

Information System of the Rare and Endangered Plants in Guizhou Province

【作者】 陈建民

【导师】 何平;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 植物学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 通过自然保护区实地考察,相关《植物志》珍稀濒危植物资料搜索,以及标本考证等方式,查清了贵州省境内珍稀濒危植物种类、数量以及分布情况。同时,作者对贵州省珍稀濒危植物的地理分布及区系成分作了详细分析,并分析了贵州省珍稀濒危植物保护现状,提出了保护对策。 对贵州省珍稀濒危植物的科名、属名、种名、形态特征、生态习性、保护价值、地理分布、生活照片、标本照片等资料,利用文字及图片处理软件进行处理,并输入到计算机中,以SQL(Structured Query Language)Server建立后台数据库,并通过ASP(Active Server Pages动态服务器页面)制作查询、管理网页,初步建立了贵州省珍稀濒危植物信息系统,该系统由一个数据库构成,并具有组合查询和远程管理等多项功能。在所建立的贵州省珍稀濒危植物信息系统主页中,包括信息查询、管理系统、区系分析、保护概况、研究对象、关于我们、相关链接等七个部分。该系统包含如下研究成果: 一、贵州省珍稀濒危植物区系分析 (1)综合《中国植物红皮书》(第一册)和《国家重点保护野生植物名录》(1999)的统计,贵州省有珍稀濒危植物100种(除去重复部分),隶属于79属、48科。其中,蕨类植物7科、7属、10种,裸子植物6科、14属、20种,被子植物35科、58属、70种。 (2)贵州省珍稀濒危植物区系起源古老,成分复杂。在贵州省境内,被认为是最原始的被子植物木兰科以及古老而复杂的金缕梅科都有分布,另外,还有如翠柏(Calocedrus macrolepis)、秃杉(Taiwania flousiana Hayata)、伯乐树(Bretschneidera sinensis)、黄檗(Phellodendron amurense)等古老、孑遗的种类,马尾树(Rhoiptelea chiliantha)、珙桐(Davidia involucrata var.involucrata)、伞花木(Eurycorymbus cavaleriei)、南方铁杉(Tsuga chinensis var.tchekiangensis)等第三纪孑遗植物,以及残遗植物如紫茎(Stewartia sinensis)、掌叶木(Handeliodendron bodibnieri)、峨嵋含笑(Michelia wilsonii)、四药门花(Tetrathyrium subcordatum)等。在属级水平上,贵州省珍稀濒危植物可划分为12大分布区类型,以及7种变型,反映出贵州省珍稀濒危植物地理成分的复杂性。 (3)贵州省珍稀濒危植物区系中国特有成分丰富,有64种,占总种数的 贵州省珍稀濒危植物信息系统64刀%。其中,有3种贵州省特有种,即梵净山冷杉(A切eJ户…jngsh。ne—0\辐花芭苔(乃amnochar心 esqu加7i)和贵州苏铁(Cyc皿 gUEho。ensls)。 N)贵州省珍稀濒危植物的区系成分以热带分布占优,表现出热带性质特征。从科的分布区类型来看热带分布类型所占比重较大,达27科,占总科数的64.29%:在属级水平上,热带分布33属,占总属数的4二.30%, (5)贵州省珍稀濒危植物是以木本植物为主,而且高大乔木占绝大部分。在 100种珍稀濒危植物中,木本植物 80种,占总数的 80刀%,其中高大乔木乃种,占绝大部分。 (6)贵州省珍稀濒危植物区系与西南地区关系最密切,其次是华中、华南及华东:在西南地区中,与云南联系又最紧密,共有种达60种,占总数的60刀%。 (7)贵州省珍稀濒危植物垂直分布海拔差度大,但大部分集中分布在海拔500-2 000m范围内。如观光木(TSoongioden介o。o咖rum)主要分介在海拔280-640m之间,而梵净山冷杉却分布在海拔 ZI 00m以上。 (8)在贵州省9个地区中,黔南分布珍稀濒危植物种类最多(52种,占52刀%),安顺市最少(9种,占9.0%):而在63个县市中,黎平县分布种类最多u7种,占 270%L 另有 6个县只有 1种分布,大部分县市种类数量在 4一12种之间。总体而言,贵州省南部地区(包括黔南、黔西南、黔东南3个民族自治州)种类丰富,其次是北部地区(遵义市),中部地区(包括六盘水、安顺、贵阳市、铜仁地区、必节地区)种类最少。 二、贵州省珍稀濒危植物保护现状及对策 (1)目前贵州省有各级自然保护区68个,但占国土面积的比例还未达到全国水平,这与贵州省物种丰富度及珍稀濒危植物数量位居全国前茅的地位是不相称的。另外t在这68个自然保护区中,只有6个国家级自然保护区。 (二)山于历史和社会经济发展的原因,贵州植物资源遭到了不合理的开发利用,珍稀濒危植物资源也受到不同程度的破坏,许多珍稀濒危种类分布区范围逐渐在缩小,种群数量在减少。根据贵州省珍稀濒危植物的保护现状及致濒原因,作者认为今后应加强对珍稀濒危植物致濒机理的研究,完善就地保护和迁地保护,继续充实资源调查及编目以及加强自然保护区的建设,提高管理水平等保护工作。 三、查询与管理系统 门)“信息查询”系统中,包括综合信息查询、标本查询及保护区查询。综合信息查询可实现对物种信息、保护级别、分布区的单独查询及组合查询,其中物种信息包括物种分类信息、保护价值、形态特征、生态习性、植物生活照片、标本照片、地理分布图等。标本查询可实现对物种分类信息、标本采集信息及标?

