

The Study on the "Essential Symbol" in the Skill Teaching of Throwing Javelin

【作者】 闵凡亭

【导师】 孙兴岱;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 全国高校招生规模的不断扩大以及素质教育的不断深化,高师体育专业技术教学也正面临着新的形势与挑战,归纳起来有以下几方面: 1.单班授课人数增幅较大; 2.技术课授课总时数减少明显; 3.技术课教学质量有待于进一步提高; 4.素质教育的推进,要求进一步加强专业教育; 面对新形势新挑战,改革传统教法,尝试新的教法,已提到教学改革的议事日程上来。为此,我们将前苏联当代著名的教育实践家和革新家沙塔洛夫创立的“纲要信号”教学法引入到体育专业技术教学中来。 沙塔洛夫所创立的“纲要信号”教学法虽未见其确切定义,但概括起来就是,教师在认真研究,突出重点,分析难点,考虑各部分知识之间逻辑联系的基础上,将所教授的内容以“纲要信号”的形式展现出来,以“纲要信号”图表为核心进行教学的方法。“纲要信号”教学法创立之初,由于其教学效果明显,传播速度很快。70年代末,前苏联已有数万名教师使用此法,应用学科范围也涉及到了物理、历史、数学等多个领域。1968年匈牙利,1971年法国也开始实验此法。目前,这种方法仍在传播之中。 经过多年教学实践检验和洗礼的“纲要信号”教学法,就其教学特点而言,可以概括为以下五点: 1.利用“纲要信号”有助于学生“剔除碍眼的细节”把握教材要点; 2.利用“纲要信号”能使所教授的内容在理解的基础上进行记忆,大大提高了学生记忆的效率与效果; 3.利用“纲要信号”进行教学,能够在大大缩短总授课时数的前提下,提高教学质量; 4.利用“纲要信号”能使授课内容生动、活泼化,有利于充分调动学生的学习积极性与主动性; 5.利用“纲要信号”加强了学科自身的系统性与连贯性,提高了学生的系统思维能力; 在分析总结现代技术教学中出现的新特点,以及对“纲要信号”教学法的发展历史与教法特点进行概括总结的基础上,本研究在山东师范大学体育学院以田径普修课掷标枪技术教学为例,将“纲要信号”教学法与传统教法进行了对比性教学实验,并对教学实验的结果利用录像解析、问卷调查、以及数理统计等多种方法进行了统计分析,结果如下: 1.从投掷远度(m)(竹枪,重500-600g)和技评成绩的宏观方面分析。远度成绩实验组为45.72±6.36,对照组为39.16±6.15,p<0.05;技评成绩实验组为8.62±0.68,对照组为8.12±0.58,p<0.05,两方面的统计结果都表现为显著性差异。 2.从各技术环节录像解析的微观方面分析,不论是最后用力技术还是其他各技术环节,其大部分对比指标的统计结果也都具有显著性差异(详见正文)。 3.从对实验班教学效果进行问卷调查的统计数字上分析。实验班学生对所掌握的掷标枪技术,表示非常满意的有29.2%,满意的有62.5%,不满意的仅有 “纲要信号”教学法在掷标枪技术教学中的应用研究 8.3此就所掌握的掷标枪技术,认为自己能胜任一名合格体育教师的有 41.7 %,还需进一步提高的有45.8%,不能胜任的仅有12.5%。并且所有实验班学 生都能对掷标枪技术的教学重点、难点进行正确回答。 因此,从教学实验的统计结果来看,“纲要信号”教学法的应用,不但使大多数学生能够掌握基本技术,具备基本技能,达到大纲规定的最低成绩要求和及格以上技术评定评分标准要求,而且还能做到三会:会讲、会做、会教,具备了从事中学体育课教学和指导学生进行业余锻炼的能力,与单一的传统教法相比教学效果体现明显。 诚然,“纲要信号”教学法在体育技术课教学中还处在尝试与探索阶段,因此在许多方面还有待于进一步改进与提高。为此,本研究在对“纲要信号”教学法的应用成果进行肯定的同时,也对其在应用上提出了几点意见和建议,以期能为“纲要信号”教学法的推广与实践以及教育教学的改革带来一点引导与启发。

【Abstract】 As the enrollment scale of universities and colleges is increasing and the reform of quality education is deepening, the skill teaching of physical education in normal universities is facing some new conditions and new challenges, which can be mainly concluded as the following:1. Students numbers of single class rises considerably.2.Total hours of skill class decreases considerably.3.Quality of skill class need to be increased.4.Major education is required to be strengthened with the development of qualityeducation.Due to the appearance of such new conditions and challenges, it is urgent and necessary to reform the traditional teaching skill and trying some new ones. The present author believes that the will be beneficial to adopt the teaching skill of "essential symbol" created by (沙塔洛夫) famous educationalist and reformer from the former Soviet Union, in the skill teaching of physical education.Though the "essential symbol" has not yet accurately defined up to present, it can be generalized as that teachers, on the basis of studying carefully, emphasizing the key points, analyzing the difficulty points and considering the logical relationship between various parts of knowledge, display the knowledge through the "essential symbol", and teach with the core of "essential symbol" graphs.Since the creation of "essential symbol" teaching skill, it has been developed quickly out of its notable effect. In former Soviet Union, there were more than ten thousands of teachers applying the skill as early as in the 1970s, covering disciplines like physics, history, mathematics and so on. Hungary began to use it from 1968, and France, from 1971. The skill is spreading now. Generally speaking, the "essential symbol" skill contains the next five features:1 .It helps students to "discharge the obstructive details" and master the keys in textbooks.2.It helps students to memorize what has been taught on the basis of understanding, thus increase the studying effect.3.It cuts the teaching hours yet enhances teaching quality. 4.1t makes the class teaching more vividly and lively, arousing the students’ enthusiasm of study.5.It improves the coherence and systematicness of the discipline, and the students’ capability of systematic thought as well.By analyzing and generalizing the nature of modern skill teaching as well as the development and features of the teaching skill of "essential symbol" , the present author has taken the skill teaching of the throwing javelin class in the Shandong Normal University as the object, carriedout comparative experiments between the skill of "essential symbol" and traditional teaching skill the distance. After analyzing the videotapes, making questionnaires and statistics, the experiment results turn to be as following:1 .In the macroscopic aspects, the throwing distance of the experimental team is 45.72m_+ 6.36m, while the comparative team is 39.16m_+6.15m, p<0.05; the throwing skill of the former is8.62_+0.68, while the latter is 8.12_+0.58, p<0.05. Both the comparing results defer notably.2.Through the microscopic analysis of the videotapes, considerable differences appear in most links of the throwing skill (Please refer to the thesis.).3.The questionnaire on the teaching effect to experimental team suggests that 29.2% students are very satisfied about the teaching, 62.5% are satisfied, and only 8.3% are dissatisfied; 41.7% of them are confident to be a qualified PE teachers, 45.8% want further improvement and only 12.5% express worry. In addition, 100% of the students of the experimental team are able to answer questions on the key and difficult points of throwing javelin.Seen from the results, the adoption of the "essential symbol " teaching skill can not only enable students to master the basic skills and reach the lowest quality scores, but also make them qualified to speak, practice and teach, instructing students both in after class. It is much effective than traditional teaching skills.It must be acknowledge

  • 【分类号】G824.3
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】331

