

A Study on Current State of the Construction and Use of Fitness Route in Shandong Province and Its Developmental Strategies

【作者】 曹萍

【导师】 孙晋海;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 体育场地设施是群众开展健身活动的基本物质条件。据已有研究表明,目前我国群众体育最大的困难是场地设施的紧缺。因此加快适合群众需求的体育场馆设施建设,已成为发展我国群众体育亟待解决的重大问题。 全民健身路径(以下简称“健身路径”)是近几年来在我国兴起的一种健身活动设施和与之相适应的锻炼方法,是实施全民健身工程的重要内容之一。健身路径一般安装在居民小区或距居民小区较近的地方,群众锻炼身体方便、易到,并且具有站位多、练习方法多、可以利用不同器械锻炼身体的不同部位和简单易学等特点,与群众体育活动的小型、灵活、就近的特点相适应。1997年,随着全民健身的蓬勃发展和实际需要,国家体育总局开始实施“全民健身工程”,主要在城市社区配置各种群众性体育设施,全民健身路径则是全民健身工程实施的重要内容之一。它的建立与完善对城市社区体育的发展及全民健身运动的开展都起到了积极的推动作用。 目前,我国学者对健身路径的研究主要集中在健身路径配建及其使用中遇到的问题和锻炼方法等方面,尚缺少对健身路径系统的整体研究。故此,本文以山东省各地级市体育行政部门及部分地级市参加全民健身路径的锻炼人群为研究对象,通过问卷调查、访谈、逻辑归纳、数理统计和比较研究等研究方法,对山东省全民健身路径的建设情况和使用情况进行了调查与分析,从不同角度对健身路径进行系统研究,以期更好地开发健身路径系统,推动全民健身的进程提供依据。通过调查与分析得出以下主要结论:1.山东省不同地市全民健身路径的建设数量差异明显,其中,青岛、淄博和日照的数量明显较多,表明这些城市的全民健身路径建设工作开展A好。2.山东省全民健身路径的场地、器材建设大多数基本满足其周围居民健身活动的需要,说明健身路径的场地、器材建设需进一步地加强。3.锻炼者对健身路径提供的活动条件和利用健身路径锻炼的效果感到基本满意,表明山东省全民健身路径的质量建设情况有待进一步提高。建议进一步加强质量建设,提高全民健身路径的整体水平。一.山东省全民健身路径的资金主要来源于体育彩票公益金,而社会捐赠和社区自筹资金等明显不足,建议加大其融资的力度。5.多数锻炼者认为全民健身路径的器材管理不善,反映了全民健身路径或缺乏专门负责人,或有专人负责但缺乏应有的管理。6.山东省全民健身路径对锻炼者基本都不收费,体现了其社会公益性的特点。7.山东省关于全民健身路径的政策、法规建设不完善,管理力度不够,建议进一步力叫虽相关政策、法规的建设力度。8.到健身路径锻炼的人群中,青年人居多数,高等学历者居多数,男女比例基本平衡。9.山东省全民健身路径使用者对体育锻炼重要性的认识较高,他们到忙身路径的主要动机是为了健身。10.在参加全民健身路径锻炼的人群中,多数人每周锻炼不低于3次,多数人每次锻炼时间在30分钟或30分钟以上,说明参加健身路径锻炼者多数属于体育人口。门.参加全民健身路径的锻炼者在锻炼时间上主要选在早晨,其季节的选择依次是:秋、春、夏、冬。]2.在影响人们参力。全民健身路径的 5类因素中,按影响程度大小依次是:社会环境固素,健身路径因素,组织因素,锻炼环境因素和锻炼者个人需求与条件囚素。 213.在全面分析影响人们参加健身路径多种因素的基础上,针对全民健身路径在建设与使用过程中存在的问题,提出了七条发展对策,可为有关部 rl提供决策依据。

【Abstract】 Sports grounds and facilities are the basics material conditions for mass sports. At present, their short of supply is the biggest problem of mass sports in China. Researches show that the existing sports grounds and facilities can neither meet the sport needs of people nor that of mass sports, i.e. small scale, flexibility and convenience. Therefore, it has become a big task in developing mass sports in China to speed up the construction of them.Fitness Route is a new exercising facility and means that just appears in China in recent years. It is one important part of "the National Fitness Project". Generally, Fitness Routes are installed in and near the dwelling communities, so they are convenient for the masses to get access to. Their variability in exercising ways and simplicity can fit in with the need of mass sports. In 1997, National Bureau of Sports began to carry out "the National Fitness Project", in which the installation of Fitness Routes is included. The development of Fitness Route will be of great help in implementing the community sports and the construction of social culture.Currently, the studies on Fitness Routes at home are mainly problem-solving analysis about its construction and use, of which the systematic study as a sub-system of society is lacking. So, this multi-angle research aims to investigate systematically the current state of Fitness Routes of Shandong province, including the factors influencing their construction and use, the weak points and developmental strategies. Subjects are chosen from the sports service administrations and the exercising groups of Fitness Routes in Shandong province. The findings are:1. There is significant difference in the amount of the construction of Fitness Routes in different areas of Shandong province. Qingdao, Zibo, and Rizhao have more Fitness Routes, which shows the better state of the organizing ability.2. The facilities and equipments can basically satisfy the need of people’s exercising activities, which shows the need to further strengthen the construction of the facilities and equipments of Fitness Routes.3. The main construction funds of Fitness Routes are in form of sports lottery tickets, and lack of social donation and community financing funds. It is recommended to strengthen the financing of Fitness Routes.4. Most exercisers don’t satisfy with the administration of the equipments of Fitness Routes, which shows the lack of functionary people and proper organizations.5. Most of the Fitness Routes of Shandong Province are free, because it is the commonweal of society.6. The administration and regulations of Fitness Routes are not consummate in Shandong province. Further efforts should be made to strengthen the implement of the policies and regulations.7. Amongst the exercisers of fitness Routes, youths and people with high educational level make up a larger part, and the percentage of male and female is of balance.8. The exercisers of fitness Routes in Shandong province have a better understanding toward the importance of exercises. The main motivation of them is for fitness.9. Most exercisers are satisfied with the activities of Fitness Routes and the exercising effect.10. Amongst exercisers of Fitness Routes in Shandong province, most have sports more than 3 times a week, and the average sport time is longer than 30 minutes, which means most of the exercisers belong to sportspopulation.11. The exercising time concentrate on three sections: morning, afternoon and dusk, and the exercising seasons are listed by degree of preference as: fall, spring, summer and winter.12. The five factors influencing people’s participation of Fitness Routes activities are: social circumstantial factors; Fitness Routes factors; organizing factors; exercising circumstantial factors and individual need factors.13. Based on the analysis of the factors influencing the participation of National Fitness Route, and the existing problems, seven developmental strategies ar

【关键词】 全民健身路径建设使用现状对策山东
  • 【分类号】G812.4
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】1539