【Abstract】 In the present paper, on the basis of field survey on nature reserve, specimen survey and search for data about the rare and endangered plants from all kinds of Flora, the status, numbers and distributions of the rare and endangered plants in Guizhou is clearly presented. At the same time, the author has particularly analysed the flora and geographic distribution of the rare and endangered plants in Guizhou and showed the protection status and countermeasures for them.The information about family names, genus names, specie names, morphological characters, ecology traits, protection value, geographic distribution, live and specimen photoes etc., are input into computer. The primary information system of the rare and endangered plants in Guizhou is set up with the database based on SQL and the searching and administering webs edited by ASP. The system comprises one database and has the functions of searching and administration. It is composed of seven parts including " information searching system", "administration system", "protection status", "floristic analysis", "research object", "about us "and "related links".The system comprises these conclusions as follows: 1. The flora analysis of the rare and endangered plants in Guizhou.(1) Based on Red List of Plants in China and List of National Protected Wild Plants, there are totally 100 rare and endangered plants in Guizhou, which belong to 79 genera of 48 families. Among them, 10 species of 7 genera in 7 families are pteridophyta, 20 species of 14 genera in 6 families are gymnosperm, and 70 species of 58 genera in 35 families are angiosperm.(2) The rare and endangered plants show features of ancient origin and very complex in floristic elements. There are primitive angiosperms as magnoliaceae and hamamelidaceae in Guizhou province. On the level of genus, the flora of rare and endangered plants fall into 12 areal-types and 7 areal-subtypes, which shows their complex in floristic elements.(3) China-endemic species of rare and endangered plants in Guozhou are abundant. In additon, there are 3 endemic species to Guizhou province, i.e., Abies fanjingshanensis, Thamnocharis esqitirolii and Cycas gitizhonensis.(4) The Tropical elements account for a great proportion, so the flora shows a tropical floristic feature. In the light of areal-types of families, there are 27 Tropic families, which account for 64.29% of overall families. On the level of genus, there are 33 Tropic genuses, which account for 42.30% of overall genus.(5) Most of the rare and endangered plants in Guizhou are trees, among which tall trees account for a huge proportion.(6) The flora of the rare and endangered plants in Guizhou has the closest relationship with that of Southwest of China, especially with Yunnan. The two provinces share 60 species in common, 60.0% of overall species.(7) The vertical distributions of the rare and endangered plants in Guizhou shows certain variations. Many of them distribute between 500-2 000 m in alt.. For example, Tsoongiodendron odorum distributes between 280-640 m, and Abies fanjingshanensis distributes over 2 100 m.(8) Among 9 cities of Guizhou province, Qiannan has the largest number of species of rare and endangered plants, and Anshun has the smallest. As a whole, the South of Guizhou is the region where species of rare and endangered plants are the most abundant, the North of Guizhou is second, and the middle part is the least.2. Protection status and countermeasures of rare and endangered plants in Guizhou province.(1) Because of social and economic development, plant resources in Guizhou were unreasonably exploited, some rare and endangered plant resources were destroyed, the distribution of many rare and endangered plants are shrinking, and their population numbers are reducing. On the basis of reasons for the extinction and the current protection status, the author put forward some protection countermeasures.(2) At present, there are 68 nature reserves in Guizhou, but the area percentage of the Nat

  • 【分类号】Q948
  • 【被引频次】8
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