

Building Materials and Indoor Thermal Environment of Vernacular Houses in South of Shaan Xi

【作者】 王润山

【导师】 刘加平;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 保护生态环境,走可持续发展道路,是全世界紧迫而艰巨的任务,在我国尤为严峻。陕南的乡土民居具有中国传统民居的典型特征。围护结构采用的当地建筑材料(夯土、松木和泥草复合物等),较少需要生产加工能源,可循环利用,几乎不对外界产生负面影响,是典型的乡土生态建筑。因而,在围护结构的传热、传湿性能上值得深入研究。 本文试图通过实验测试和现场调查挖掘乡土民居原生的生态建筑经验和技术,对当地的建造经验进行合理的量化和科学的诠释。从而用以指导当地居民建造既符合生态环境、传统文化,又符合时代气息的建筑,最终达到人居环境可持续发展的目的。 在广泛查阅中国乡土民居研究现状,围护结构传热、传湿特性的最新进展的基础上,完成了以下工作:对当地乡土民居的建筑材料的热物理性能参数和传湿特性进行了测试,并对当地建筑的室内热环境进行现场测试和调查研究。 实验数据为第一手资料,为进一步的研究打下了基础,对于当地独特的夯土材料这是国内首次进行的测试,实验得出的等温平衡含湿量曲线与D.M Burch的结论吻合的很好,证明是有一定实用价值的。电导率与含湿量曲线用来预测材料的含湿量,这在国内为较新颖的方法。现场的室内热环境测试显示夯土民居冬、夏季的热环境都明显好于当地的简易式砖房。

【Abstract】 Protecting environment and keeping sustainable development is the important responsibility which is faced by ours world, in our country it is very urgent. The vernacular houses in south of Shaan Xi have some typical characters which is belong to the Chinese traditional architectures. The envelope structure use the local building materials and need less energy to make it. The materials could be made use of cyclically, it has less bad influence to environment, so it is the vernacular ecological architecture. In the basis of the excellences, we studied the thermal transfer and the moisture transfer of envelope structure.Though the laboratory experiments and the field measurements we acq -uired some experiences and technologies about the vernacular ecological architecture, and explained the science essence of it. It could be used to guide the local people to better building which is satisfy the ecosystem and traditional culture and to make a sustainable development.On the base of survey the paper presents the thermal physical parame ters and the moisture transfer properties of the building materials, investig ate the indoor thermal environment.As the one hand data, it is the foundation of the further research. Data of the tamped clay material is the first tested in our country. Equilibrium moisture content curve we measured gives good agreement with the result drew by D.M Burch, it prove that is valuable for utility. The relation between the conductivity and moisture content can be used to predict the moisture content of thematerials. It is obvious that indoors thermal environment in summer and winter of camped clay building is better than that of the brick building through the field measurements.

  • 【分类号】TU111
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】741

