

Study on Tourism of the Republic of China

【作者】 程卫红

【导师】 孙占元;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 民国时期,在中国内部经济结构变更和西方外来因素的共同作用下,使得国内、国际旅游需求的巨大潜力迅速增长,中国近代旅游业应运而生。本文旨在叙述这一时期旅游业的发展概况;介绍各种旅游活动的模式以及著名人物的旅游风貌;评点当时的旅游理论及典型旅游作品;总结中国近代旅游业发展的特点及局限性;并对民国时期的旅游业与中国社会近代化作了一尝试性的评价。这一时期旅游最显著的特点是,进一步深入政治、经济、文化各个领域,并且直接的和救亡启蒙与近代化的时代主题紧密相连。旅游业作为自近代以来中国社会中延续至今而且越来越重要的一个活动,对21世纪中国的影响至深且远。因此在中国现代旅游业发展的日新月异的今天,有必要站在新世纪的高度,从旅游文化的视角对民国时期的旅游业进行审视和评价。 民国时期,出现了中国近代经济发展史上的黄金时代,在很大程度上带动了中国城市近代化的深化、近代交通业的发展以及近代旅馆业的更新,从而为中国近代旅游业的产生提供了相应的物质基础和广阔的发展空间。此时中国的发展更加深入地和世界联系在一起,一方面,中国人与外部世界的沟通和交往更加频繁,因此观念也日益开化,开始更多地走出家乡,踏出国门,走向世界。另一方面,大批外国人也纷纷来到中国,为方便其在华的旅游,他们在上海、北京、天津等地设立了旅游机构。外资旅游机构的出现就成为中国近代旅游业产生与发展的催化剂。于是,1923年中国旅行社诞生了。 中国旅行社作为中国近代旅游业的主体和典型代表,在其建立的26年中经历了开拓创业、发展成熟和调整保持三段不平常的发展经历,逐渐发展成为分支机构遍布国内外的大型旅游机构,并且开展了各种各样的业务;在中国旅行社诞生和获得发展的同时,还产生了一批类似的倡导旅游的机构。这一时期,以铁路、公路、航运、民航为主体的近代化的交通网络初步形成,与此相适应,新式旅馆、交通旅馆和公寓则构成了中国近代旅馆业的基础和框架。旅游资源是发展旅游业的基础和前提,民国时期针对旅游资源也进行了大量的开发、利用与整理工作。 民国时期国内旅游兴旺,国际旅游扩大。国内旅游主要有观光之旅、宗教之旅、科考之旅、会议之旅、徒步之旅、救亡之旅等方式,无论是各界名人还是平民百姓,都积极参与。国际旅游又分为入境旅游和出境旅游,前者包括中国人走向世界的观光之旅、会议之旅、探险之旅、文化之旅以及游学之旅;后者包括西方人在华的观光之旅、考察之旅、“考古”之旅、宗教之旅和文化之旅等。 民国时期旅游活动的繁荣,相应地造就了丰富的旅游理论。这一时期的旅游理论因时制宜,一方面仍然继承了儒学自然审美和保守内敛的传统旅游观,一方面又开创新风,充实了具有时代特色的新内容,因此人们的旅游观念也就有了新变化。民国时期旅游活动的繁荣,还使得大批具有时代色彩的游记纷纷涌现,因数量繁多,不能一一列举分析,只能择其典型,作简要评析。 民国时期旅游业的发展尽管举步维艰,但还是形成以旅行社、交通业、旅馆业为主体的行业规模,具有了一定的旅游接待能力。而且这一时期国际旅游相对繁荣,此时的旅游因承载着更多的社会责任和历史重负,而成为中外文化交流的主要载体与途径。中国传统的旅游风尚便在这种划时代的文化交流与文化转型中,获得了移风易俗的发展机遇,同时也深刻地带动了中国城市近代化以及近代中国文化的转型。可是建立在中国近代畸形的经济基础之上的旅游业,却无论如何也摆脱不了其发展过程中的落后性和非常浓厚的殖民地特征。因此中国近代旅游业没能作为一种重要的产业在社会经济中得以有计划、有系统的发展。

【Abstract】 During the period of the Republic of China (1912-1949), with the adjustment of internal economic structure in China and the external influence coming from the western world, the demand for both national and international tourism shot up overnight, Chinese modern tourism thus emerged as the times required. This paper is to account the development of the tourism during this period, introduce the pattern of every kind of tourism activity and the tourism features of famous figures, and comment on the tourism theories and typical tourism works at that time. It also summarizes the characteristics and limitations of the development of Chinese modern tourism and makes an attempt on commenting on the modernization of Chinese society and the tourism during the period of the Republic of China. In this period, the most notable characteristic of tourism was that it went deep into every field such as politics, economic and culture. So it is necessary to look back and appraise for the tourism field of the field of the Republic of China from the visual angle travel culture.During the period of the Republic of China, a golden age appeared in the history of Chinese modern economy. It speeded up not only the modernization of Chinese cities but also the development of modern transport service and the renewal of modern hotels. All these together provided the required materialbase and wide development space for the emergency of Chinese modern tourism. What’s more, the development of China had been closely connected with that of the whole world then. On one hand, more communications and contacts were going on between Chinese people and the outside world. With their sense becoming more civilized, more Chinese people left their hometown and went abroad. On the other hand, a large number of foreigners flooded into China at the same time. To make it convenient for touring in China, they set up the tourism organizations in Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin and some other places. The emergency of tourism organization founded by foreign capital became the catalyst of the arising and development of Chinese modern tourism. Thus China Travel Service was born in 1923.China Travel Service, as the main body and typical representative of Chinese modern tourism, gradually developed into a large organization with branches both at home and abroad after experiencing the three periods of initiating, developing and adjusting in twenty-six years since its founding. During the time China Travel Service was born and acquired development, a series of organizations which seemed to advocate tourism came into being at the same time. The modern transport network whose main body was made up of railways, roads, shipping and civil aviation initially took shape. New hotels, transport hotels and apartments became the base and frame of Chinese modern hotels. Being the base and premise of tourism, tourism resources were largely explored, used and arranged during this period.National tourism thrived and international tourism enlarged during the period of the Republic of China. The national tourism mainly included travel for sightseeing, travel for religion, travel for scientific on-the-spot investigation, travel for attending the meeting, travel for saving the nation from extinction and hiking. Everyone took an active part in them, civilians or big bananas in every walk they might be. The international tourism was made up of travel leaving the country and travel entering the country. The former included travel for sightseeing, travel for attending the meeting, travel for making exploration, travel for communicating culture and so on of Chinese people going around the world; the latter included travel for sightseeing, travel for on-the-spot investigation, travel for engaging in archaeological studies, travel for religion and travel for communicating culture of the westerners’ visiting China.Flourishing tourism activities gave birth to colorful tourism theories during the period of the Republic of China. On one hand, tourism theories of this period inherited

【关键词】 民国时期旅游近代化
【Key words】 the Republic of Chinatourismmodernization
  • 【分类号】F592.9
  • 【被引频次】28
  • 【下载频次】901

