

Study of Land Grading in Chongqing City

【作者】 刘明皓

【导师】 邱道持;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 为适应新一轮国土资源大调查的要求,有必要对重庆市原有土地级别进行调整。 本文共分8个部分: 第一部分,绪论。介绍了文章的选题背景与意义、研究进展、研究内容与特色。 第二部分,区位理论与土地定级。指出区位理论是土地定级的基本理论及区位理论在土地定级中的具体应用。 第三部分,定级因素评价。具体介绍了各种定级因素的选择及权重的确定,因素作用分的计算,定级因素因子计算模型和衰减模型的选择。 第四部分,土地单元分值计算。包括土地单元划分、单元要素分值计算、单元总分值计算。 第五部分,土地单元定级。土地单元初步定级、土地级别验证及土地级别确定。 第六部分,重庆市土地级别分布规律。文章指出重庆市主城区土地级别分布具有一般大城市的共同特征,同时具有鲜明的山城特色,即土地级别分布与山城城市组团结构相吻合,具有线性分布特征,土地级别配置受地形的影响强烈。 第七部分,土地定级信息系统建设。计算机系统土地定级就是从数据采集、分析到成果形成及应用等完全运用计算机系统软件操作。在介绍计算机软件在土地定级中的应用基础上,以重庆市主城区的土地定级为例,介绍了运用多种软件进行计算机土地定级的基本方法,即单元网格分值累加求和法和矢量图形分析法。在基于第1种方法基础上,提出了建立土地定级计算机信息系统的模式和流程。 第八部分,结束语。指出重庆市土地定级充分体现了山城特点、在方法运用上力求创新。提出了有关成果运用的一些建议。在两个方面进行了讨论:一是山地城市地形因素评价。在 重庆市上地定级研究山地城市中,地形对土地质量及土地利用方式产生着深刻的影响,提出在山地城市上地定级中可采用地貌网格法划分地貌单元定量地计算地貌单元分值的方法。 二是山城城市职能空间扩散规律探讨。在山地城市土地定级中,采用传统的方法计算因素分值往往存在诸多问题,其原因在于没有很好的揭示山城城市职能的空间扩散规律。由于重庆市地形复杂,江河阻隔,因此山城城市职能除表现为传染扩散规律外,更突出地表现为等级扩散和轴向随机扩散规律。文章依据这些原理对采用传统的方法得到的商服功能影响作用分进行修正,同时探讨了结点数动态变化时城市职能的空间扩散规律。

【Abstract】 In order to meet the needs of new circle of territorial resources research, we must adjust the old land grade of Chongqing City. This paper includes eight parts. ’Part one is preface, introduces the background to write the article and the significance of study, study process about the subject, and the content and characters of study. It including the aim the task, and the procedure of land grading.Part two introduces the relationship between the location theory and land grading. It advances that location theory is the basic theory of land grading, and how the location theory to directs land grading is analysedPart three is appraisal about factors of land grading. It including the choice of factors and decision of weight value, the calculation of factors of land grading, the choice of calculation models and declining models.Part four points out calculation methods of factors about land grading. It includes subdivision the land unit, the calculation of land unit score,Part five is land unit grading , It includes pre-grading of the land unit, and the test and verification of land grading.. Part six sums up the spacial distribution regularity and characteristic of land grade in Chongqing city. It advances that the distribution of land grade coincide with system of city frame and economic condition, and the distribution of land grade have the distinct character-line, and the allocation of land grade was affected deeply by the factor of landform.Part seven explores the construcion of land-grading information system. On the basis of introduction to the application of computer software in the land-grading ,this paper introduces twobasic methods of land-grading by applying various kinds of computer software and establishes the model and procedure of land-grading information system as a case of main district in Chongqing City.Part eight is the conclusion. It points out that the land grading in Chongqing City have different characters from other city, and some advices are given about how to apply the achievements. It studies on the methods of landform factors evaluation in Mountain City. Landform in Mountain City have a deeply impact on land quantity and urban land use. the paper puts forward that how to use the way of Geomorphic grid to divide Geomorphic unit, and how to computer factors score of grid unit, explores the spatial diffusion regularity of services function in Mountain City. There are a lot of shortages by employing traditional ways to calculat? unit factors score during land grading in Mountain city, which stem from that we did not realize the law of services spatial diffusion in Mountain City. This paper points out that services spatial diffusion in Mountain City particularly present outstandingly the law of hierarchical diffusion , the law of stochastic diffusion along the axes as well as contagious diffusion. The paper analyses the law of services spatial diffusion in Chongqing City, which is the law of business services spatial diffusion base on contagious diffusion hierarchical diffusion and base on the law of stochastic diffusion along the axes, and, according these principle, revise the unit factors score of business services calculated by using traditional way. At the same time explore the Law of Spatial diffusion about city cervices when the number of node changes.

  • 【分类号】F293.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】251

