

On the Teaching Arts of Popular Calisthenics

【作者】 李玉玲

【导师】 韩宏飞; 崔云霞;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 大学体育是学校体育的最高层次和最后阶段。然而,现实中我们有很多知识分子,虽然文化素质较高,接受过正规的高等体育教育,但是他们的体育观念却极为淡薄,极少参加体育锻炼,加之过度的脑力活动,必然会使他们的健康受到影响。研究表明:学生时代习惯的养成对体育行为的发展有较大的影响,因此要培养学生体育锻炼的兴趣和习惯,转变态度、更新观念,使学生不仅在学校阶段里,而且在步入社会后也能自觉、独立地进行体育锻炼。这就需要学生掌握一种或几种健身方法。 健美操是融体操、音乐、舞蹈于一体,通过徒手或使用健美器械,达到健身和健心目的的一种新兴体育项目。如果以健美操活动的目的和所需要解决的主要任务为依据来划分,归纳起来可分为大众健美操、竞技健美操和表演健美操,其中大众健美操是大学生最喜欢的一种,如何使学生把健美操作为一种终生的锻炼手段,这就需要教师在教学中讲究教学艺术。 教学是具有艺术内涵的。教学艺术是教师在一定教学思想指导下,按照教学规律和审美规律,创造性的运用教学技能技巧的独具个性的教学活动行为。所谓健美操教学艺术应是教师在终身体育思想的指导下,按照教学规律和审美规律,创造性的运用技能技巧的独具个性的教学活动行为。健美操教学艺术是通过健美操教学来实现的,以培养学生对健美操的兴趣,养成终身从事体育锻炼的习惯。本文通过文献研究、问卷调查和专家访谈等研究方法,以健美操的特点和大学生的需要为契入点,对高校大众健美操的教学艺术从语言艺术、情境教学艺术和创编教学艺术三个方面进行研究。 一、语言艺术 (1)有声语言艺术 教学语言可以促进健美操教学的双边活动;它是教师教授健美操知识和教育学生的手段;它可以启发学生思维和提高健美操的质量,对学生审美能力的发展也有重要的作用。教学语言的指令性、调节性和感染性能很好的起到集中学生注意力,激发学生情感的作用。健美操教学语言还应做到精讲多练、生动形象、亲切感人和区别对待,以提高学生的锻炼兴趣、主动性和积极性。 (2)体态语言艺术 体态语言是指用整个人体或人体的某一部分有意识或无意识的动作及面目表情来表达思想、交流感情和传递信息。它具有控制调节、传递信息和交流感情的作用,并具有信息量大、信息量强的特点。根据健美操的特点,教师应从表情语、目光语、手势语、空间距离语和身姿语5个方面进行艺术性的教学。 二、情境教学艺术 (1)情境教学的理论基础 论大众健美操的教学艺术 场效应是由教师、学生、教材和教学手段诸因素相互作用所形成的教学氛围。这 些因素中既有有形的,也有无形的;既有物理的,也有心理的。大脑两半球既有分工 又有合作,我们要同时挖掘它们的潜力,使学生可以在轻松偷快的气氛中学习。 Q)教师要想建立积极的课堂心理气氛,使学生处于积极的学习状态中,就应充 分了解学生、热爱学生、尊重学生、相信学生;教师还应使课堂民主化、具有良好的 心态,有威信,在内容安排上要难易适度。 三、创编教学艺术 门)培养学生的创编能力可以提高教学质量和培养学生终身进行体育锻炼的能 力,这也是由健美操自身的特点和教法特点所决定的。 Q)培养学生创编能力可以从加强基本知识、技能、技术和基本动作、组合动作 和套路动作的学习等方面入手,并加强创编理论知识的学习和音乐方面的修养。在掌 握一定知识的基础上,创编活动还需要通过创编实践来实现。

【Abstract】 College physical education is the highest level and the last stage of school PE. However, many intellectual have little concept of PE, though they have high level of education and normal high PE. Little participation of physical exercise and excessive brain labor necessarily affect their health. The study shows: the habit nurturance in school will greatly affect the development of the physical exercises, thus it is necessary to foster students’ interest and habit of it and to change the attitude and renovate the conception, which make them take part in physical exercises independently and consciously after stepping into the society. This requires students to master one or several means of exercising.Modern calisthenics is a new physical item composed of gymnastics, music and dance, with or without appliances at the ami of body and mind building. According to the aim and the mam assignments resolved, calisthenics can be classified into popular calisthenics, athletic calisthenics, and performance calisthenics. And the first is the most popular to college students. How to make students take calisthenics as a lifelong exercising way, needs teachers to stress on teaching arts.Teaching has the artistic meaning. Teaching art is a teaching activity of individuality in the guidance of certain teaching thoughts in terms of teaching and aesthetic rules, creative application of teaching techniques and skills. Then, calisthenics is a teaching activity of individuality in the guidance of lifelong physical thoughts of teachers in terms of teaching and aesthetic rules, creative application of techniques and skills. Calisthenics teaching art is realized by PE teaching to foster students’ interests and habits of lifelong physical exercises. Through documents studies, questionnaires investigations and visiting of experts and with the starting point of characteristics of calisthenics and the requirements of students, this thesis concerns three parts: language art, art of teaching mood and creating teaching art.I. Language ArtA. Sonant Language ArtTeaching language can promote the bilateral activities of calisthenics teaching, and is the way of calisthenics knowledge teaching and students educating. It can illume students’ thinking and improve the quality of calisthenics, and has the significant effects on the development of esthetic judgment. The dictation, adjustment and infection of teaching language play the role of attracting students’ attention and arousing their emotion. The teaching language of calisthenics also should be intensive, vivid, affable and distinct, in order to arouse students’ interest, initiative and enthusiasm.B. Posture Language ArtPosture language refers to the conscious or unconscious action or facial expression to express thought, exchange emotion and transfer information by entire or part of human body. It has the characteristics of controlling and adjustment, transfer information, exchange emotion, large amount of information. According to the characteristics of calisthenics, teachers should process artistic teaching by expression, vision, finger alphabet ,interspaced distance and body posture.n. Mood Teaching ArtA. Theoretical Basis of Mood TeachingField effect is the teaching atmosphere composed of the interacting of teachers, students, teaching materials and teaching means. These elements are tangible or intangible, physical of psychological. Two hemispheres of brain can cooperate or work independently. We must excavate their potentials at the same time, creating a carefree atmosphere of study to students.B. To establish an active psychological atmosphere hi class and place students hi the position of active study, teachers must sufficiently understand students, love them, respect them and trust them. Teachers also should make class democratized, and have possess favorable attitude, stateliness, and moderate arrangement of contents.III. Creating Teaching ArtA. To foster students’ creating ability can promote teaching quality. And to cultivate their lifelong abi

  • 【分类号】G831.3
  • 【被引频次】17
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