

The Promoting Effect of the Education of English to the Self-Identity of Nationality’s Culture of Yi Nationality in Manshuiwan

【作者】 廖冬梅

【导师】 张诗亚;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 自从第一次工业革命,各民族甚至种族之间的交往日益频繁和深入。随之而来的文化碰撞自然不可避免。当今,中国的少数民族正在经历着至少三种文化的碰撞。其本民族文化不仅处于中国的主流文化-汉族文化的巨大磁场之中,更要和汉文化一起遭遇一种全新的外来文化-西方文化的冲击。在这样多元文化的氛围中,少数民族对本民族文化的认同和传承经历着怎样的挑战和机遇,他们又将如何应对?带着这些疑问,笔者对凉山洲西昌市漫水湾镇的彝族进行了为期一个月的田野考察。 选择漫水湾彝族的原因有二:一是彝族文化有自己的文字,独特的宗教、艺术和习俗等,是一个文化内涵很丰富的民族。二是因为漫水湾彝族地处西部旅游城市西昌,邻近著名的卫星发射基地,与外界的联系也十分密切。而且这里的彝族村落完全在汉族的包围中,彝族人口仅占全镇人口的4%。在这样一种受多种他文化强烈冲击的环境中,他们却保持着对本民族文化的认同和传承。正是这些独特性引起了我探究的兴趣。 在考察中,通过文献收集、普遍调查、重点访谈和发放问卷等方法,笔者发现:漫水湾彝族的民族文化认同有不同的层次,而且层次的划分与掌握彝、汉、英三种语言的不同情况紧密相连。 在所有被调查的彝族人中,只会彝语的老年人倾向于持一种封闭、停滞的民族文化认同观;同时会彝语和汉语的彝人则容易形成“非好即坏”的二元对立式的民族文化认同;但在掌握了彝语和汉语基础上又学习了英语的青年中却更多地表现出一种开放、发展和包容的民族文化认同感。 第三种正是多元文化所极力倡导的民族文化认同。他跳出了“不自大就自卑”的心理怪圈。以不同民族文化间的平等、尊重代替了排斥和仇恨。在面对不同文化的差异时,也表现出了前所未有的宽容心态。 卡西尔在《人论》一书中将人定义为符号的动物。语言是符号系统中最重要的部分。同时,语言不仅是人类思维的外在表现形式,也最终成为人类思考外界和自身的不能逾越的媒介。一个民族的文化的独特性必然地与其语言的独特性紧密相连。所以,不同语言的碰撞根本上也就成为不同文化的碰撞。 分析漫水湾对彝族学生语言教育的发展状况:最初是单语教育(本民族语言和本民族文化人 在学校给学生的是一种一元的文化环境一然后是双语教育(汉语和民族语言同时使用人 给学生营造的是一种二元文化环境一现在已经在中学,并将在小学开设外国语语言课(以英语为主人这第三种语言的加入,恰好是给学生形成多元文化背景的契机,有利于学生形成多元文化观。最终形成费孝通先生所倡导的在民族自觉和接触并理解多个他文化基础上的民族文化认同。 在田野考察和理论分析的基础上,笔者得出的结论是:漫水湾的英语教育有助于彝族学生形成多元文化的背景,并最终对他们的民族文化认同起到了促进作用。 最后,笔者探讨了影响漫水湾彝族英语教育发展的有利和不利因素,并在此基础上提出了一些发展漫水湾彝族英语教育的建议。

【Abstract】 Since the first industrial revolution, nationalities even races communicated more and more frequently and deeply. Then the collision between different cultures is naturally unavoidable. Now, the minorities in China are experiencing the collision within at least three kinds of cultures. Their own nationality’s culture is not only in the great magnetic field of Chinese main culture-Han nationality’s culture, but also has to face a totally new kind of culture-western culture. In such multicultural atmosphere, what kind of challenges and chances the minorities are going through and how they will deal with them? With those questions, I held a field work to Yi nationality in Manshuiwan for about one month.The reasons I chose Yi nationality in Manshuiwan as the object of my field work are: firstly, Yi nationality owns ample cultural meaning with special letters, religion, arts and custom. Secondly, though it has a close relation with outside and holds only 4% in the total population in Manshuiwan, people who belongs to Yi nationality keep the feeling of self-identity to their culture. It is the particularity which arouses my interest.In my field work, by the means literature collection, general search, interview, and questionnaire, I found out that there are different levels for the self-identity of nationality’s culture, and the partition of levels related closely with the situation of management of three languages: YI language, Chinese, and English.In all the people of Yi nationality, those who only know Yi language are inclined to hold a close and stagnant self-identity of nationality’s culture; those who know both Yi language and Chinese are easy to form a binary opposite self-identity of nationality’s culture; and those who know YI language, Chinese, and English show more openly, developing, andcomprehensive self-identity of nationality’s culture.The third one is just what the multicultural theory advocates. It steps out the binary opposite mode of thinking, it replace exclusion and hates with equality and respect between different cultures, what’s more, it shows the spirit of tolerance towards the discrepancy of cultures, firstly in the history.Ernst Cassirer defines human beings as animals of symbol in his book-"An Essay on Man". Language is the most important part in the symbolic system. Meanwhile, language is not only the exterior expressional form of thinking, but also it will finally become the unavoidable medium of thinking. So the particularity of one nationality’s culture is necessarily related with it’s special language. That is why the collision of languages is ultimately the collision of cultures.To analysis the history of language education of students of Yi nationality in Manshuiwan, I found out a rule as follows: education of only Yi language(the atmosphere of Yi cultur -+ education of Chinese(atmosphere of Yi culture and Chinese culture) - + education of English in middle school(atmosphere of Yi, Chinese, and western culture). The education of English offers a good chance to help students form a new kind of self-identity of nationality’s culture in the multicultural atmosphere, and that is also what Mr. Feixiaotong has called for: the self-identity of nationality’s culture on the basis of nationality’s self-consciousness and understanding of other cultures.As a conclusion, the education of English to Yi nationality in Manshuiwan can help them form a multicultural background, and finally strengthened their self-identity of nationality’s culture.At last, I discussed the active and passive factors which affected the education of English in Manshuiwan, and advanced some suggestions for its development.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】370

