

The Function of Criminal Law on Protection of Intellectual Property

【作者】 雷雪梅

【导师】 汪力;

【作者基本信息】 西南师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 知识产权犯罪是一种新型的经济犯罪,相对于其他古老的自然犯罪和传统的经济犯罪,司法者和社会民众对其尚有陌生感和距离感。而且,可以预见的是,在短期之内,知识产权犯罪还难以成为司法力量重点打击的对象,亦难以成为公众赋予强烈道德谴责性的焦点公害。究其原因,皆因我国所处的特殊经济时期和特定的制度背景——工业化虽如火如荼地进行但距离完成工业化并进而迈向知识经济时代的目标尚远。因此,法律制度的重点和任务都是以传统有形财产和物质利益为核心构建起来的,而对无形财产的认识尚停留在理论阶段,故对知识经济时代的法律体系的构筑显得薄弱,而知识产权的法律保护亦处在制度成型期。可以断言,知识经济时代对知识产权的保护将是全方位与深层次的系统工程,而刑法保护既是该体系中罪严厉的方法,亦是该系统的最后屏障,其重要性不言而喻。本文正是在知识经济视野下致力于探求一种既符合法治理念又助益于经济前行的保护知识产权的刑法机制。作者以尝试性的努力服务于实现刑法在理念和规范上保护知识产权的完善,以期抛砖引玉、求教于方家。全文除引言外,分为三个部分,约二万四千字。 第一部分:理念籍——知识产权对刑法的保护需求与刑法介入的必要性。该部分主要是从刑法应该介入知识经济的必要性角度着眼,分析知识产权领域对刑法保护的需求,阐释了刑法介入知识产权领域的必要性与合理性。分别从两个方面着手考察:一是宏观上的必要性,即刑法介入知识经济的必要性;二是具体保护需求,即刑法介入知识产权领域的必要性。 第二部分:原理与价值篇——刑法介入知识产权领域的有限度性。该部分主要是沿着第一部分的逻辑推演,在认定刑法应该介入的前提下,在理论上追问刑法介入的深度和广度。分别做了三方面的探讨:一是价值目标限制,即个人利益与社会利益的衡平、鼓励创新与科技进步的衡平;二是法律性质限制,即后盾法的刑法应是最后制裁法;三是刑法介入的纵向程度限制,即适度观念下的注重实证效果。 第三郁分:规范窟一知识产权领域刑事立法的实证考寨与重构.该部分回到实证的领域,以法条为研究蓝本,选择重点内容,对我国知识产权的刑事立法做了横向比较和深入的反思,从而将本文的落脚点置于务实性的立法完善上。选择了三方面的重点问题:一是立法模式的批判性反思与比较性借鉴;二是构建犯罪圈时的立法疏漏与完善;三是知识产权犯罪刑事责任的立法暇疵与完善。

【Abstract】 As compared with the old and traditional crimes, the crimes of intellectual property rights are recent and new crimes in the field of economy,so they are unfamiliar to Chinese and china’ s departments of justice. It can be predicted that it isn’ t major task for justical departments to punish the crimes of intellectual property rights recently, and we can’ t expect that these crimes be condemned by usual individuals in short-time, because our country is aiming to realize industrialization, not intellectual economy. The focal point of our legal system concerns with materials and so on now. Intellectual property rights are only theorical rights, not practical rights to most of people.In a word, the legal system including criminal law concerned with intellectual property rights is not flawless, thus it is our job to make the intellectual property rights protected perfectly by laws.especialy by criminal law in the futher. With a method of focusing on intellectual economy, the author wants to find a way to protect intellectual property rights which is not only conformable with rules of law but also beneficial to the development of economy. The aim of the author’ s ideas is to rethink the question how to protect intellectual property rights by criminal law, and ask for advices from scholars. This article is divided into three parts except for the preface and there are 20,000 characters. The brief introduction is asfollows:Part 1:The content of theory:the necessity of criminal law to protect intellectual economy. Based on the necessity for criminal law to get involved in the intellectual economy, the author analyzes criminal law’ s reasonableness and necessity to intervene with the field of intellectual property rights. First, general speaking.it is necessary for criminal law to protect intellectual economy;Second,it is also necessary for criminal law to intervene with intellectual property rights specificly.Part 2: The content of princinples and the limitation for criminal law when geted invoved in intellectual property rights. Based on the content of part 1, the author of this paper respectively deals with it from three aspects:(1)The aim and choice of this field is to balance the profits between society and individual,not only to encourage inventer’ s creation but also to make the level of social science advance; (2) criminal law starts only when laws except for criminal law have lost function to wrong conducts on intellectual property rights;(3)The legislator shall pay close attention to the question weather the departments of justice execute the criminal law on the crimes of intellectual property rights.Part 3:The analysis of legislation and how to reform criminal law in order to make it perfect. The author rethink the legislation of criminal law on the crimes of intellectual property rights and try to resolve it’ s flaws. There are three important questions: (l)the flaws of criminal ization; (2)The shortcomings of the method concerned with legislation; (3)The drawbacks of punishment and how to reform them .

  • 【分类号】D914
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】308

