
二维条码—QR Code研究及应用

【作者】 杨秋英

【导师】 陈立潮;

【作者基本信息】 华北工学院 , 计算机应用, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 QR Code是一种矩阵二维码,具有信息密度大、容量高的优点,因此,译码时受噪声的干扰大,采用纠错能力比较强的非二进制BCH码中的一类—RS码进行编码,可以有效地抗除干扰进行纠错。 二维码QR Code中照片压缩是一个较难实现的环节,因为其留给照片的空间不能太大,否则影响存储能力,但又必须考虑到压缩照片的恢复问题,还需压缩比不能太高,文中提出的基于感兴趣区域的嵌入式编码方法是综合上述因素的一种比较理想的技术,它主要具有如下特点: 1.针对不同的区域分配不同的比特数。对人眼敏感的区域(眼、嘴所在区域)分配较高的比特率,而对其它区域分配较低的比特数,从而在整体比特率较低的情况下,获得主观质量较好的恢复图像。 2.产生的是嵌入式码流。二维条码中存储的各类信息(比如:指纹、照片和个人信息等)一般都是不定长的,嵌入式码流使得不必采用预留空间的方式,能充分利用存储空间,获得尽可能好的恢复图像。 超高速识读是QR Code区别于其它二维码的主要特征,结合二维码的高密度和大容量特点可将一些车辆信息,车主信息和银行信息存储在二维码QR Code内,实现QR Code和ETC结合的车辆收费应用系统。

【Abstract】 QR Code is a kind of 2D matrix barcode .It has high density ,great capacity that will influent coding of 2D-barcode. A RS code is cyclic symbol error-correcting code,which can correct lost or missing data for damaged symbols.Compression of photo is a relatively difficult technology in 2D code.it can’t leave big space for photo which influent its ability of storage .Because the resume of compressed photo it requests relative low compressive ratio.ROI(Region of Interest)梑ased embedded coding in the article is a technology which probably settle upper problem. It mainly has the following characteristics:1. Allocate different bitrate to different region. High bitrate to the region to which the human visual system is sensitive while low bitrate to the other regions.The reconstructed image with a high compressive rate can still hold fairly good subject quality.2. Produce embedded bitstreamThe length of each of the three parts stored in the barcode is not fixed,embedded bitstream can make full use of the limited space of the storage media .Quick response is main characteristic of QR code that distinguish from other 2-D barcode. Utilizing trait of high density, great capacity of 2-D barcode may store information of vehicle,information of car master , information of bank in QR Code .Combining above point can realize automatic charge of ITS use QR Code and ETC.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 华北工学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2003年 03期
  • 【分类号】TP391.44
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】836

