

Study on Corporate Goodwill in the Field of Modern Public Relations

【作者】 张彦

【导师】 秦启文;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 商誉是一种经济现象、社会现象,也是一种文化现象。它是企业力图在激烈竞争中保持持久的竞争优势所需依靠的重要无形资产。随着无形资产在企业竞争中所发挥的作用日益增大,人们对企业商誉的关注程度也越来越高。发展至今,学界对企业商誉的研究已取得了一定的成就,但是缺乏用现代公共关系的维度来对商誉做进一步的阐述。现代公共关系的发展趋势,要求企业在公众心目中树立完美的信誉形象,这是众多企业所致力追求的目标。现代企业的竞争模式已经由产品竞争过渡到品牌竞争,现在正在向商誉竞争过渡的现实,促使全社会也由此形成了一股“信誉行商”的浪潮。理论和现实的双重可能性为我们提供了在现代公共关系视野中审视企业商誉的思路。本文拟从企业商誉的基本内涵、性质、特征入手,力求系统揭示企业商誉与现代公共关系之间的联系,说明现代公共关系维度下的商誉内涵就是企业经过长期努力而在公众心目中形成的一种总体印象与评价,它的价值是企业的整体形象价值。全文共分三个部分: 第一部分,问题背景。主要介绍企业商誉与公共关系的研究背景。包括企业商誉的研究回顾与研究现状分析;在现代公共关系视野中探讨企业商誉的理论可能性、现实可能性以及客观必然性。最后在此基础上,总结本研究的科学价值,并提出本研究的研究思路和采用的方法。 第二部分,现代公共关系视野中的企业商誉。首先,从现代公共关系中企业商誉的界说入手,在分析两者之间联系的基础上,总结出企业商誉在现代公共关系中具有的新内涵,并依据现代公共关系的构成要素来分析企业商誉的要素。第二,在此基础上,总结企业商誉对现代企业获取竞争优势所发挥的作用。第三,从理论上提出了现代公 现代公共关系视野下的企业商誉研究共关系为企业提升其商誉的各种依据。 第三邢分,构建企业商誉管理体系的现代公共关系策略。首先,从企业商誉的主体。客体、中介三个角度提出了构建企业商誉体系的三个视角。第二,提出了构建企业商誉管理体系的现代公共关系策略,其中包括诚信策略、协调沟通策略、危机管理策略。第三,提出了构建适应现代公共关系变革的企业商誉管理体系的组织结构设想和管理模型,并展望了未来企业商誉管理体系的发展趋势。 总之,本文泅过对企业商誉在现代公共关系视野中的考察,从理论上弄清了两者的关系,井揭示出借助现代公共关系的手段对培育、提升和维护企业商誉所发挥的重要作用,因而具有较高的理论价值和实践价值。

【Abstract】 Goodwill is a phenomenon of economy, society, and culture. It is an important invisible property depended by corporate to maintain its long-term competitive power in course of intensive market competition. The more important roles that the invisible property plays among the competition, the more concentration that people pay to it. At present, we have got some academic achievements on corporate goodwill, but we still lack one angle that lies in modern Public Relations to penetrate into the interpretation of it. The developing trend of modern Public Relations asks corporate to mould their identity in the hearts of the related publics. It is also the aims, which corporate are longing for. Meanwhile, the transmit of corporate competitive model form product oriented one to brand oriented one, then to goodwill oriented competition raises a stream of doing business referring to goodwill in the whole society. Double possibility from the angles of theory and reality offers us a piece of idea to study corporate goodwill in the field of modern Public Relations. This article tries to show us the relationship between goodwill and modern Public Relations based on the thorough understanding to the fundamental meaning, nature, and features of corporate goodwill. It also tempts to show one fact that goodwill is a kind of impression and comment that related public have towards corporate, which are built up with hardship and long-term efforts by corporate. Its value lies in the total values of the corporate. This article is divided into three parts.In part one, it mainly deals with the researching backgrounds of corporate goodwill and Public Relations, including reviewer of study on corporate goodwill and present analysis of study on it, the discussion of theoretic and realistic possibility about corporate goodwill in the field of modern Public Relations. At last, based on the statement mentioned above, itmakes a conclusion of the scientific value of this study, and meanwhile offers a thought and ways of study.In part two, it mainly deals with the discussion of corporate goodwill in the modern Public Relations. First of all, it concludes the deeper coronation in modern Public Relations from the angle of analysis about their relations. It also analyzes the essential factors of corporate goodwill based on the classification to the essential factors in views of modern Public Relations. Second, based on statements mentioned above, it shows that roles that corporate goodwill will play in course of corporate competition. Third, it offers various evidences on how to promote corporate goodwill by means of theory of modern Public Relations.In part three, it mainly deals with the modern Public Relations strategies to establish the system of corporate goodwill management. First, it offers three angles including subjective angle, objective angle, and media angle. Second, it provides some modern Public Relations strategies to establish the system of corporate goodwill management, including confidence strategy, communication strategy, and crisis management strategy. Third, it provides some expectation on corporate structure and management models related to corporate goodwill management in to order to adapt to the changes of modern Public Relations.All in all, this article makes clear relationships between corporate goodwill and modern Public Relations in the view of theory through the research of goodwill in modern Public Relations. Meanwhile it also reveals the importance of modern Public Relations in course of fostering, promoting and protecting corporate goodwill. Therefore, it has somewhat theoretic values and practical values.

  • 【分类号】F273.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】675

