

【作者】 邵增珍

【导师】 刘弘;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 Ihternet的发展使得Web信息系统也获得了很大的发展。当网络技术和分布式计算技术逐渐发展并走向成熟时,Web信息系统的开发也变得非常复杂。Internet带来的最直接问题是Web信息系统的不断增加。由于缺乏统一有效的管理,大多数系统的开发、维护工作还处于混乱状态。当前Web信息系统一般采取小粒度的组件开发方法,使得系统开发带有很大的随意性,并导致系统难以维护。对特定领域的系统开发来说,如果能复用已有的设计和开发成果,将会在很大程度上提高系统的开发效率,节省大量的人力和物力资源。 为了满足日渐复杂的商务逻辑,传统的软件编程思想也应用到了Web信息系统的开发过程中。但是,同传统的软件系统相比,Web信息系统有更多的特点,它除了具备一般软件系统的特点之外,更具有其特定的网络特性。因此,从这个角度来看,仅仅依靠传统的软件开发方法是很难有效地开发Web信息系统的。 本研究将软构件技术引入到Web系统中,希望从大粒度的框架设计复用和小粒度的构件复用两方面来改善系统的开发过程。主要创新点如下: 1.分析了出现互联网软件危机的原因,提出利用软构件技术开发Web信息系统的思想; 2.详细论述了基于角色(任务)模型的特定领域Web信息系统的设计框架。以制造企业为例,通过提取角色及角色任务,并利用ORM建模工具,对企业产品用户角色的任务进行建模,给出了整个系统的模型。该框架可以作为领域内新系统的开发基础,在一定程度上实现大粒度的框架设计复用; 3.通过对Web系统的分析统计,对系统中使用范围最广、使用频率最高,使用价值最大的三类公共构件进行了详细的说明。这三个构件是通用查询界面生成构件、通用报表生成构件和角色信息分析构件。我们还对构件的开放性进行了讨论,完成了用户需求导入和编译实现的功能。 本文研究受国家自然科学基金项目(项目号:69975010)、山东省科学技术发展计划项目《基于软构件的软件开发环境》(项目号:991143706)及山东省中青年科学家奖励基金项目《软构件集成环境的研究》(项目号:304065)的资助,以上项目均已通过有关部门的鉴定。其中991143706项目获得山东省科技进步三等奖。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of the Internet, Web information system (WIS) has achieved great development. Since network technology and distributed computation technology has evolved and become mature, the development of Web information system has become more and more difficult. The direct thing that Internet has brought to it is the incremental augment of the information. Because of the lack of uniform and effective management methods, the development and maintenance of most of the systems is still in chaos. Currently WIS often adopts component development method with small granularity, which causes great random to the process of the development of the system, and in turn makes the difficulty in the maintenance of the system. In some specific fields, if we can reuse the existed design and development results, the development efficiency of the system will be increased greatly, so as to save amounts of human resources and material resources.The aim of the WIS is mainly to satisfy the incrementally sophisticated business logic and the traditional ideas of software programming have been combined to this process. However, comparing with the traditional software system, the WIS has more characters. Other than the traditional ones, it also has specific network character. So, in this perspective, it is hard to merely use traditional development methods to develop WIS effectively.This research has combined WIS with software component technology, wishing to improve the development of the whole system from the reuse of the frame design in large granularity and the component reuse in small granularity. The main creative points are as follows:1 .Analyze the reason for the crisis of the network software. Introduce the idea of usingsoftware component technology to develop WIS;2 Explicitly explain the design frame for WIS of specific fields. The paper takes the manufacturing enterprise as an example, utilizes ORM modeling tools by extracting roles, and role’s tasks so as to model the user roles’ task of the enterprise and gives the model of the whole system. This frame can be the foundation of new development in these fields, realizing the reuse of the frame design in large granularity;3.By analyzing and stat icing the WIS, explicitly narrate the three common components, which have been used most widely, most effectively, and most worthy in this system. The three components are Common Query Interface Formulation Component, Common Report Form Formulation Component and Role Information Analysis Component. We also discuss the opening character of the components, realize the function of inducing and translating the requirements of the user. The aim of this research is to provide a new idea about considering the system’s component from the user’s degree. Some of the research results have been plunged into use and taken on favorable effect.

  • 【分类号】TP393.09
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】157

