者】 顾敏苏

【导师】 马光思;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 企业之间已开始从基于产品的竞争转向基于客户的竞争,客户正逐渐替代技术与产品,成为企业最重要的资源之一,有效管理客户资源已成为企业的迫切需求,客户关系管理(CRM)由此应运而生。 论文以分析型CRM建设实际研发课题为背景,详细讨论了构建保险行业分析型CRM应用系统所采用的技术、开发步骤、技术难点和实现方法。 论文概要介绍了CRM的产生背景,系统组成,发展现状,保险业发展对CRM的应用需求及作者在项目中所做的重要工作。 论文分别介绍了数据仓库和联机分析处理的概念与特点,并对企业信息门户和多层开发模式的优点进行了简要分析。 通过CRM应用系统的体系结构,论文介绍了数据仓库子系统DWRS,联机分析处理子系统OLAPRS,自动化管理子系统SFA的职责范围和功能划分。并介绍了DWRS和OLAPRS的详细功能。 论文结合作者在DWRS项目中取得的成果,深入讨论了设计、实现和管理数据仓库的方法。系统的分析并举例说明了多维数据模型设计,数据仓库与多数据源互联,变化数据捕捉,维表增量加载,数据清洗等技术要点的设计与具体实现步骤。重点介绍了数据仓库管理中系统调度、安全管理及工程实践中遇到的问题和解决措施。在介绍Cognos商业智能产品的基础上,对前端OLAP分析、展现、管理功能及实现过程做了简要论述。 论文最后结合作者的研究方向和实践教训,从领域工程角度探讨了基于构件的层次体系结构及对保险领域抽象构件平台原型的设计构想和开发方法。

【Abstract】 Customer replacing technologies and products becomes one of the most important resources in enterprises. Efficient management for customer is enterprise’s urgent requirement, hence customer relationship management (CRM) emerged with the tide of the times.The paper outlined the origin, ingredients (make-up), developing conditions of CRM and the important work that author had done in actual project.The paper introduced the technologies, developing steps, skill points and implement methods based on data warehouse and OLAP according to taking part in analysis-type CRM in insurance industry.Based on analysis of CRM, responsibilities and function-divided of DWRS, OLAPRS, SFA were given. In addition, detailed functions of DWRS and OLAPRS were provided.Combined with research work, the paper expounded the design, implementation and management method for data warehouse. The paper systematically discussed design and implement steps on multi-dimensions data model, the interlink between data warehouse and multi-sources, the capture of changed data, the increased-load of dimension table and the data cleaning by specific examples. By listing problems during instantiation, the author described corresponding solutions to these problems. With Cognos’s business intelligent tools, the paper discussed the procedure of OLAP analysis, presentation and management.At last, combined with author’s research field, the paper discussed design ideas and developing methods based on hierarchy-structured system and component platform from domain engineering points.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】283

