

A Study on the Destroy Mechanism and the Protecting Measures to the Tourist Resources of Karst Cave

【作者】 冯绍国

【导师】 况明生;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2003, 硕士


【摘要】 随着国内外旅游热潮的到来,洞穴旅游受到旅游爱好者的广泛青睐,喀斯特洞穴旅游资源也得到了广泛的开发,但是由于缺乏良好的保护意识和可靠的保护措施,致使洞穴旅游走上了一条“开发一处,破坏一处的”的恶性开发之路,使这些珍贵的地下资源宝库遭受到了前所未有的损坏。 位于重庆市东南的武隆芙蓉洞,自1994年开发至今,洞穴景观的风化、侵蚀和污染使原本晶莹剔透、洁白无暇的各类景观的往日光辉不再。本研究从因开发而发生改变的主要环境因子温度、湿度、CO2浓度及洞穴风等入手,观测其变化的特征和规律,寻找洞穴景观发生损坏的机理,并探索其保护对策。游人的进入和洞穴灯光的使用,给芙蓉洞内带来了大量的能量,致使洞穴空气升温;由于动内外的温度差和空气的流通,开放的洞穴出现夏季高湿,冬季干燥的变化现象;CO2的浓度会因为活塞效应、洞穴沉积和游人的进入而升高,但影响最大的还是游人,当游客量较大的时候,洞穴CO2的浓度会随游人进入的数量增加而明显升高,洞内CO2含量峰值记录最高出现了6200ppm的记录。洞穴升温、灯光的烘烤及空气的对流致使洞穴湿度或局部湿度降低,使景观产生干裂、风化;气流带入的洞外酸性气体及高浓度CO2在高湿的条件下,结合水汽对洞穴景观产生酸侵蚀作用;灯光的存在为灯光植物生长提供了条件,使大量的苔藓类植物生长于钟乳类景观的表面;洞外大气粉尘的进入,给洞穴带来了非常严重的破坏,粉尘在洞内高湿的环境下大量沉降,附着于钟乳类景观的表面,致使受污染面发黑,毫无光泽。针对洞穴因开放而造成的这些破坏,采用了宏观生态保护、洞穴空间环境保护和低温钙碱性溶液降温、增湿、除COZ的三重景观防护措施:游人安全防护措施;以及重点景观珊瑚瑶池的异构体沉积措施。通过这些多重的保护措施,能有效的防止洞穴景观遭受损坏和保证游客的健康旅游,实现洞穴旅游资源的可持续开发利用。

【Abstract】 With the great tourist upsurge’s coming, exploiting tourist cave has become vigorousin the whole world. Every exploited tourist cave, however, has suffered a lot because of the lack of protecting consciousness and credible safeguard, which leaded tourist cave to the vicious road that when a tourist cave was exploited, it was destroyed soon.Furong cave, exploited in 1994, lies in south-east of chongqing. Its crystal-clear sightseeing’s brilliance existed no longer for the weathering, eroding and polluting in the cave. The research employed some environmental factors, including temperature, humidity and density of CO2 caused by exploitation, to observe the characteristic and regularity of variation, seek the destroy mechanism to the speleothem sightseeing in the cave, and explore the protecting countermeasures. The entering of the tourist and lamp-light gave much energy to Furong Cave and the temperature in the cave rised slowly. The different temperature between the outer and the inner as the air circulation, would make the cave wet seriously in the summer and dry in the winter. The density of CO2 would go up because of piston-effect, cave depositing and the tourists’ entering.Tourists is the main reason to influence the cave. The larger when the number of tourist is, the denser the CO2 in the cave would become. The highest record of the density in Furong Cave is 6200PPM. The rising temperature in the cave, the lamp-light’s toasting and the convictive air made the humidity of the whole or part of the cave descend, which made the speleothem sightseeing dry, cracked and weathering. The acid air from the outer and the highly dense CO2 would cause acid erode action to the speleothem sightseeing with water vapor. The existence of lamp-light offered a good chance for the lightloving plant to grow up, thus a lot of bryophyte covered the speleothem sightseeing. The dust of atmosphere deposited in the cave when the environment in the cave was very wet, which made the polluted surface dark and no luster. In view of the destroy caused by exploiting, the paper employed the protecting measures, such as macroscopic eclogy protecting, the space environment protecting, reducing the temperature of solution, increasing the wet and getting rid of CO2, the safety protecting measure to tourist and the isomer depositing measure to the stressed sightseeing like shanhuyaoci.

  • 【分类号】X37
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】351

