

Research on the Obstacles and the Countermeasures of Creative Thoughts Cultivating in Physics Studying

【作者】 戴翠霞

【导师】 刘文贤;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 众所周知,在科学技术飞速发展的今天,如何培养大批具有创新精神的创造型人才是我们教育战线面临的至关重要的问题。而所谓具有创新精神的创造型人才是指具有创新意识、创造性思维和创新能力的人才,也就是通常所说的“创新人才”,其核心则是要具有创造性思维,创造性思维是创新意识和创新能力的基础。然而,我国教育体制和教育观念一直以来存在着相当多的弊端,多年来培养的学生大多数都是只能记忆与运用前人的知识和经验、不善于创造新知识的应用型人才;而非具有创新精神、能够创造新知识、具有创造性思维和能力的创造型人才。同时,我国教育界对创造性思维的研究相当贫乏。因此,我们要紧跟时代的步伐,心存紧迫感,努力研究创造性思维的理论,培养学生的创造性思维能力,提高我国青年一代的创新水平,为我国的社会主义现代化建设服务。 创造性思维能力的培养离不开具体学科,而物理学的学科知识体系及学科特点对学生创造性思维的培养具有独特的优势:它为学生创造性思维训练提供了丰富的教育素材。因此,本文旨在通过对创造性思维理论的研究,结合中学物理思维特点,探索出阻碍创造性思维的因素,研究出在物理教学中培养学生创造性思维的教学对策。 本文在借鉴前人对思维理论研究成果的基础上,指出:中学物理学习主要受中学生思维发展、脑的生理机制和物理学科特点三方面的制约;中学生学习物理的思维是形象思维和抽象思维的统一,由经验型向理论型转化有突出表现。由此界定出中学物理学习中的创造性思维的概念。指出:如果中学生的思维结果对其自身具有新颖性,则其发生了创造性思维。在物理学习中,创造性思维是复杂的高级思维过程,它是多种思维方式的有机结合(但绝不是多种思维机械相加的结果):是集中思维和发散思维的对立统一;是抽象思维、形象思维和直觉思维的对立统一。它有自身独特的活动规律,但也必须遵循其它思维的活动规律。 创造是相对于障碍而来的,谁克服了思维上的障碍,谁就能取得创造性突破。作者阅读了大量的相关文章和专著,并利用一切机会到课堂教学中去实践,通过大量的调查和访谈,总结得出中学生在物理学习中表现的相应的创造性思维的障碍,即学生在物理知识的学习和应用中出现的思维联想活动量和速度方面的迟缓、贫乏以及联想散漫对学 一生创造性的发生和发展造成抑制性、干扰性和混乱的影响。在此基础上,作者对物理学习中表现的创造性思维的障碍进行深入归因:1、错误的前知识造成物理学习中创造性思维的障碍。错误的前知识对物理学习存在着严重的于扰作用,可导致物理图式失真,它存在于学生的潜意识中,较难以觉察或改变。2、消极的思维定势造成物理学习中创造性思维的障碍:消极的思维定势造成“定势错觉”;思维定势太强烈造成思维方式的僵化。3、深度思维障碍(是指学生学习物理的过程中思维深处表现的严重的思维品质欠缺,表现出凝固性、单向性、片面性和饱和性,缺乏深刻性)造成物理学习中创造性思维的障碍。4、心理上的障碍造成物理学习中创造性思维的障碍。心理因素尽管不属于思维范畴,但心理因素在很大程度上影响了思维。在创造性思维的培养和发展中,心理方面的因素对创造性思维产生了很大的影响。 由此,本文探索出在物理教学中培养学生创造性思维的相应对策。l、为创造性思维的培养创设和谐发展的倩境:树立正确的教育观念,优化学生发展创造性思维的环境;激发学习动机、热情、意志,培养学生的创造性人格。2、在物理教学中培养学生的创造性思维品质。加强概念和规律教学,消除相关思维障碍的影响,教给学生物理思维方法,培养学生创造性思维;加强观察、实验和多媒体教学,强化物理感知和形象思维,训练学生创造性思维;在传统问题解决教学的基础上,引导学生灵活运用知识,在物理知识的应用中培养学生的创造性思维。3、通过研究性学习培养学生的创造性思维。

【Abstract】 It is well known that, with the fast development of science and technology, our education is facing a vital task, cultivating enough talents owning creative thoughts. The creative talents should necessarily have creative thoughts, which are the bases of creative ability and creative consciousness. However, there are many drawbacks exiting in our country’s teaching system and teaching conception. At present, most of the students only can use the knowledge taught by teachers, but they cannot create any new knowledge. They will only be applicative talents, but not creative ones in the future. Meanwhile, we are rather lack of the necessary research of this field, so we must work hardly on the theory field and cultivate more and more creative students.We know that we should cultivate the student’s creative thoughts in a concrete science, such as physics. As it provides plentiful teaching subject matters, physics suits for cultivating the student’s creative thoughts. Consequently, in this article, we are aiming to discover the factors that hamper the student’s creative thoughts and aiming to find a way to cultivate the student’s creative thoughts in physics teaching, by researching of the theory of creative thoughts.In this article, basing on the former researcher’s investigation, we believe that physics studying in middle school is always effected by three affects: the developing level of the student’s thoughts; the brain’s working mechanism and the specialty of physics. At the middle school period, the student’s imaginative thoughts are connecting with the abstract thoughts, and their experiential thoughts are transferring to theoretical thoughts. So, we can conclude the conception of the creative thoughts in physics studying. Then if a new thought appears in the student’s mind, he has undoubtedly carried the creative thinking process. In the studying of physics, the creative thinking is a sophisticated process, and it includes many kinds of thoughts that are organically connected, such as concentrate thoughts, emanate thoughts, abstract thoughts, imaginative thoughts and intuitionalthoughts. It has it’s own acting rule, and it also obeys other thoughts’ acting rules.Generally speaking, creation is on the opposite of thought obstacles. People who break the will have creative thoughts and creativity. In this way, the author concludes the obstacles in the physics studying process in the middle school, after reading a lot of relative articles and practicing in the classroom. Besides, we also investigate the negative effects of the student’s lacking of imagination on the building and development of their creative thoughts. On the base of these investigations, the author concludes the reasons of the obstacles of the creative thoughts in physics studying: 1. The obstacles produced by the student’s former knowledge. The faulty former knowledge can greatly disturb the studying and cannot be found and corrected easily. 2. The obstacles produced by the negatively fixed thoughts. It can lead to thought ossification if too strong. 3. The deeper thoughts obstacles hamper the building of creative mind 4. The obstacles on mentality. Although the mental factors do not belong to the field of thoughts, they can bring about great effects on the cultivating and developing process of creative thoughts.Finally, the author discovers the countermeasures of building the students’ creative thoughts in physics teaching. 1. Establishing a harmonious surrounding, building a correct educational conception, provoking the student’s incentive and enthusiasm of physics studying, cultivating their creative personality. 2. Cultivating the students’ creative thoughts, reinforcing the conceptions and rules hi teaching, clearing off the effects of all the obstacles, reinforcing the experimental and multimedia teaching, reinforcing the imaginative thoughts and using knowledge flexibly. 3. Cultivating the students’ creative thoughts by investigation.

【关键词】 思维创造性思维障碍教学对策
【Key words】 thoughtcreative thoughtobstaclecountermeasure
  • 【分类号】G633.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】525

