

Theoretical Construction and Practical Exploration of Linguistic Sense Teaching

【作者】 孟祥英

【导师】 曹明海;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 语文教学中存在着长期忽视语感教学的现状,对此,2001年7月颁布的《全日制义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》中明确规定:语文课程必须“指导学生正确地理解和运用祖国语文,丰富语言的积累,培养语感”,并反复强调语感教学最能体现汉语文的本体特性和语文课程“工具性和人文性统一”的特征。当前,“语感”问题已被语文教育界广泛关注,但对于“语感教学”问题还有待于进行深入地思考与探究,本文试图从语感教学的理论与实践两个方面做一些探索。 本文主要分为四部分。一、整体认识:语感教学的内涵。语感教学有其丰厚的理论根基,它根源于中国传统语文教育,同时又积极吸纳了现代西方阐释学、语言哲学等的先进思想。语感教学就是以语言本体论哲学为理论基点,以学生对言语作品积极主动的感悟自得为主要方式,在教师的启发诱导下,以达成培养学生的言语能力和培植学生的精神人格为终极目的的一种教学活动。 二、多层透视:语感教学的特征。语感教学的特征是由语感教学的内涵所决定和派生出来的,二者共同建构起语感教学的理论框架。语感教学具有感悟性、整体性、建构性和动态性等特征。感悟性是立足于学生的角度,力图弘扬学生在语感教学中的主体精神;整体性是从言语作品的角度来说的,要求在语感教学中要立足于言语作品的整体进行宏观审视与系统把握;建构性是就语感教学的目的而言的,语感教学一方面要实现学生对言语作品的个性化建构,另一方面,要利用言语作品实现对学生言语能力与精神人格的建构;动态性特征指出了学生的语感能力的养成是一个需要长期涵养和训练的过程。 三、综合把握:语感教学的原则。教学原则是连接理论与实践的桥梁。硕士学位论文 语感教学的理论建构与实践探索在语感教学中需坚持以下原则:(一)强化学生对言语作品的体验。这是立足于学生的角度,要求在语感教学中教师要引导学生进行积极的感悟,获得对言语作品的深切体验:(二)讲究教学言语的情感性传达。倡导在语感教学中,教师在与言语作品进行倾情对话并开掘出言语作品唤情点的基础上,通过情感性教学言语来提升学生的语感品质八三)注重师生双方的民主性对话。是立足于师生关系的角度,提倡师生之间要具有民主平等的对话意识,通过富有启发性的教学言语来完善学生的语感结构;(四)开放语感教学的多维度空间。是指在语感教学中要开放教学内容、解读策略、评价标准及教学空间等,目的在于保证前三个原则的真正落实。 四、深入探究:语感教学的策略。教学策略是语感教学得以实施并优化的重要因素。语感教学的策略可以概括为:(一)诵读吟咏:整体感知言语神妙。这是传统语文教育中培养语感的卓有成效的方法,强调教师通过范读导引学生的语感,学生通过探究吟咏与反复诵读,强化、提升语感:(二)涵泳品味:深入领悟言语精髓。涵泳品味是在吟诵熟读基础上的潜心专注的研读方法,是指通过比照探幽、想象联想、语境分析等方法来把握言语的深层内涵;(三)言语实践:培养言语运用习惯。这是诵读吟咏与涵泳品味两种策略的深化与拓开,注重教师积极引导学生在日常生活中多读、勤写、多进行口语交际,让学生在言语的海洋中习得言语;(四)掌握知识:品味言语运用理趣。诵读吟咏、涵泳品味与言语实践是培养语感的主要手段,而掌握必要的语言知识是语感养成的必不可少的辅助手段。可以适量适度地传授给学生标点知识、词汇知识、修辞知识、写作知识等语言知识,加强学生对言语的理性把握。

【Abstract】 The teaching of linguistic sense has long been neglected in the present situation of Chinese teaching .For this, Chinese Course Standards of Full-time Compulsory Education (experimental draft)" issued in July, 2001 explicitly stipulates: Chinese course must " guide students to comprehend and apply Chinese literature and language in a right way, and to enrich the language accumulation and cultivate linguistic sense." It also repeatedly stresses that linguistic sense teaching can be the best embodiment of peculiarity of Chinese language and the "unity of being tool and humanities" of Chinese course .At present, the problem of "linguistic sense" has been widely concerned by the educational circles of Chinese teaching .As to the problem of "linguistic sense teaching ", a further thinking and exploration will be on process. This thesis attempts on the exploring study from the aspects of theory and practice of linguistic sense teaching.The thesis mainly covers four parts. The first part is the entire understanding: the contain of linguistic sense teaching. Linguistic sense teaching has ground basis of theory, rooted from the Chinese traditional language education and meanwhile actively take in the advanced ideas of modern western hermeneutics and language philosophy. Linguistic sense teaching is a teaching activity based on the language ontology, by means of students’ enthusiastic comprehension under the enlightenment and guide ofteachers, at the ultimate aim of cultivating students’ language ability and fostering their spiritual personality.The second part is levels of perspective: features of linguistic sense teaching. Features of linguistic sense teaching are derived from and decided by the contain of linguistic sense teaching, which construct the theoretical framework of it. Linguistic sense teaching has the features of comprehension, entireness, construction and dynamics. The feature of comprehension is based upon students, attempting to carry forward the spirit of main body of students in linguistic sense teaching. Feature of entireness is from the angle of literary works, demanding that the linguistic sense teaching is based on the macro-examination and systematic mastery of the entire modern essays. Feature of construction concerns the aim of Linguistic sense teaching, which on one hand is to realize students’ individual construction of literary works, and on the other hand construct their language ability and spiritual personalities. Feature of dynamics mentions that students’ cultivation of linguistic sense ability is a process of long-time fostering and practice.The third part is grasping the principles of linguistic sense teaching comprehensively. The teaching principles are bridges between theory and practice. These principles are followed: (1) strengthening the students’ experience of model essays. This is from the perspective of the students. Teachers are requested to conduct the students to active understanding and deep feeling of the model assays. (2) Paying attention to the emotional language use. Teachers are advocated to elevate the learners’ linguistic sense quality by emotional teaching utterances based on the process whereby the teachers have an emotional conversation with the model essays and explore the points evoking the readers. (3) Emphasizing the democratic dialogue between teachers and students. This aspect is from the perspective of two sides: teachers and students.The democratic awareness is advocated and the structure of the students’ linguistic sense is improved by heuristic teaching utterances. (4) Widening the linguistic sense teaching multi-dimensionally. It refers to broaden the teaching content, strategies, evaluation and teaching space for the purpose of realizing the former three principles.The fourth part is researching the strategies of linguistic sense teaching deeply. Teaching strategies are key factors for linguistic sense teaching to be implemented and optimized. They can be generalized as: (1) perceiving the delicacy of language on the whole

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】521

