

Study on Effects Fertilizer Application on Hybrid Zoysia during Turfgrass Establishment in Tropical Area

【作者】 张如莲

【导师】 黄承和; 刘国道;

【作者基本信息】 华南热带农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过杂交结缕草田间肥效试验,观察了不同施肥处理对植株生长和草坪质量的影响,同时分析了植株营养状况以及对土壤养分的影响,其结果如下: 1.通过观察施肥对草坪质量及生长的盖度、密度等8个指标的影响,结果表明,施肥可明显改善草坪的质量和提高草坪的生长速度。随着N肥用量的增多,草坪的颜色逐渐加深,叶绿素含量逐渐升高,草坪的盖度和密度逐渐加大,植株生物量及分蘖数增加,枝条伸展长度增长。P肥对各个指标的影响均以中等水平为佳,同样改善了草坪的质量和生长速度。K肥对草坪的生长特性和综合质量不影响,但K肥对植株的分蘖有促进作用,并且促进了植株对N、P的吸收。 通过灰色关联分析,在本试验条件下,以处理11(N6g/m2,P2O54g/m2)的草坪综合评价效果好,成坪时间最短,为93天。 2.在成坪期间,随着N、P、K肥用量的增加,植株对N、P、K养分的吸收量有逐渐增加的趋势。经相关分析,植株地上部N吸收量与N肥施用量之间的相关性达极显著水平(r=0.8858,Pr<0.0001),地下部N吸收量与N肥施用量之间的相关性达极显著水平(r=0.74633,Pr=0.0009)。植株地上部K吸收量与K肥施用量相关不显著,与氮肥施用量相关性达极显著水平(r=0.79211,Pr=0.0003)。 3.通过对土壤养分的分析,草坪成坪后,土壤的全氮、有机质和pH基本不变,而土壤中的速效N、P养分含量升高,速效K含量降低。 4.综合草坪外观质量、植株营养以及土壤养分的变化情况,为了保证草坪的质量及植株的正常生长,同时保证土壤的可持续利用,应该N、P、K肥配合施用。

【Abstract】 Growth characteristics and fertilizer effect on turfgrass quality of hybrid strain of Zoysia japonica and Z. tenuifolia were observed and evaluated in this study. Meanwhile turfgrass nutrition status and nutrients of turf-bed soil were measured and analyzed as well. The preliminary results showed:1. N could improve turfgrass quality and growth rate. With N application,the colour of turfgrass became darker, the content of chlorophyll increased, the coverage density, density, biomass, number of tiller and the length of stolons also increased at different fertilizing level.The results also showed that P could improve turfgrass quality and increase growth at different fertilizing level. However the synthetic evaluation indicated that P application at middium level was the best.For K fertilizer, there were no significant effects to growth and turfgrass quality, but it could improve the tillering ability and absorbing of N and P.The correlation method of the grey systematic theory showed that threatment 1 I was the best one among 16 treatments under the experimental condition. That means 6g/m2 N and 4g/m2 PaOs only could create best multiple effects on turfgrass establishment. Time needed for turfgrass establishment with treatment 11 was shortest with only 93 days.2. During turfgrass establishment, nutrition amount absorbed by turfgrass trended to increase gradually with N,P,K application increasing. Further analysis ofcorrelation coefficent showed that the N sbsorption by the plant’s part above ground was significant positively correlated to the dosage of N fertilizer(r=0.8858, Pr<0.0001),the similar case to the plant’s part under ground(r=0.74633,Pr=0.0009). However K absorption was not correlated to K application, but significant positively correlated to the dosage of fertilizer(r=0.79211,Pr=0.0003).3. From soil chemical analysis, it was found that N, organic compound and pH did not change basically, but the content of quick acting N and P increased and the content of quick acting K decreased after turfgrass establishment.4. For the sake of the lawn surface quality, plant nutrition and soil nutrient, nitrogen, phosphor and potasium fertilizer should be used jointly in order to guarantee lawn’s quality, plant’s growith normally and the soil’s sustainable utilization.

  • 【分类号】S688.4
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】77

